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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑新概念第三册课文原文新概念英语网权威发布新概念英语第三册语法总结:轻易混淆的动词1,更多新概念英语第三册语法总结相关信息请访问新概念英语网。 1. rise,raise,arise,arouse “rise” 是不及物动词,过去式为rose,过去分词为risen,其根本词义“上升,上涨”。The sun rises in the east.A good idea rose in my mind. “raise” 是及物规矩动词,“举起,提高”。He raised his voice to make himself heard.The boy can rais

2、e the heavy stone. “arise”,是不及物动词,过去式为arose,过去分词arisen,其语义为“展现,发生” 。His curiosity arose due to the question his mother asked. “arouse”是及物动词,过去式和过去分词为aroused,其语义为“唤醒,引起”arouse somebody from sleep 把某人唤醒arouse suspicion 引起质疑 2. lay,lie,lie “lay”及物动词,“放置,生蛋”,过去式与过去分词为 “laid”Ive laid the book on the self

3、.The hen lays an egg every day. “lie”不及物动词“位于,平躺”,过去式为“lay”过去分词 “lain”He lay on the floor and slept soundly.Beijing lies in the north of China. “lie”及物动词“说谎”,它是规矩动词。He lied to his teacher. 3. sit,seat “sit”不及物动词,过去式与过去分词均为 “sat”。He sat in the classroom reading newspaper. “seat”及物动词,“使就坐”“容纳”。He seat

4、s himself here.He is seated there.He seats the baby on his knees.The hall will seat 5000 people. 4. affect,effect “affect” 及物动词,“对有影响,感动,触及”The relations between then will be affected. “effect” 及物动词, “导致,造成,带来(变化),产生”The changes in methods effected some improvement in his study. 5. hang (hanged, han

5、ged) / (hung, hung) 当 hang过去式与过去分词为 “hanged”,其含义是“绞死”;而当hang的过去式与过去分词为“hung”时,其含义是“悬挂”。The man was hanged for murder.He hung his coat on the hook. 6. borrow,lend “borrow”借入 “borrow sth. from .”“lend”(lent, lent) 借出 “lend sb. sth” 或 “lend sth. to sb.” 7. take,bring,fetch “take”(took, taken) 及物动词“拿走”“

6、bring”(brought, brought) 及物动词“带来”“fetch” 及物动词“去取回来” 测试精编 1. Before discussing the steps in detail, _.A. a general principle should be laid down.B. I should like to lie down a general principleC. Id like to lay down a general principleD. a general principle lies. 2. The typewriter _.A. was laying on

7、the table, where it had laid all week.B. was lying on the table, where it had laid all week.C. was laying on the table, where it had been laid all week.D. was lying on the table, where it had been laid all week. 3. Up till now, these problems have been _ for centuries.A. laying dormant B. laying dor

8、mantlyC. lying dormant D. lain dormantly 4. “Oh, glad to see you, John.” “What _ you to this city?”A. carries B. brings C. takes D. makes 5. During the period of inflation, the value of money drops as _.A. prices rise B. prices ariseC. the price is rising D. prices are raised 6. When all the students _, the professor began his lecture.A. seated B. sit C. were seated D. seat (后设答案,大家不要偷看哦(*_*) 嘻嘻) KEYS 1. C 2.D 3. C 4.B 5.A 6. C 4



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