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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑两人简短英语对话二人英文对话5分钟二人英文对话5分钟 二人英文对话5分钟:At a restaurant Rumei: Everything on the menu looks good. 如梅:菜单上的菜看着样样都好。 Yunbo: Dashan, whats surf and turf 云波:大山,Surf and Turf 这道菜是什么做的 Dashan: Its a small steak and a lobster tail. 大山:是嫩牛排加龙虾尾。 Rumei: That sounds delicious. Id like that. How

2、about you, Dashan 如梅:听起来很好吃。 我想来一盘。 大山,你呢 Dashan: I cant decide. 大山:我定不下来。 Server: Are you ready to order 服务员:可以点菜了吗 Rumei: Yes, Id like a surf and turf. 如梅:可以。我要一份海鲜牛排。 Yunbo: Id like the same. 云波:我也要一份。 Dashan: Hmm. Id like a hamburger. No, Id like some roast beef. No, Id like a T-bone steak. 大山:我

3、要一个汉堡包。不行,我要烤牛肉。不,我要带骨牛排。 Server: Would you like your meat rare, medium or well done服务员:肉要烧成嫩的、不老不嫩的还是熟透的 DashanRumeiYunbo: Medium, please. 三人齐声说:要不老不嫩的。 Server: Would you like a baked potato or some rice 服务员:要烤土豆还是米饭 Dashan: Id like a baked potato. No, Id like some rice. No, a baked potato. 大山:我要烤土

4、豆。不行,我要一些米饭。不,我要烤土豆。 Yunbo: Id like some rice, please. 云波:我要米饭。 Rumei: Me, too. 如梅:我也要米饭。 Server: Please help yourself to the salad bar. Its behind you. 服务员:色拉台有色拉,请随意用。就在你们身后。 Yunbo: Look at all the different salads. Everything looks very fresh. 云波:看这儿有各式各样的色拉。样样看起来都很崭新。 Dashan: Salads are very pop

5、ular in Canada. I like pasta salad. Its delicious. 大山:在加拿大,色拉是受接待的菜。我热爱吃凉拌面色拉,味道很 好吃。 Yunbo: Whats pasta salad 云波:凉拌面色拉是用什么做的 Dashan: Its cold noodles, mayonnaise and vegetables. 大山:用凉面条、蛋黄酱再拌一些蔬菜。Dashan: Rumei, try some bread. Its warm. 大山:如梅,你来尝点面包吧,还热乎着呢。 Rumei: Hmm. It smells wonderful. 如梅:闻起来好香

6、啊。 Dashan: Try some fresh butter on it. 大山:往上面抹些鲜黄油试一试。 Rumei: Thanks. 如梅:感谢。 Dashan: Youre welcome. 大山:不客气。 Rumei: Oh, it tastes delicious. 如梅:啊,味道好香啊。 二人英文对话5分钟:GOING TO A DEPARTMENT STORE Rumei: Dashan, Im over here. Its great to see you. How do you feel 如梅:大山,我在这边。见到你我真欣喜。你感觉怎么样 Dashan: I feel f

7、ine now. The doctor was right. I really needed to get some rest. 大山:我感觉很好。大夫说得对,我切实需要休息休息。 Yunbo: Hi, Dashan. How are you 云波:大山,你好。你身体怎么样 Dashan: Pretty good, thanks. 大山:相当不错,感谢。 Yunbo: Dashan, have some coffee. My treat.云波:大山,来喝杯咖啡,我请客。 Dashan: Oh, thanks. 大山:哦,感谢你。 Yunbo: And here are your cookies

8、, Rumei. 云波:如梅,这是你的曲奇饼。 Rumei: Thanks. Would you like a chocolate cookie 如梅:大山,你想吃点巧克力饼干吗 Dashan: No, thanks. Im not hungry. 大山:不要,感谢。我不饿。 Yunbo: Dashan, do you have any plans for today 云波:大山,你今天有什么安置吗 Dashan: No, I dont have any. 大山:没有。 Rumei: Well, its a beautiful day. Would you like to join us fo

