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1、七年级英语第二学期期末测试卷(二)姓名一、词汇考查(每小题I分,共10分A) 根据句意及所给词的汉语您恩写出单词:I. ICs good fix us lobrush our(牙齿).2.1 want(o keep a(宠物)dog.3.1 will have an important(考试)kmiofrow.4. There arc tour visitors from(德国).5. We should have hcalthv eating(习愦).B) 根据句意.用括号中所给词的话当形式顼空.6. Mike( visit )Xian next week.7. (luck ). he di

2、dnt himself when be fell off his bike.8. (read) books is good for us.9. There (be) two bottles of pop and a glass of milk on the table.10. The little boy is very(interest) in the game.二,语法与情系会话(每小JSI分,共17分)()1. Kate likes to playguitar. Jim likes(o playfboiball.A. a; the B. the;/ C. / ;/ D. /; the()

3、2.My aunt has aboy.A. fivc-ycais-old B. five year old C. five-year-old D. tivc-ycars old()3. We oftenin summer.A. go skating B. go skiing C. go swimming D. go hunting()4. Miss Liu is: we all like him.A. such a good (cachcrB. such good teacherC. so a good teacherD. so good teacher()5.-do you go shopp

4、ing? -Twice a week.A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How many()6. We cant read ih sun .hs bad fbr our eyes.A. onB. in C. al D. for()7.1 want to write something. Please give me.A. a paperB. two papersC. a piece of paperD. two pieces of papers()8. Bob and Jim spendtime on computer games.A. loo m

5、uch B. (oo many C. much too D. many loo()9. Though his grandnuxher lives. she never feels.A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. alone: lonely D. lonely; alone()10.Who teach you English? Nobody. 1 learn it all byA. meB. myC. myself D. 1()II.Hello. Could I speakMr. Black, please? A. Who are you?B. No.

6、you couldntC. Yes. This is Mr. Black speaking. D. Yes. you could.)12. Have a good trip! .A. Thank you B. Youre welcome C. Have a good trip, too D. Yes, please. )13. Itme 15 minutes to get to school by bus.A. paidB. comC. spend D. took)14. Look a( (he new word. We muMin lhe dictionary.A. look it on B

7、. look up it C. look on it D. look it up)15. This scarf is too small. Would you give meone.A. another B. the otherC. othersD. the others()16.1 cant waitthe coming Christmas.A. asB. toC.fbr()17. There arcstudents a( lhe square.A. thousands B. thousands of C. thousand三、动词考查(每题一分,共10分)()I .Listen! Shea

8、n English song.A. singing B. is sing C. sings()2. Jim is iady(o American for his holiday.B. to goC. goingDofD thousand ofD. is singingA.forgo)3.1 want to keep.A.lcamB. to IcamC. learning)4.1 hope(he gn:at writer MO Yan one day.A. seeB(o seeC. seeing)5.1 can Chinese and English.A. speakB.tcllC. talkB

9、.川方柢中所给诃组的诂当形K培令 so I will stay at the library all day.D. learnedD. seesD. saylook forward s get ready for d。well in play against take part in6. The children always school a( 7:20 a.m.7. Danny isseeing his uncle (his summer holiday.8.1 am too busy this summer. I canIany more activities.9. In August.

10、 our team willthe lions.10. The bovhis exam. His mother was very happv.四、句型转换k每空一词,共1。分)maths.1. Tom does well in maths .(改为问义句 Tbm2. h is 1114 kilometres liom Xian (o Beijing.(对划线fffi分提问)is it from Xian to Beijing ?water.3. We cant live . There is no water,(合并为一句)We cant live _4. My sister gets up

11、at 6:00 every morning .(用 tomorrow 改写)My sisterup at 6:00 tomorrow .the weather is today !5. The weaiber is very warm loday . 五、汉译英,(每空1分,共分)1 .我不切道如何才能保持6!康I dont know how to 2. 现在轮到你唱成 f Nowyourto sing a song3. 他们上周在湖边野 Theyanear the lake last week4. 明天去踢足球怎么样?going football tomorrow?5. 他将和我分享他的故事

12、.He will his storyme.六,完形填空每小题1分,共10分)There is a pictureL a park. You can see 2 people in (he park, There is a river.There arent any flowers. 3 (here are some wees. (he trees some birds 5. A. birdsB. riverC. trees()6. A. eatingB. standingC. siting()7. A. spyingB. speakingC. talking(8. A. nearB. inC.

13、 on(9. A. nearB. inC. at()10. A. Lei usB. LetsC. Let七、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)(A)(he river. Arc there any boys in the river? 10 meNick is i 14-yeiir-old school boy. His life is full of exams aixl studies on weekdays. He has liule free (ime. He thinks playing computer games is (he best way lu make him relax. When he has free time, he sits in front of the computer. Jusl like that way. he neither cats nor drinks for several hours.Last weekend, he played games on the computer again. He was too excited and didnt want to nwve. He didnt have anything for six hours. When he had(o go (o



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