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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑关于高中英语对话短文高中英语情景对话关于高中英语对话短文关于高中英语对话短文 关于高中英语对话短文一 nurse:Good morning, Mr, Anderson. You do look better today. 护士:早安,安德森先生。您今天看上去切实是好多了。 Patient: Better Maybe. 病人:好多了可能是吧。 N: Why do you stand here alone Both the reading room and the TV-room are open now. I think you might be intere

2、sted. 护士:您干嘛自己在这儿站着。阅览室和电视室都开着。我想您可能 想去玩玩儿。 P: I dontlike reading. Ive read too much all my life and gottired of reading. And I dont like television. Its noisy. 病人:我不热爱读书。这辈子读了那么多书,早够了。我也不热爱电 视,吵死人了。 N: OH, no, Mr. Anderson. Be with people and you feel better. They said they like you. 护士:噢,别这样,安德森先生

3、。去和别人在一起您会感到好些的。 大家说都很热爱您。 P: Really But they never told me that. 病人:真的吗可他们从没报告过我。 N: They dare not, Mr. Anderson. You have read a lot of books as you told me just now. You know how to get in touch with people better than they do . I believe. Remember they like you. Dont miss the chance. 护士:那是他们不敢,安

4、德森先生。您不是说这辈子读了不少书吗至 于如何与人相处,我想您知道得比他们多。别忘了人家都热爱您。机不成失。P:All right. Thank you for this piece of information. 病人:那好。多谢您这番话。 关于高中英语对话短文二 patient: Nurse , would you like to tell me something about caries Nurse:Of course . What do you want to know P:What causes dental caries N:Its mainly caused by certai

5、n organisms of the oral flora . It is an irreversible , slowly progressive decay of the hard tissues . It leads to a disintegration of tooth structures and cavitation. P:I wonder if the lesions occus predominantly in particular regions of the tooth N:Thats right . Its also connected with the defect

6、of the structure of the tooth。 P: What is the defect of the structure of the tooth N:It means the dyspasia of the dentine or the uneven squeezingly positioned teeth and the physically defect with sulci and fossae on the teeth. P:How can we prevent this disease N:The first . its very important that y

7、ou pay more attention to the dental hygiene . You should brush your teeth twice a day . once in the morning , and once in the evening . The upper row of the teeth should be brushed first , then the lower row . All the crevices must be cleared of remnant food . Besides that . you should rinse your mo

8、uth after meals . The second , take less sweet food , especially for children . Dont take fermented food before you go to bed or wake up at night , such as candy or biscuit . The third , come here for periodical checkups once or twice a year . Caries may progress microscopically a considerable perio

9、d of time before the lesion can be observed clinically in the tooth strucure . Generally if the cavity is not deep , youll have no symptom, so you should have the permanent filling in case that the cavity may get bigger . The fourth , the methods in usingimmunization , laser and coating material to

10、prevent caries are still being carried out in tests . The fifth , to build up your health is very important. P:Its very kind of you to answer my questions. 病人:护士,您能给我讲讲龋齿吗 护士:当然可以,您想了解什么 龋齿是由什么引起的 护士:龋齿是由口腔菌丛中的某些细菌所引起的。它是在牙齿硬组织 中发生的一种不成逆的缓慢举行腐蚀过程,导致牙齿组织崩解及腔洞形成。 病人:该病变是否主要发生在牙齿的一些特殊部位 护士:晃的,它知牙齿的布局有缺

11、陷有关。 病人:什么是牙齿布局上的缺陷呢 护士:那是指牙齿的硬组织发育不良或牙位拥挤,排列不齐,以及牙 齿站的沟窝等生理缺陷。 病人:如何预防龋齿病呢 护士:第一,留神口腔卫生分外重要。每日应刷牙两次,早晚各一次。 先刷上牙,后刷下牙。要把牙缝里的剩余食物都刷明净。除此之外,饭后要漱口。 其次,少吃甜食,更加是儿童。不要在睡前或半夜醒来时吃可发酵的食物,如糖 果、饼干等。第三,定期来这里检查,一年1-2次。在临床上能够查看到牙齿结 构病变之前,显微镜下龋齿病的进展可能已持续了相当长的时期。一般龋洞不深 时,无任何病症,所以理应早期填充以免龋洞扩大。第四,关于免疫防龋,激光 防龋,使用防龋涂料等

12、,现仍在试验阶段。第五,重要的是增进身体健康。 病人:分外感谢您给我解答了这么多问题。 关于高中英语对话短文三 P: How do I take the tabletsN:Please take 2 tablets each time, 4 times a day. P:How do It take the sucking lozenges N:Please put one under your tongue, dont swallow it. P:How do I take the liquid medicine N:Please suck it. P:How do I take the p

13、ills N:Please dissolve one pill in water before taking it. P:How do I take the syrup N:One teaspoonful, 3 times a day. P:How do I take the drugs N:One line 3 times a day. Shake it well before taking it. P:How do I take the pain-killers N:Take do I tablet of this pain-killer if you feel pain, but not

14、 more than once every 4 hours. P:How do I use this suppository N:Insert one into your anus every night. P:How do I use this adhesive N:This is a special adhesive for easing the pain. Apply it to the painful area and change it every 2 days. P:How do I use this lotion N:Apply some of the ointment, and

15、 rub it into the skin. P:How do I use this lotionN:paint this lotion to the itching spot with this cotton swab. P:How do I use this powder N:Please dissolve the powder in hot water. Soak your hand in it for 20 minutes twice a day. P:How do I use the eye-drop and ointment N:Put the eye-drop into your

16、 right eye 4-6 times a day, 1 to 2 drops each time. Squeeze a bit of the ointment on your eyelid every night. N:Bend your head back as far as possible and then drop some in the libse. P:How do I apply the ear drop N:Turn your head to the side, put 1 to 2 drops into your ear. Press the tragus for a few seconds. P:



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