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1、2022年初中毕业学业水平模拟检测英语试题六 2022年初中毕业学业水平模拟检测英语试题六 本文关键词:学业,年初,英语试题,水平,检测 2022年初中毕业学业水平模拟检测英语试题六 本文简介:2022年初中毕业学业水平模拟检测英语试题六听力理解:I.听下面5个句子,从所给的备选项中选出与你所听到的句子意义一样或相近的选项。每题将给出5秒钟的答题时间。每个句子读两遍。10分1.A.Tinastartedtoworkinthecompanyat22oclock.B.Whenshewa 2022年初中毕业学业水平模拟检测英语试题六 本文内容: 2022年初中毕业学业水平模拟检测英语试题六 听力理解

2、: I. 听下面5个句子,从所给的备选项中选出与你所听到的句子意义一样或相近的选项。每题将给出5秒钟的答题时间。每个句子读两遍。10分 1. A. Tina started to work in the company at 22 oclock. B. When she was 22 years old,Tina started to work in the company. C. Tina has worked in the company for 22 years. 2. A. Ann went to the concert with her father. B. Anns father

3、didnt want her to go to the concert. C. Anns father has no tickets for the concert. 3. A. My grandma couldnt find the library book. B. My grandma returned the library book. C. My grandma borrowed a book from the library. 4. A. They found out the answer after a while. B. Soon they came to ask for the

4、 answer. C. The question was not easy for them to answer. 5. A. The digital cameras can take good photos. B. They used to take photos by using digital cameras. C. Digital cameras are used for taking photos by them. II. 听下面5组对话及问题,在所给的备选项中选出正确答案。每题将给出5秒钟的答题时间。每组对话读两遍。10分 6. A. Three weeks ago.B. Two

5、weeks.C. For half a month. 7. A. She is not sure of that. B. She agrees with the man. C. She doesnt agree with the man. 8. A. On Christmas Day.B. On December 24C. On December 26. 9. A. No Photos.B. No Parking.C. No Smoking. 10. A. Silk.B. Cotton.C. Paper. III. 听下面的一段短文,依据短文内容答复以下问题。将给出30秒钟的答题时间。读两遍。

6、共10分 11. Where do Mr. Baker and Mr. Smith work? A. In a factory.B. In a university.C. In a hospital. 12. How did Mr. Smith go home that day? A. By car.B. By bus.C. By bike. 13. Why didnt the servant let Mr. Baker in? A. Because Mr. Smith didnt want to see him. B. Because Mr. Smith didnt let her open

7、 the door for any visitors. C. Because she was too lazy to tell Mr. Smith about it. 14. How did Mr. Smith feel when the servant didnt open the door for him? A. He became sad.B. He became worried.C. He became sorry. 15. Why did Mr. Smith believe that Mr. Baker must be at home? A. Because he heard Mr.

8、 Baker speaking. B. Because he saw Mr. Baker inside. C. Because he heard Mr. Baker crying. .单项选择(共15小题,计15分) 从各题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项 16. It is _useful book and it gives us lots of knowledge. A. a B. an C. the D. / 17. What do you think of the cake? I like it very much. It tastes _. A. good B. well C. terrible D. pretty 18. What is your favorite animal? I like _best of all. A. stamps


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