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1、山西省临汾市蒲县第二中学2020-2021学年高一英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. _most of the earths surface is covered by water, fresh water is very rare and precious. A. As B. If C. Once D. Although参考答案:D2. There was no electricity last night. _ I couldnt record the concert on Channel 3 on my tape recorder.ASo as to BSince DAs a re

2、sult DOtherwise参考答案:D3. May I take the magazine out of the reading room? No, you _. It is not allowed.A. needn tB. wontC. mustntD. shouldnt参考答案:C略4. We all hope that our head teacher is both strict _ us and friendly _ us.A. in, to B. in, for C. with, to D. with, for参考答案:C5. It cant be denied that Xi

3、aogan Senior High School is widely _ for its excellent teaching.A. admired B. digested C. affected D. accounted参考答案:A6. In the past few years, a great many teachers have found _very important to teach their students how to learn.A. this B. that C. one D. it参考答案:D7. Tom_ a lot of Spanish by playing w

4、ith the native boys and girls. A. picked upB. took upC. made upD. turned up参考答案:A试题分析:考查动词短语辨析。短语pick up无意中学会,用车接某人;恢复,康复;take up占据,从事于,开始做;make up化妆,编造,弥补,组成;turn up出现,调高;句意:通过和当地的男孩和女孩一起玩耍,Tom无意中学会了一些西班牙语。根据句意说明本句中pick up表示“无意中学会”,与上下文语义一致。8. - I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her.

5、- _! It was her fault.A. No wayB. Not possibleC. No chanceD. Not at all参考答案:A9. .The southern part of the country hot and moist all summer.A.continues B.goes C.stays D.lasts参考答案:C10. The number of people invited _40, but a number of them _absent for different reasons.A. were, was B. was, were C. was

6、, was D. were, were 参考答案:B11. Now Ive got him in my_;I can make him do anything I want.Apower Benergy Cstrength Dright参考答案:A略12. The hill _ is covered with tress is called Huang Hill. A. of which top B. whose the top C. whose top D. top which参考答案:C略13. Peter, this is Mr. White, in _ department my da

7、ughter works. A. his B. which C. whose D. whom参考答案:C35. The book cost me 12 yuan in all, postage _. A. included B. including C. includes D. is included 参考答案:A略15. The accident _ the drivers careless .A. resulted from B. resulted in C. as a result of D. as a result参考答案:a略16. We dont permit _in the cl

8、assroom; that is to say, students arent permitted _in the classroom.A. to smoke; to smokeB. smoking; smoking C. smoking; to smokeD. to smoke; smoking参考答案:C17. Who called just now, Sam? Its Terry. She asked _. A. that Alice was inB. if was Alice in C. if Alice was inD. whether was Alice in参考答案:C23. _

9、Shall I give you a ride as you live so far away? _ Thank you. . A. It couldnt be better. B. of course you can C. If you like. D. Its up to you.参考答案:A略二、 书面表达19. 暑假即将来临,同学们就自己暑假生活安排进行了交流。假设你是李明,请给你在美国的笔友约翰写一封信,告诉他你班上的同学和你自己的暑假计划。内容应包括以下要点:1.有的同学打算外出旅游,放松一下。2.有的同学计划在家中多读书,为将来的学习做准备。3.有的同学准备参加体育锻炼,保持身体

10、健康。4.谈谈自己的暑期安排。注意:1. 信的格式已给出;2. 内容应包括以上要点,可以适当发挥,增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 词数:100 左右。参考词汇:放松relax, 为做准备get ready for 参加体育锻炼do some sportsDear John,_Yours,Li Ming参考答案:Dear John,How are you? The summer holiday is coming. Now let me tell you our plans in the summer holiday. We have different plans. Some of my cla

11、ssmates are going to visit some places of interest to relax themselves. Some are not going out. Instead, they are going to do more reading and learn more knowledge to get ready for the future studies. Some want to do more sports to keep fit. As for me, I will try to spend more time in chatting with

12、my parents and help them do some housework, such as doing some cleaning and washing. Besides, I need to relax myself, so I am going to travel to Beijing with my parents. Finally, I will take part in some social activities so that I can know more about the society and put what I have learned into pra

13、ctice. What is your plan for the summer holiday? Im looking forward to your early reply.Best wishes!Yours,Li Ming暑假即将来临,你要给你在美国的笔友约翰写一封信,告诉他你班上的同学和你自己的暑假计划。因此你需要简单介绍你班上的同学和你自己的暑假计划。文章基本要点已经给出,但考生在写这篇文章时,要注意以下几点:文章是要介绍你班上的同学和你自己的暑假计划,主体时态要用一般现在时。要点要齐全。但不要对要点进行简单的罗列。可以使用适当的连接词,使上下文衔接的自然流畅。介绍你班上的同学和你自己的暑假计划时,要以一定的逻辑顺序进行叙述,细节把控要到位,否则会显得内容不够丰满。【范文亮点】优秀词汇和短语:some places of interest名胜古迹 ;are going to do 将要做;keep fit 保持健康; look forward to期望;优秀句式和行文脉


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