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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑初级英语口语听力合集初级英语口语听力精选合集初级英语口语听力精选合集 初级英语口语听力:宝宝和袜子 The mother gave her baby a red apple. The baby tried to eat the apple. His mouth was too small. And he didnt have any teeth. His brother took the apple. His brother ate the apple. The baby cried. His brother gave the baby a blue bal

2、l to play with. The baby smiled. His brother took the ball from the baby. He rolled the ball on the floor. The brown and white dog picked up the ball. The dog chewed on the ball. The baby cried again. His brother picked up the cat. He put the cat on the bed with the baby. The baby pulled the cats ta

3、il. The cat jumped off the bed. The dog chased the cat. The baby cried again. His brother let the baby hold a sock. The baby played with the sock. The baby was happy. 妈妈给了宝宝一个红苹果。宝宝想吃苹果。他的嘴太小了。而且他没 有牙齿。他哥哥拿走了苹果。他哥哥把苹果吃了。小宝宝哭了。他哥哥给了宝宝 一个蓝色的球玩。宝宝笑了。他哥哥把球从宝宝那儿拿走了。他在地上滚着球。 棕白相间的狗捡起了球。狗咬着球玩。宝宝又哭了。他哥哥拿起了猫

4、。他把猫放 在床上跟宝宝一起。宝宝拽着猫的尾巴。猫从床上跳了下来。狗追着猫。宝宝又 哭了。他哥哥让宝宝拿着一只袜子。宝宝玩着袜子。宝宝很开心。 初级英语口语听力:鸟儿们和宝宝 The baby was lying on her back. A blue bird flew in through the window. The blue bird had blueeyes. It sat on the babys crib. The bird had a bell around its neck. The bell rang. The babysmiled. The baby reached f

5、or the bell. The bird shook its head. The bell fell off the birds neck.It fell next to the baby. The baby picked up the bell. The baby rang the bell. Another blue birdflew in through the window. This blue bird also had blue eyes. The baby had brown eyes. Thebirds looked at the baby. The baby looked

6、at the birds. The baby rang the bell again. Both birdsflew away. The baby started to cry. His mama came into the room. The baby smiled. Mama sawthe bell. She asked the baby where the bell came from. The baby pointed at the window. 小宝宝平躺着。一只蓝色的鸟从窗户飞了进来。这只蓝色的鸟有蓝色 的眼睛。它站在宝宝的婴儿床上。这只鸟的脖子上有一个铃铛。铃铛响了。宝宝 笑了

7、。宝宝伸手去拿铃铛。小鸟摇了摇头。铃铛从小鸟的脖子上掉了下来。掉在 宝宝的旁边。宝宝捡起铃铛。宝宝摇着铃铛。另一只蓝色的鸟从窗户飞了进来。 这只蓝色的鸟也有蓝色的眼睛。小宝宝的眼睛是棕色的。小鸟们看着小宝宝。小 宝宝看着小鸟们。宝宝又摇响了铃铛。两只鸟都飞走了。宝宝哭了起来。他的妈 妈走进屋来。宝宝笑了。妈妈看到了铃铛。她问宝宝铃铛从哪儿来的。宝宝指着 窗户。初级英语口语听力:一只猫和一只狗 The black cat jumped up onto the chair. It looked down at the white dog. The dog was chewingon a bone.

8、 The cat jumped onto the dog. The dog kept chewing the bone. The cat played withthe dogs tail. The dog kept chewing the bone. The cat jumped back onto the chair. It startedlicking its paws. The dog stood up. It looked at the cat. It licked the cats fur. The cat licked thedogs nose. The dog went back

9、 to its bone. A boy ran through the room. He was wearing ayellow shirt. He almost ran into the chair. The cat jumped off the chair. The cat jumped onto thesofa. The chair fell onto the floor next to the dog. The dog stopped chewing the bone. The dogchased the boy. The boy ran out to the street. He t

10、hrew a stick. The dog chased the stick. Thedog lay down. It chewed on the stick. 一只黑色的猫跳到了椅子上。它低头看着那只白色的狗。那只狗在啃 一根骨头。猫跳到了狗的身上。狗持续啃着骨头。猫玩着狗的尾巴。狗持续啃着 骨头。猫又跳回了椅子上。它开头舔自己的脚爪。狗站了起来。它看着那只猫。 它舔了舔猫的毛。那只猫舔了舔狗的鼻子。狗又持续啃骨头去了。一个男孩从屋 子里跑过。他穿着黄色的衬衣。他差点撞到椅子上。猫从椅子上跳了下来。猫跳 到了沙发上。椅子倒在了狗邻近的地上。狗不再啃骨头了。狗去追男孩了。男孩 跑到街上。他扔了

11、一根棍子。狗去追棍子。狗卧了下来。它开头啃棍子了。 初级英语口语听力:小熊宝宝 The baby bear followed his mama. Mama bear walked through the woods. She was looking for berries to eat. She found some black berries. She started eating them. The baby started eating them, too. They ate all the berries. Baby bear was full. Mama bear was still

12、 hungry. She started walking again. She wanted to find more berries to eat. Baby bear lay down. He was full. He wanted to take a nap. But mama bear came back. She growled at baby bear. He understood mamas growl. When mama growled, he obeyed. He got up and followed his mama. Someday he would take a n

13、ap after a meal. A squirrel ran up a tree with a nut. It dropped the nut and ran back down to the ground. It picked up the nut and looked at baby bear. Then it ran back up the tree. Baby bear did not like nuts. They were too hard to open. 熊宝宝跟在熊妈妈身后。熊妈妈穿过丛林。她想找一些浆果来吃。她 找到了一些黑莓。她开头吃这些黑莓。熊宝宝也开头吃了。它们把黑莓吃完了。 熊宝宝吃饱了。熊妈妈照旧很饿。她又开头持续走了。她想再找点浆果来吃。熊 宝宝躺了下来。他吃饱了。他想睡会儿觉。但是熊妈妈回来了。她朝熊宝宝低声 怒吼着。他能懂妈妈的怒吼。妈妈低吼时,他遵从了。他起来跟着妈妈走了。终 有一天他吃完饭后会小睡一会儿。一只松鼠带着坚果跑到树上。坚果掉了下来, 松鼠又回到了地上。它捡起坚果,看着熊宝宝。然后又跑回到了树上。熊宝宝不 热爱坚果。它们太难开启了。 5



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