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1、辽宁省沈阳市中山私立学校2020-2021学年高一英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Father for London on business upon my arrival, so I didnt see him. A. has left B. left C. was leaving D. had left 参考答案:D2. _ it with me and Ill see what I can do. A. When left B. Leaving C. If you leave D. Leave参考答案:D略3. Rocknroll was Black music that br

2、oke through to white culture when whites played the Blacks songs _ the same style.A. with B. on C. in D. by参考答案:C4. I sent a bunch of flowers to the nurse as an _ of thanks for her taking good care of my grandpa in the nursing home. A. attitude B. impressionC. appreciation D. expression参考答案:D5. When

3、 the term is coming to an end, many students cant _ their vacation with their parents. A. waiting for spend B. wait to spending C. wait for spending D. wait to spend参考答案:C6. The temple on the top of the hill _ the Ming Dynasty.A. dated back B. dated back to C. dates back to D. dates back 参考答案:C根据句意:

4、山顶上的庙追溯到明代。date back to“追溯到”,这个词组不能用被动语态,只能用一般现在时的主动语态,故选C。7. I didnt have any trouble _ the old mans house.A. to have found B. with finding C. finding D. to find参考答案:C8. -Yangyang carded off the first Olympic medal for China.-Great! What she won for our motherland!Agolden;honor Bgold;honor Cgolden;

5、honors Dgold;honors参考答案:B9. _ is known to us is that the old doctor, for _ life was hard in the past, still works very hard in his late life.A. As; whom B. What; whom C. It; whose D. As; whose参考答案:B10. The mayor _ the police officer a medal of honor for his heroic deed in rescuing the earthquake vic

6、tims.Arewarded Bawarded Cpraised Dprized参考答案:B考查动词。句意:由于警官在营救地震中的遇难者的英雄事迹,市长授予了他一枚勋章。award sb sth for.表示“因为而授予某人某物”。reward“回报”;praise “表扬”,用于 praise sb for sth;prize 只用做名词。11. Can you make sure_ the gold ring? A. where Alice had put B. where had Alice putC. where Alice has put D. where has Alice put

7、参考答案:C12. The lady insisted that the young man _her wallet and _to the police station at once.Ahad stolen; be sent Bshould steal; sentChas stolen; sending Dsteal; had been sent参考答案:A13. The high-tech helmet(头盔) to the players head,makes the computer game more fun. A. to attach B. attached C. attach

8、D. attaching参考答案:B14. There have been several _ drowning here this summer.A. death B. deaths from C. death of D. deaths of参考答案:B15. In our life, one question that comes up is: “To be or not to be?”A. brieflyB. entirelyC. fluentlyD. frequently参考答案:D16. We are at a stage _ its still too early to say w

9、hether the newly-elected president will bring hope to the US. A. that B. where C. which D. 不填参考答案:B17. Do you expect _ to be a possibility that we shall be able to afford the particular furniture we need?A. it B. thatC. this D. there参考答案:D18. - I apologize for not being able to join you for dinner.-

10、 _.A. Go ahead B. Not to worry.C. Thats right D. Dont mention it.参考答案:B19. Chinese carmakers are years behind westerners _ quality, technology and service. A. in face of B. in terms of C. in place of D. in exchange for参考答案:B二、 翻译20. 根据汉语意思完成句子。(一空一词)(共20分:每空1分,共20空)1. 毫无疑问他会在不远的将来成功。_ is no doubt _

11、he will succeed in the near future.2他是一个当你遇到困难时你可以向他求助的人. (用介词+关系代词的形式填写) He is the person, _ _ you can turn for help when you are in trouble. 3. 我昨天在街上遇见到的人是Mary._ _ Mary _ I met in the street yesterday.4. 一旦下定决心,她将不会改变。_ she has _ _ her mind, she will never change it.5. 自从2006年来这,我已经在这工作了8年了。 Sinc

12、e I _ here in 2006, I _ _ here for 8 years.6. 这些书并非全部都受欢迎。_ these books _ _ popular with people.7. 因为交通堵塞,他又一次上学迟到了。_ _ the traffic jam, he was late for school again. 8. 从他的口音判断,他一定来自河南省。_ _ his accent, he must be from Henan Province.参考答案:1. There that 2. to whom 3. It was that 4. Once made up 5. ca

13、me/arrived/gothave worked 6. All are not 7. Because of8. Judging by/from三、 阅读理解21. Everybody knows that words can carry messages. People communicate with words. Books, magazines, TV,radio and films all help us to know what is going on in the world and what people are thinking about.Do you think you can commu


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