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1、黑龙江省绥化市第一中学高二英语月考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Only in this way to make improvement in the operating system. A.you can hopeB. you did hope C.can you hopeD. are you hope参考答案:C2. There was such a long queue for the ticket that I _ gave up, though I wanted to attend the concert so much.A. ridiculouslyB. eventuallyC. a

2、ppropriatelyD. deliberately参考答案:B3. If you have good reading strategies, what seems confusing at first _ upon further reading. A. makes senseB. worksC. countsD. pays参考答案:A略4. With the _ of making a fortune, many Chinese went to Australia in the 19th century to wash sand for gold.A. pleasure B. inten

3、tion C. approach D. pattern参考答案:B5. One family in the UK went back in time to see _life was like without all the invention we have today Ahow Bwhich Cwhat Dwhy参考答案:C略6. Its not easy for a doctor to _ bird flu in humans from regular human seasonal flu.A. separate B. distinguish C. identity D. recogni

4、ze参考答案:B35、Robert is said abroad,but I dont know-what country he studied in.A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying参考答案:a略8. Are you going to Lucys Birthday party? If Kate wants to go, _.A. I also go B. so do I C. so I will D. so will I参考答案:D9. The librarian had to

5、_ the naughty boy in order to let others concentrate on their books.A. revolve B. surround C. silence D. adopt参考答案:C10. Parents always want us to listen to them, _, in fact, we want them to listen to us!A. who B. which C. while D. when 参考答案:C11. Willpower is a kind of quality, _ is _ it takes to do

6、anything wellAwhat; whichBwhat; whatCwhich; whichDwhich; what参考答案:A12. He could do nothing but _for the bus _. A. wait, to come B. wait; come C. waiting; coming D. waited; came参考答案:A13. Eating too much fat can _ to heart disease and high blood pressure.A. contribute B. devote C. attend D. turn参考答案:A

7、14. Though it sounds a bit too dear , it is worth _. A. being bought B. buying C. to buy D. buying it 参考答案:B15. Out there, in the midst of the snow,_ in long black jacket.A. a woman sat B. sat a woman C. sitting a woman was D. a woman was sitting参考答案:B16. Walking in the forest, he felt _ by the worl

8、d. A. abandoning B. abandoned C. to abandon D. abandonment 参考答案:B略二、 新的题型17. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Mr. and Mrs. Jackson worked in the same company. The man was skillful and earned twice as much, if not more than, 61 his wife. But he had to give all his money to his wife, 62 bought the

9、food, clothes and drinks for him. He was angry with her 63 couldnt say anything. All the men in the workplace were afraid of their wives and they felt sorry for each other.It was March 8th and all the women had a day off. The men were free to say whatever they wanted. They had endless 64 (complain)

10、about their wives. And they thought65 unfair that women had their own festival but they didnt. The more they said, the 66 (angry) they became. They decided to write a letter to the UN and advised them 67 (cancel) “Womens Day”. They asked Mr. Jackson to do it, too. The man agreed and began to write i

11、t.When Mr. Jackson finished it, his wife came in. Her key 68 (leave) in the workplace and she came for it. She made him hand the letter to her. 69 (read) it, the woman said with a smile, “How can you post it to the UN 70 I dont supply you with the money for buying a stamp?” 参考答案:61. as 62. who 63. b

12、ut 64. complaints 65. it 66. angrier 67. to cancel 68. had been left 69. Having read 70. if三、 阅读理解18. A 9-year-old girl with a pacemaker who died early today was suffering shakes on a city bus when a driver refused to take her to a nearby hospital, witnesses (目击者)said.Officials of the Chicago Transi

13、t Authority said they were investigating. The child, Nicole Hobson, was being taken by her mother to Childrens Memorial Hospital about 11 P. M., Wednesday to check her recently inserted (插入) pacemaker.The child was stricken about a mile from the hospital. Her mother, May Hobson, 40, said, “I told th

14、e bus driver that my baby had just had heart operation and that she was having a heart failure. He said he couldnt go through the traffic.”Ted Garretson, 28, a passenger who had tried to bring back Nicoles life, said the driver did nothing to help and stopped once to pick up more passengers.When the driver reached a corner where he was to make a turn, a block from the hospital, he told Mrs. Hobson to get off, she said.A transit spokesman said the driver


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