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1、 职场英语:做有效率的自己需要排除四大干扰 1. Focus on you. 关注自身。 Carve out a little quiet time in the mornings before diving into your overflowing inbox. If you start showing up before everyone else gets into the office, the quiet atmosphere can help you focus. With less distractions you can focus on what really matter

2、s and breeze through your most challenging projects. In fact, 89 percent of workers are most productive when working alone. Dont be afraid to shut your office door. This allows you to center yourself and focus more fully on work. 早上你在翻开那塞满邮件的收件箱之前,请挤出一点时间。假如你比其他人早来办公室,那么办公室宁静的气氛可以帮你集中精力。较少的干扰可以使你更好地

3、关注于重要的事情和轻松完成挑战性的工程。事实上,89%的员工在单独工作时效率。别可怕关掉你的办公室的大门。这都能使你更好的集中精神于工作。 2.Stop multitasking. 停顿多任务工作。 You could either get one task done well or a bunch of tasks done poorly. Which will you choose? Today, were living in a multi-screen world and weve all become multitaskingjunkies. A recent Google stud

4、y showed 66 percent of people use smartphones and computers simultaneously, while 90 percent of those surveyed use electronic devices sequentially throughout the day. Every time you stop a task to quickly check Twitter or answer a text, youre breaking up your concentration. Put your devices on silen

5、t and give your full attention to your work for more productive results. 你只能很好的完成一项工作或者很烂的的完成一堆工作。你会选择哪一种?现如今,我们正生活在一个多平台世界中,这使得我们都将会变成多任务工作狂。最新的谷歌调查显示有66%的人同时使用智能电话和电脑,同时90%的调查者在一天中都会不停地使用电子产品。每一次你停下工作来刷微博或者回短信,都会中断你的留意力。为了更有效率的工作,请把你的数码产品调至静音,并且全身心地投入工作。 3.Kick your email addiction. 戒掉你的邮件依靠症。 Obs

6、essive email checks are the drug of choice for most busy professionals. Are you really getting anything done if you stop your work every time another email pops up in your inbox? Schedule specific times during your day to check your email and only check it then. Otherwise, turn off the notifications

7、 on your email and focus on your tasks. Your phone still works, so dont worry about missing out on something important. 对于大多数繁忙的专业人士来说,强迫性查看邮件是其首要表现。假如每一次你的收件箱收到一封新邮件你都要停下工作来看,那么你真的能够把工作做完吗?定一个特地的时间来查收你的邮件并且只在那个时候查收。另外,将你新邮件的提示关掉并且集中精力于你的工作。你的手机还开机着呢,所以不要担忧会错过重要的事情。 4.Skip social media and pick up t

8、he phone. 忽视社交媒体并且打电话。 Lets be honest, sometimes the quickest route to information is to actually just pick up the phone. The typical employee sends about 43 emails per day and receives a whopping130 messages. Instead of wading through a never-ending deluge of emails, picking up the phone can be a m

9、uch faster and more personal way of getting the information you need. Not only will you be building connections with your coworkers, youll be cutting down on your distraction-filled inbox. 让我们诚恳一点,有时候恰恰就是简洁的打电话却能最快猎取信息。一般员工每天发送43封电子邮件并且收到高达130条信息。打电话可以更快速私人的猎取你需要的信息,而不用费劲收发没完没了的邮件。你不仅可以和你的同事建立联系,而且可以削减翻开塞满邮件的收件箱对你的干扰。 It can sometimes feel impossible to cut out distractions and get back on track. But productivity is right around the corner if you learn how to say goodbye to distractions and get focused. 有时候避开干扰,重新回到工作是不行能做到的。但是一旦我们学着告辞干扰并集中精力,工作就会有效率了。


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