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1、2020年浙江省绍兴市回山中学高三英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. _ Tom to be fit for the office, the boss _ taking him on.A. Consider, considered B. Considering, consideringC. Considering, considered D. Considered, considering参考答案:C2. I really dont know if not until I told him four times_what I meant to do the other day.A. he

2、 understoodB. did he understandC. had he understoodD. he had understood参考答案:B 3. Some developing countries are trying to get every child into school. They are experiencing similar difficulties to _ that China faces. A. one B. that C. these D. those参考答案:D4. Lost and Found Office. _ ? I wonder if you

3、have a camera of mine. A. Whats that B. Whos that C. Is there anything D. Can I help you参考答案:D5. She has expressed her hope _ the foreign students will spread the good will and sincerity of the Chinese people to other parts of the world.A. that B. whichC. whether D. what参考答案:A试题分析:考查名词性从句。句意:她已经表述了她

4、的愿望,希望外国学生将向世界的其他地方传播中国人民的美好愿望。此处考查的是同位语从句,空后都是为hope的解释和说明,that可引导同位语从句,并在从句中不作任何成分,也无任何意义。故A正确。6. I smoke out of _habit, not for _pleasure, and I have had this habit for twenty years. A. a; the B. the; a C. /; the D. /; / 参考答案:D7. 26 .No matter what you say, I shall _ my opinion. A. carry out B. ke

5、ep up C. insist on D. stick to 参考答案:D略8. The students started their exciting journey in balloons_ by jets of hot gas.A. drove B. to drive C. driven D. driving参考答案:Cdrive 与balloons是动宾关系,所以选择过去分词driven,构成过去分词短语作后置定语。9. _ private cars are bringing us convenience, they may also cause more traffic accide

6、nts and pollution.A. While B. As C. If D. Since参考答案:A23. To tell you the truth, if you want to study abroad, you must pay more attention to _English every day.A. practise speaking B. practising speakingC. practising to speak D. practise to speaking参考答案:B略11. The specialist, _ some of his assistants,

7、 _ to attend our discussion. A. and; is B. or; are C. as well as; is D. except for; are参考答案:C12. All of my classmates are straight-A students, which means I have to spare no effort in studying to_ them. ( ) A. keep up with B. put up with C. come up with D. feed up with参考答案:A13. Big companies usually

8、 have a lot of branch offices _ in different parts of the world.A. to have operated B. be operated C. operating D. having operated参考答案:C略14. Tony was very unhappy for _ to the party.A. having not been invited B. not having invited C. having not invited D. not having been invited 参考答案:D15. The sunspo

9、t came into its active stage last year, that happens once every eleven years.A. one B. it C. the one D. what参考答案:A16. They are trying their best to money for their favorite activitytravelAset off Bset up Cset about Dset aside参考答案:D二、 书面表达17. 进入高三以后,大多数同学觉得学习压力大,时间紧,就不用再花费时间去锻炼了。从而导致很多同学体质下降。假如你叫李华,发

10、现同学李明最近总是生病,决定给他写一封建议信,说说体育锻炼的益处和缺乏锻炼可能出现的问题。 注意:1词数100左右; 2开头已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Li Ming, I am sorry to hear that you have been ill for days and hope you are better now. With best wishes! Yours,Li Hua参考答案:Dear Li Ming,I am sorry to hear that you have been ill for days and hope you are better now. You h

11、ave studied so hard that you have had no time for exercise, which is harmful to your health. I feel it would be more beneficial to your health if you could take more exercise in future.Taking exercise can improve you physical health and refresh your mind. After one or two hours of exercise you can s

12、tudy better. Only when you have a strong body can you keep on studying without feeling tired. Otherwise your study will be interrupted from time to time by the sickness.Exercise is as useful and important as your study. I hope you can take at least one hours exercise every day after you are recovered.With best wishes!Yours truly,Li Hua18. 书面表达(满分25分)右边的照片展现了志愿者活动的一个情景。请根据以下提示用英语写一篇短文:1简述照片内容;2谈谈你的感想;3说说你能做什么。注意:1词数120左右。开头已经写好,不计人总


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