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1、 2022年6月大学英语六级写作高分黄金句式【手机用户】点击进入免费试听【CET4】 * 【CET6】【电脑用户】点击进入免费试听四六级考试课程!列举法列举法是四级写作中常用的方法,一般用first, second等一系列标志词引出缘由或者可能的影响等。列举法常用的素材有:引出列举1. There may be a combination of factors which contribute to/are responsible for/can explain _. 或许有一些因素造成/可以解释_。2. There are probably three/many/several/a vari

2、ety of reasons for this dramatic/significant increase/decline in _.引起_显着增长/下降的缘由有三个/很多/几个/许多。3. Some reasons can explain this trend. 一些缘由可以解释这一趋势。4. Why _ ?为什么_?5. The causes of _ are varied. They include_ , perhaps the main cause is _. 造成_的缘由有许多,包括_,主要缘由可能是_。6. The reason for this is not far to see

3、k. 这一问题的缘由不难发觉。7. It is no easy task to identify the reasons for this phenomenon which involves several complicated factors. 要找出这一现象的缘由并非易事,由于它涉及若干简单的因素。8. There are numerous reasons why _, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here. _的缘由有许多,这里我只想探讨其中几个最重要的缘由。9. There are many re

4、asons responsible for this phenomenon, and the following are the typical ones. 导致这种现象的缘由有许多,以下是其中比拟有代表性的。10. There are many reasons explaining this case. As for me, I regard the following as the typical ones. 有许多缘由可以解释该问题。就我而言,我认为以下缘由比拟典型。11. A number of factors could account for/contribute to/lead

5、to/result in the change of _. 引起_变化的因素有许多。 分条列举 1. In the first place, _. In the second place_ .首先,_。其次,_。2. First,_ . Second, _ . 首先,_。其次,_。3. To begin with, _. Secondly, _. Last but not least, _.首先,_。其次,_。最终但并不是最不重要的,_。4. The first reason is that _. The second one is _. The third is _. 第一个缘由是_。其次个

6、缘由是_。第三个缘由是_。5. First of all, _. Secondly,_ . Furthermore,_ .首先,_。其次,_。另外,_。6. For one thing, _. For another, _.一方面,_。另一方面,_。7. Firstly, _. Secondly, _. Thirdly, _.首先,_。其次,_。再次,_。8. Another reason why I disagree with the above statements is that I believe_.我不同意上述观点的另一个缘由是我认为_。 比照法 比照法是指通过比照两种截然不同的观点

7、来陈述其中的利弊,从而得出自己的结论。比照法常用的素材有:1. The advantages gained in _ outweigh/are much greater than the advantages we gain from _. 从_中猎取的优势远远超过我们从_中猎取的。2. _ bear(s) a close/striking resemblance to _._与_极为相像。3. On the one hand, _. On the other hand, _.一方面,_。另一方面,_。4. Similarly/Likewise/In the same way,_ . 同样,_

8、。5. Although _ enjoy(s) a distinct advantage, _.尽管_有明显优势,但是_。6. Many students like _. Among them there are two different attitudes to _. Some of them think that . Others, however, dont think so. They feel that _. 很多学生喜爱_。关于他们有两种不同的观点。有人认为_。而另外一些则不赞同这种看法。他们认为_。7. Nothing/Few things can approach/equal

9、/match _. 没有什么能与_相比。8. Indeed, _ carries more weight than _when _ is concerned.确实,就_而言,_的重要性要超过_。9. Serious as the problem may be, it pales into insignificance by comparison with . 这个问题可能很严峻,但与相比就微缺乏道了。10. In comparison/contrast, _ . 比拟而言/比照起来,_ 。11. Indeed/Certainly, _ play(s) a more/less important

10、 role when compared with _. 固然,与_相比,_的影响要大/小得多。12. Despite the fact that most of them like _, I would like to choose to _.尽管有很多人喜爱_,我还是倾向于_。13. When the advantages and disadvantages are compared/weighed, the conclusion/finding is quite obvious/self-evident. 比拟一下优缺点,结论就不言而喻了。14. There is no consensus

11、 among people as to _. Some people suggest that _, while others argue that _. I agree with the latter/former.人们并未就_达成全都意见。一些人建议_,而另一些人则争论说_。我赞成后者/前者。15. People differ greatly in their attitudes toward this problem. Some maintain that _. Others, on the contrary, hold the opinion that _. Personally, I

12、 stand on the side of _. 人们对于这个问题的态度差异很大。有人认为_。与此相反,另外一些人认为_。就我个人而言,我站在_这一边。16. For most people today, _have/has become their main source of _. But as for me, _should be regarded as a better source. 如今大多数人将_作为_的主要来源。但就我而言,_应被看作一种更好的来源。17. _may be superior to _, but it poses problems for those who _.

13、 _可能比_更好一些,但它会给那些_的人带来问题。18. Different people have different ideas about _. Some people take it for granted that _. On the contrary, some other people think _.关于_的观点因人而异。有人想固然地认为_。相反,其他人则认为_。19. This case has aroused echoes throughout the country with more and more people following its lead, but ideas about it vary widely. Those who criticize/oppose/object to/are against it argue/hold that _, but people who advocate/support/are for it maintain/assert/claim that _. 随着越来越多的人参加它的行列,这一大事已经在全国引起



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