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1、七年级英语第二学期期末测试卷姓名I、根据句意,用括号中所给中文提示或单词的正确形式填空,每空一词.(10分)1. She s100 yuan buying this dress.2.1 have a good (机会 u visit the interesting place .3.1 donl(4识到)(his until you cold me .4. We have a (外国的)teacher . She teaches us French .5. Can you(分享)your happiness with us?6. Please keep the door(close) when

2、 you go out.7. Who is (he(win) of (he competition.8.1b tell you the(true), I decided to change my eating habits .9. (lucky),we all passed (he exanis.lO.Our culture is diflcrcnt from(west) culture.U、单项选择20分)()1 .There scat on the chair.cat isorange.A. a: The; / B. in Theian C. a; A;an D the ; The;。()

3、2. You should not catmcatiyou arc too fat.A.(oo many B.ioo much C.inuch loo D.inany too()3.strange weather ! We cant go swimming ?A. How B. What C. How a D. Wha( a()4-1the baby carefully. But 1nothing .A. listened; heard B. liMened io ;heard C. heard; listened to D. heard; listened()5.Lucy . remembe

4、r to lock the door before leaving the house .A. OK. I will B. Yes, please C. h*$ hard to say D. h doesnt matter.()6 I bought an MP5 in the shopping center. Itme five hundred yuan.A.iookB.spendC.cosi D.paid()7.1our school at 9:00 this morning .A. goB arrivedC. reached D. ge( (o()8.My father doesnt li

5、ke dnnking cotTcc. So hedrinks it.A. usually B. often C. never D. always()9.I)on*t forgetthe lights when you leave .A. io turn off B. lumoff C. o (urn on D. (urn on( )10.Thank you very much for the birthday cake ibr me.A. (o cut B. cuuing C. cut D. cuts()11.-arc you late for school? -Because my bike

6、 is wrong.A. Why B. Whai C. Where D. Which()12.-was j-our lite at that time ?-h was quite and happy A. Whai B. How C. Why D. Which()I3.-Happy New Yean Kilty! -.A. 临,m very happyB. Thanks The same to youC. OK. you re rightD. Not at al)()14. Every year.farmers go to big cities to work.A. thousand B. t

7、housands C. thousand of D. thousands of()15. Would you like to tell us?A. anything interestingB. something interestingC. interesting anythingD. interesting something()16. There arc many beautiful flowers onside of the Yellow River.A.bmh B.allC.cachD.cvcry()17. PlcaM! keep the (ahlc .A.clcan B.clcanc

8、d C.clcaning D.clcans()18. Pm going to Canada for my summer holiday. !A. Merry Chrisinm B. Please go C. Have fun D. Thank you()19.is goodyour health.A. Do eye exercise, fbr B. Doing exercise, fbrC.Do eye exercises,(oD .Doing eye exercises, to()20. -We are going on a school irip comorrow. .A. Excuse

9、meB. Tm sorry 4Lucy. can I use your English dictionaiy?-Sure. But youreturn it before the class.A. must B. canC. mayD. would()5.watch TV too much, boys and girls. A. Noe B. No C. Dont D. Doesnt(Bi根据题意,用所给短语的浦当形土填空canc wait to, look up. be diflerent from, stay health); play against.Running helps usev

10、ery day .7.Seasons in Australiaseasons in many other countries8.1bmplay musk fbr all my friends.9. Weother teams Iasi week.10. Tonithis word in a dictionary now.IV,句型转换(10分)1.1 dont have brothers or sisters , (KJ义句Ibrother or sister.2. Thcy built a beautiful house last ysr(否)Theya beautiful house la

11、st year.3. He goes to see a film twice a week . 提何)docs he go(o see a Him?4. It takes him half an hour to watch TV every evening.(改为同义句)He half an hour TV every evening.5. Hc went to the library last wock.(用 next week 改写句子)Heto (he library next week .V、完形填空每小题i分,共io分)Yesterday. Tom and Lily didnt go

12、 to 1_. They were 2 games. Tom said. Lily, lefs play Touch your nose.* Lily said .OK. I 3 it very much.* 4.Tom touched hisnose. When Lily said .Left eye; Tom touched his left 5 .Lily said. “Righi ear Tom couched his right ear. Torn played well in the 6 Then iis Lilys turn to touch her nose. She 7her

13、 hand on her head. When Tbm said. “Face. She touched8 Tom said、Righi leg. and then “Lefi hand.* Lily 9 all those very well. Lily was very happy. Just at that moinent(就在此时),Tom said, Left hand. Again . Lily touched her right ami.10laughed()1. A. schoolB.shopC.parkD.zoo()2. A. havingB.playingC.hcaringD.taking()3. A. likedB.doC.likcD.did()4. A. FirstB.SccondC.ThirdD. Fourth()5. A .faceB.cyxrC. mouthD.nosc()6. A. schoolB.parkC.gamcD.homc()7. A. cleanedB.putC.washcdD.puttcd()8. A. itsB.lheirC.hersD.his()9. A. madeB.didC.docsD.tnakes()10.A.TheyB.LilyC.lbmD.Sheloudly.VI、闽读理解每小题2分



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