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1、 职场英语口语:商务洽谈中常用的口语 elegant and graceful雅典大方:e.g. The exquisite hand-flown craftsmanship makes her so elegant and graceful.人工吹制的精湛技艺让她显得如此名贵优雅。 e.g. The classic design of Austrian brand Swarovski is a crystal swan, elegantand graceful, quite and charming. 奥地利品牌施华洛世奇精典造型是一只水晶天鹅,名贵高雅,沉静迷人。 e.g. All kin

2、ds of the high-grade crystal and mosaic products we produce are pure in colour, elegant and graceful , long-lived and unfading. 公司生产的各类高档水晶马赛克,色泽纯粹,高雅大方,具有经久耐用、永不褪色的特点。 elegant appearance美观大方: e.g. Elegant appearance, low consumption, high output, low noise, easy to operate. 形状美观大方,能耗低、产量高、噪音小,操作便利。

3、e.g. Novelty and elegant appearance take man in a new and fresh environment.造型新奇、精湛的工艺和漂亮的外观给您耳目一新的感觉。 e.g. It can be combined with fixed window, side hung window and curtain wall , so as to form various models of design and give a good looking and elegant appearance. 可与固定窗,平开窗,幕墙组合在一起,形成多种设计形式,美观大方

4、。 e.g. Uses the high quality section welding formation, the superficial static electricity spurts models, reliable durable, elegant appearance. 采纳优质型钢焊接成型,外表静电喷塑,坚固耐用,美观大方。 e.g. Fan house adopt new design, light weight, elegant appearance, easy to install. 外壳设计轻快,重量轻、美观大方、易于安装; elegant shape形状大方: e.

5、g. Excellent quality, elegant shape, convenient to use and economy are its biggeststrong points of it. 质量上乘,外观精致,使用便利经济实惠是其的优点。 e.g. Fashion and elegant shape, featuring delicacy and taste and modern feeling Ultra -slim size facilitating carrying-on . 外型时尚高雅,精巧大方,极具现代感。超小体积,便利携带。 e.g. All our produc

6、ts are made of fine imported stainless steel obtain customers praises for the high quality elegant shape reasonable price thoughtful after-sale services. 跟我司产品全部采纳进口优质不锈钢制造,以优良的品质、美丽的造型、合理的价格和完善周到的售后效劳赢得市场。 bright luster色泽光亮: e.g. She has a bright luster and rich floral, fruits incense. 拥有光明的光泽和丰富的花

7、香、鲜果香。 e.g. The product has the wool link fluffily , feel soft, the hygroscopicity strong, the luster bright, the design novel, works fine and so on the characteristics. 产品具有毛环蓬松、手感松软、吸水性强、色泽艳丽、图案新奇、做工精细等特点。 e.g. Product host good, feel soft, the luster is bright, quality excellent. 产品主正度好,手感松软,色泽艳丽

8、,品质精良。 beautiful and charming华美臻美: e.g. To look fresh and refined, soft does not wrinkle texture, style, beautiful andcharming, functional flexibility and other features to market highlights. 跟以其外观清爽脱俗、质地轻软不皱、风格靓丽迷人、功能富有弹性等特点占据市场亮点。 e.g. Install behind, was beautiful and charming and add seductive c

9、harm. 成装上身后,既美丽妩媚,又倍添迷人魅力。 aesthetic appearance样式美观: e.g. Sand-sliver color by oxidation surface treatment, simple and aesthetic appearance.外表经过氧化处理沙银色,形状简洁美观。 e.g. The whole machine is designed in a structure of completely sealing, aesthetic appearance. 整机全密封构造设计,形状美观 e.g. Aesthetic appearance of t

10、heir products, taste-soon, the most important ecologicalpollution-free, absolutely green food. 其产品形状美观,味淳,最重要的是生态无公害,肯定绿色食品。 the design novel设计新奇: e.g. We promise toward customer to provide quality high, the design is novel, the pricehave the competition ability. 我们保证向客户供应质量高、设计新奇、价格具有竞争力的产品。 e.g. T

11、he appearance is designed beautiful, avoiding the defect that the shifter lever isexposed; the design is novel and unique and the device is simple and pragmatic. 本设计外观美观,避开了拨杆外露的缺陷,创意 很新奇独特,又简洁有用。 e.g. The array design is novel, structure is compact, performance is perfect, and reliability is good.

12、该声基阵设计新奇、构造紧凑、性能优良、工作牢靠。 a complete range of specifications规格齐全: e.g. Our products have a complete range of specifications and steady good quality. 本公司产品质量稳定,品种规格较为齐全。 e.g. Diverse varieties, complete specifications, to provide customers with a full range of services. 品种多样、规格齐全,为客户供应全方位的效劳。 e.g. Our

13、 products are deeply welcomed by domestic and foreign customers by the reasonof having a wide range of varieties and complete specifications and excellent quality. 永和公司因品种多,规格全,品质优而深受国内外客户的欢送。 a wide selection of colors and designs花色繁多: e.g. We have a wide selection of colors and designs. 我们有许多式样和颜色

14、可供选择。 e.g. The wide variety of silk colors and designs offer you a chance to give your suit a bit of flair. 假如你想让你的西装显得有些与从不同,各种各样的彩丝和设计会使你到达目的。 e.g. We can offer a variety colors and designs of decorative straps goes with your design. 我们可以依据您的要求,供应多种颜色和外观设计的装饰的带子。 vivid and bright颜色明快: e.g. At the

15、same time, it also has the feature of bright color, vivid pattern and moreselection. 同时具有颜色艳丽,花纹逼真,选择性强等特点。 e.g. Various colors are available, making the sports fields more bright, colorful, and vivid. 多种颜色可供选择,使活动场所更加艳丽、活泼。 e.g. The invention picture has such advantages as convenient supply of raw material, low cost, bright colors, true to life figures and vivid stereoscopic impression. 本创造的优点在于取材便利,造价低廉,并且颜色鲜亮,形象逼真,立体感强。



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