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1、2020-2021学年山西省临汾市襄汾县陶寺乡联合学校高一英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. His friends insisted that Tony _ nothing to do with drugs and they insisted that he _ free immediately. A. have, be set B. had, was set C. had, be set D. have, was set参考答案:C2. I _ her, but I never could. A. ought to help B. must help C. must have helped

2、 D. ought to have helped 参考答案:D3. I think we should _ all these old toys to the local children hospital. A.give away B. give out C. give off D. give in参考答案:A4. I tried all I could do _ the topic at the meeting, but failed. A. avoid mentioning B. to avoid mentioning C. avoiding to mention D. avoiding

3、 mentioning 参考答案:B略5. -Must we take a university degree?-It depends.In _ most countries, a university degree can give you _ flying start in life.A.the; a B.the; / C./;/ D./;a参考答案:D6. It is believed that if a book is _ , it will surely _ the readers.A. interested; interest B. interesting; be interest

4、ed C. interested; be interesting D. interesting; interest参考答案:D7. $200,but that is my last offerOK,its a Acost Bprice Cdeal Dbusiness参考答案:C8. It was due to her elegant(优雅的) _ and gentle temper that she has won the respect of her colleagues.Adeeds Bbehaviors Cbehavior Dactions参考答案:C略9. -Shall I invit

5、e Ann to my birthday party tomorrow evening?-Yes. Itll be fine if you_.A. are B. can C. invite D. do参考答案:D10. Always remember to put such dangerous things as knives out of childrens _.A. touch B. sight C. reach D. distance参考答案:C11. Ill be going to work on foot while my bicycle_. A. is being repaired

6、 B. is repaired C. is repairing D. has been repaired参考答案:A12. If you know anything _ about it, you should tell us.A. after all B. all in all C. at all D. first of all参考答案:C13. Our boss is still on _ vacation, so the secretary will be in _ charge of the meeting today.A. a; / B. the; the C. /; / D. th

7、e; a 参考答案:C14. I know nothing about the young lady_ she is from Beijing()AexceptBexcept forCexcept thatDbesides参考答案:C对这位女士我除了知道她来自北京之外一无所知分析本句的意思可知,她来自于北京是关于她的唯一一点信息,而后面的she is from Beijing为一个完整的句子,所以用except that;用that引导一个宾语从句作介词except的宾语;故选C15. Many accidents _ by careless drivers last year. A. are

8、 caused B. were caused C. have caused D. will cause 参考答案:B略16. In reaction to this traditional medical treatment, he tried to put himself in situations _ would bring about positive emotions. A. whereB. whichC. whyD. as 参考答案:B17. She was worried about her son in the last two years.A. exactlyB. fortun

9、atelyC. fluentlyD. frequently参考答案:D18. The reporter said that the UFO _ east to west when he saw it. A. was traveling B. traveled C. had been traveling D. was to travel 参考答案:A二、 完型填空19. The True Story of Treasure IslandIt was always thought that Treasure Island was the product of Robert Louis Steven

10、sons imagination. _21_, recent research has found the true story of this exciting work.Stevenson, a Scotsman, had lived _22_ for many years. In 1881 he returned to Scotland for a _23_. With him were his American wife Fanny and his son _24_.Each morning Stevenson would take them out for a long _25_ o

11、ver the hills. They had been _26_ this for several days before the weather suddenly took a turn for the worse. Kept indoors for the heavy rain, Lloyd felt the days _27_. To keep the boy happy, Robert asked the boy to do some _28_.One morning, the boy came to Robert with a beautiful map of an island.

12、 Robert _29_ that the boy had drawn a large cross in the middle of _30_. “Whats that?” he asked. “Thats the _31_ treasure,” said the boy. Robert suddenly _32_ something of an adventure story in the boys _33_. While the rain was pouring, Robert sat down by the fire to write a story. He would make the

13、 _34_ a twelve-year-old boy, just like Lloyd. But who would be the pirate (海盗)?Robert had a good friend named Henley, who walked around with the _35_ of a wooden leg. Robert had always wanted to _36_ such a man in a story. _37_ Long John Silver, the pirate with a wooden leg, was _38_. KSo, thanks to a _39_ September in Scotland, a friend with a wooden leg, and the imagination of a twelve-year-old boy, we have one of the greatest _40_ stories in the English language.21. A. However B. Therefore C. Besides D. Finally22. A. alone B. next


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