9、r a walk 如梅:那你看,今每日气分外好,你容许跟我们一起出去走走吗 Dashan: Yes, Id like to. I like to walk around in big cities. You can always learn a lot about them. 大山:我容许,我很热爱在大城市里转转。这样总是能加深对这些城 市的了解。 Yunbo: I agree. 云波:我同意你的看法。 Yunbo: Rumei, what do you think of these window displays 云波:如梅,你觉得橱窗的展品摆设怎么样 Rumei: Theyre wonde

10、rful. Oh, look at this clothing store for children.The clothes are very cute and colourful. 如梅:好极了。 嘿,看这家儿童服装店的摆设。那些衣服样子多漂 亮,颜色多娇艳。 Yunbo: This store looks interesting. 云波:这家商店看起来很有意思。 Dashan: Oh, this store is Roots. Its a popular Canadian chain of clothing stores. Roots has stores across Canada an

11、d in other parts of the world. 大山:是啊,商场名字是“根”,是在加拿大很著名的服装连锁店,在 加拿大全国以至世界各地都有它的分店。 Rumei: Lets go in. I like to browse in interesting stores. 如梅:我们进去看看吧。我热爱在有意思的商场里欣赏、逛游。 Yunbo Dashan: Okay. 云波大山:好啊。 Clerk: Hi. May I help you 售货员:您好。 我能为您效劳吗 Yunbo: Yes. Can I buy shoes here 云波:在这里能买到鞋吗 Clerk: Certain

12、ly. We have great leather shoes. 售货员:当然可以,我们店出售质量上乘的皮鞋。 Yunbo: Wheres the shoe section 云波:鞋部在什么地方 Clerk: Its on the lower level. You can take the stairs at the back of the store. 售货员:在下一层。你们可以走商场后部的楼梯。 Yunbo: Thanks.云波:感谢。 Yunbo: What do you think of my hiking boots 云波:你觉得我的休闲鞋怎么样 Dashan: I like the

13、m. That style is very popular in Canada. Young Canadians like sporty, comfortable clothes. 大山:我觉得挺好。这个式样在加拿大很流行。加拿大的年轻人都爱 穿休闲、舒适的衣服。 Rumei: Im crazy about my new sweatsuit. Its very soft and cosy. And I LOVE your new jacket, Dashan. 如梅:我更加热爱我刚买的这件运动服,又柔嫩又舒适。大山,我还 更加热爱你这件刚买的夹克。 Dashan: Thanks for the

14、 compliment. I like the jacket, too. 大山:感谢你的夸奖,我也热爱。 二人英文对话5分钟:GOING TO A DEPARTMENT STORE Dashan: Wait. I dont have my scarf! 大山:等等,我的围巾不见了。 Rumei: Oh, no. 如梅:哎呀,糟糕。 Yunbo: Did you have your scarf at Roots 云波:在“根”商场的时候你戴着围巾了吗 Dashan: I think so, but Im not sure. 大山:我想我戴着了,不过我不敢断定。 Rumei: You had it

15、 at the coffee shop. I remember. 如梅:我记得在咖啡厅时你还戴着呢。Yunbo: Well, lets retrace our steps. Maybe somebody found it. 云波:我们顺原路返回吧。可能有人拾到呢。 Dashan: Excuse me. Did you find a green wool scarf I was here about five minutes ago. 大山:对不起,您这儿拾到一条绿色毛围巾吗我五分钟前曾到过这儿。 Clerk: I can look. 服务员:我可以找找看。 Dashan: Thanks. 大山:感谢。 Clerk: I have a grey scarf, but I dont have a green one. Sorry. Where were you in the store, sir 服务员:我这儿有一条灰色的围巾,没有绿色的。歉仄,你方才在商 店的什么地方了 Dashan: Well, first, I was in the shoe section. Then I looked at sweat


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