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1、2022年6月高校英语四级阅读:手语胜利离不开一点一滴的积累,对于考试,要想基础打得好,就要做大量的习题。想要在考试中取得好成果,必定少不了每天的坚持。为了帮助大家高效备考,坚持学习,我整理了“2022年6月高校英语四级阅读:手语”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注我!Sign has become a scientific hot button. Only in the past 20 years have specialists in language study realized that signed languages are uniquea speech of the hand.

2、They offer a new way to probe how the brain generates and understands language, and throw new light on an old scientific controversy: whether language,complete with grammar, is something that we are born With, or whether it is a learned behavior. The current interest in sign language has roots in th

3、e pioneering work of one rebel teacher at Gallaudet University in Washington, D. C., the worlds only liberal arts university for deaf people.When Bill Stokoe went to Gallaudet to teach English, the school enrolled him in a course in signing. But Stokoe noticed something odd: among themselves, studen

4、ts signed differently from his classroom teacher.Stokoe had been taught a sort of gestural code, each movement of the hands representing a word in English.At the time, American Sign Language (ASL) was thought to be no more than a form of pidgin English (混杂英语). But Stokoe believed the “hand talk”his

5、students used looked richer. He wondered: Might deaf people actually: have a genuine language? And could that language be unlike any other on Earth? It was 1955, wheneven deaf people dismissed their signing as“substandard”. Stokoes idea was academic heresy (异端邪说).It is 37 years later. Stokoenow devo

6、ting his time to writing and editing books and journals and to producing video materials on ASL and the deaf cultureis having lunch at a cafe near the Gallaudet campus and explaining how he started a revolution. For decades educators fought his idea that signed languages are natural languages like E

7、nglish, French and Japanese. They assumed language must be based on speech, the modulation (调整) of sound. But sign language is based on the movement of hands, the modulation of space. “What I said,” Stokoe explains, “is that language is not mouth stuffits brain stuff.”练习题:Choose correct answers to t

8、he question:1. The study of sign language is thought to be _.A. a new way to look at the learning of languageB. a challenge to traditional, views on the nature of languageC. an approach: to simplifying the grammatical structure of a languageD. an attempt to clarify misunderstanding about the origin

9、of language2. The present growing interest in sign language was stimulated by _.A. a famous scholar in the study of the human brainB. a leading specialist in the study of liberal artsC. an English teacher in a university for the deafD. some senior experts in American Sign Language3. According to Sto

10、koe, sign language is _.A. a Substandard languageB. a genuine languageC. an artificial languageD. an international language4. Most educators objected to Stokoes idea because they thought _.A. sign language was not extensively used even by deaf peopleB. sign language was too artificial to be widely a

11、cceptedC. a language should be easy to use and understandD. a language could only exist in the form of speech sounds5. Stokoes argument is based on his belief that _.A. sign language is as efficient as any other languageB. sign language is derived from natural languageC. language is a system of mean

12、ingful codesD. language is a product of the brain1.B 从文章第3句“手语供应了一种新方法,用以探究大脑如何产生和理解语言,并为一个长期以来的科学争端语言(连同语法)原委是我们与生俱来的,还是一种我们后天学会的行为提出了新的说明”可以看出,这是对语言的性质的传统观点的挑战,即B 。A错在learning,文章并不是在探讨语言的学习,而是语言的产生和理解;C为简洁原词干扰D;中的an attempt to clarify misunderstanding是对throw new light on an old scientific controve

13、rsy的曲解,因为controversy不等于misunderstanding。另外,第1段最终一句中的rebel“反叛”一词也与B中的“挑战”一样。2.C 依据第1段最终一句可知,选C。题干中的was stimulated相当于原文中的has roots in。3.B 依据第3段第24句以及最终一段第3句,可知B为答案。前者提出猜想(Might deaf people actually have a genuine language?),后者含有一个同位语 his idea that signed languages are natural languages。4.D 依据最终一段第4句,可

14、知D正确。D中的only exist in the form of speech sounds是对原文中be based on speech的同义表达。5.D 依据文章最终一句,可知D正确。D中的a product of the brain是对原文中brain stuff的同义表达。B中的derived from错误,因为Stokoe认为sign language就是一种natural language。本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第4页 共4页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页


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