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1、河南省商丘市古城中心校2022年高三英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. If you keep on breaking the rules, you will be fired _? I dont care AHow come BWhy not CWhat if DSo what参考答案:D2. _ enough knowledge , you will be admitted into colleges .A. Equipped with B. Equip for C. Equipping for D. Equip with参考答案:A3. Knowledge from real life

2、isnt easier to forget than _ achieved from textbooks Ait Bthat Cone Dthose参考答案:B略4. What are we going to do with the large cupboard ?Im sure it _ a very good shelf Awill make Bis making Cis made Dcan be made参考答案:A5. _ you are supposed to do _ you dont like a thing is _ it. Dont complain.A. That; wha

3、t; change B. When; that; to change C. What; when;to change D. What; that; changing参考答案:C6. The Subway Line 16 _ in Beijing is planned to open this year.Abeing built BbuildingCbuilt Dto build参考答案:A考点:非谓语动词试题解析:本题考查非谓语动词。在名词之后的空格要优先找动词与前面名词的主被动关系,本题 16 号线和建设为被动关系,排除 B、D 两个选项。空后已知内容是计划开通,可知建 设还未完成,故确定A

4、选项为答案。7. He _ the exam, but he was too careless.A. could have passed B. couldnt have passed C. must have passed D. may have passed参考答案:A略8. The book was written in 1946, _ the education system has witnessed great changes.A. since when B. after which C. since then D. during which参考答案:A 9. -Can you co

5、me for dinner on Sunday or Saturday?-Im afraid _ day is possible.A. either B. neither C. some D. any参考答案:B10. During the negotiation to follow, it can be argued that shares of foreign companies are overvalued _ the return they offer.A. in terms of B. in memory ofC. in favor of D. in charge of参考答案:A【

6、详解】考查词组。A. in terms of依据; B. in memory of为了纪念-;C. in favor of 支持,赞成; D. in charge of负责,管理。句意:在接下来的谈判中,可以说外国公司的股票在回报方面被高估了。结合句意可知答案为A。11. With no arrangements reached,the leaders in the sixside talks will spend another two hours,_ in the hotel,discussing the nuclear problem of North Korea()AlockingBh

7、aving lockedClockedDbeing locked参考答案:C句中lock与leaders构成动宾关系,且句意表达的是客观事实,要用表示被动的过去分词作方式状语故选C12. The difference in thickness and weight from the earlier version makes the iPad 2 more comfortable _.A. held B. holding C. be held D. to hold参考答案:D略13. Many life experiences make me realize that it is hard w

8、ork and determination as well as the good nature _ make a person what he is.A. when B. which C. how D. that参考答案:D14. Is this factory _you visited last week?A that B where C the one D in which参考答案:C15. _ the working efficiency, the boss allows the employees to have a coffee break.A. Improving B. To i

9、mprove C. Having improved D. Improved参考答案:B 16. Sense of happiness of citizens has little, _,to do with the size of a city.A. if ever B. if any C. if at all D. if anything参考答案:D17. Im sorry. I shouldnt have been shouting at you. You _ your temper but thats all right.A. have lostB. had lostC. were lo

10、singD. did lose参考答案:D【详解】考查强调谓语的用法。句意:-对不起,我不应该冲你大声喊叫。-你确实发脾气了但是没关系。分析句子可知,此处强调谓语lost,强调谓语时,可以用do,does,did+动词原形。分析句意可知,此事已经过去了,故应用一般过去时。故应用did lose。结合选项,故选D。18. The work was not easy to finish, but he managed to complete it at _.A. first B. leastC. most D. length参考答案:D【详解】考查短语辨析。句意:这项工作不容易完成,但是他最终设法

11、完成了。at first起初;at least至少;at most至多;at length终于,最后。故选D。19. You can eat food free in my restaurant you likeA. whenever B. wherever C. whatever D. however参考答案:A二、 新的题型20. Small talk is the short conversations we have at parties, while we wait in line at the store, at family events or work. Sometimes w

12、e make small talk with people we already know but not well. Often we have to make small talk with complete strangers. 36 Here are some tips to improve your small-talking ability.1. 37 If you have seen a really good movie or have read a really good book, you can talk about that.When you are sharing t

13、he same experience with someone, its easy to start a conversation. You simply notice and comment on whats going on around you. For example, if you are at a party and a song comes on that you like or that reminds you of something, you can talk about that.2. Ask open-ended questionsThese types of questions require more thought and more than a simple one-word answer. 38 , the conversation will go on longer.3. Become a studentNobody knows everything. So, as


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