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1、湖北省鄂州市初级中学2020-2021学年高二英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. Judging from her expression,she the news that Charlie had returned from Britain.A.shouldnt have known B.cant have known C.mustnt have known D.neednt have known 参考答案:B2. Two nuclear power stations _ in the past two months in JapanA. are damaged B. have been da

2、maged C. would be damaged D. are damaging 参考答案:B略3. 从A、四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。1.butcher A.switch B.stomach C.headache D.chemistry2.republic A.influence B.introduction C.graduate D.attitude3.presented A.observed B.defended C.formed D.crashed4.diversity A.influence B.prediction C.glimpse D.ide

3、ntify5.expertise A.explore B.extra C.expose D.excitement参考答案:ABBDB4. To _ sales of their new products, many companies now spend lots of money every year advertising. A. promote B. reward C. classify D. calculate参考答案:A5. Is this the first time you Shanghai?No, but the first time I here, there werent

4、so many high-rise buildings.Avisitedcame Bhave visitedcame Chave visitedhave come Dvisitedhave come参考答案:B6. Sam, in every way, has handled the challenge, _ his friend_how hes achieved success in spite of the difficulties.A. overcome; by B. overcoming; withC. impressed; by D. impressing; with参考答案:D试题

5、分析:考查动词和介词。句意:山姆全面的解决了这个问题,他排除万难获得成功,这使他的朋友们印象很深,impress sb with sth使某人印象深刻,动词与主语之间是主动关系,故选D项。考点:考查动词和介词7. .It took us time and energy to work out the problem.A a number of B a lot C many D a great deal of参考答案:D8. Helen has_ 16-year-old son named Jerry who has _ gift for singing and hosting in parti

6、es. A. a; the B. a; a C. the; a D. the; the参考答案:B9. The newly-discovered star was named _ a Chinese astronomer _ honor of his contributions to astronomy.Afor;in Bafter;forCas;in Dafter;in参考答案:D10. I didnt see your sister at the meeting. If she _, she would have met my brother.A. has come B. did come

7、 C. came D. had come参考答案:D11. A quarrel _, which made him _ his family. A. was broken out; break away B. broke out; break away from C. was broken away; break down D. broke down; break out参考答案:B略12. -Excuse me, I want to have a letter mailed, but I cant find a post office.- I know _ nearby. Come on,

8、Ill show you.A. it B. one C. that D. another 参考答案:B13. He was too tired and he refused to_ any extra work.A take off B take in C take up D take on参考答案:D14. The boy felt quite happy because he was closer to _ the answer on his own.A. have found B. find C. finding D. having found参考答案:C15. _ is often t

9、he case, we have worked out the production plan.A. Which B. When C. What D. As参考答案:D16. _ I understand what you say,I dont agree with you.AWhen BWhile CAs DIf参考答案:B17. -Hurry up! Jane and Alice are waiting for you downstairs.-I thought they without me.A. went B. would go C. had gone D. go参考答案:C18. _

10、students are required to take part in the boat race.A.Ten strong young Chinese B.Ten Chinese strong young C.Chinese ten young strong D.Young strong ten Chinese参考答案:A19. It was in the factory_ his friend worked_ he picked up a lot of experience.A. where ; where B. that ; where C. that ; that D. where

11、 ; that 参考答案:D二、 短文改错20. 单句改错1. Little Tom often falls ill, which causes his mother a great deal anxiety. 2. Jim as well as four of his classmates were praised for saving the drowning boy. 3. It is typical for him to leave his umbrella everywhere. 4. The Impressionists were the first painters workin

12、g outdoors. 5. He goes to his office on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. That is, he goes to his office each two day. 6. This makes the poems easy to be learned. 7. We ran out toilet tissue; could you go and buy some? 8. Little Tom spent the whole afternoon reading the poem to making up of five lines.

13、9. He would have finished the work if we stayed up late the night before. 10. I saw a fishpond all in fire参考答案:1.deal 后加 of 2.were was 3.for of 4.working to work 5.each every 6.be learned learn 7.out 后加 of 8.to making made 9.stayed 后加 had 10.in on略21. Dear Jim,So glad that you are interested in my new flat. Now I would like tell you something about it. Locating in the north of the city, this Resident


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