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1、2022年6月高校英语六级听力口语关键句中国有“书读百遍,其义自见”的古谚,始终在强调重复练习的重要性。2022年考试日益接近,多看书,勤做题是大有裨益的。我为您供应了“2022年6月高校英语六级听力口语关键句”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注我!2022年6月高校英语六级听力口语关键句This means that any thought about a certain subject will often bring up more memories that are related to it.点睛certain此处意为“某个,某种”。bring up在句中意为“引起,勾起”。that

2、引导的是memories的定语从句,其中be related to意为“与相关”。考点归纳短语bring up还有如下常见含义:“抚养,哺育,教养”。如:He was brought up by his grandparents. 他是由祖父母抚养长大的。“提出(探讨等)”。如:I hate to bring up the subject of money. 我厌烦提钱这个话题。“呕吐”。如:She cant eat anything without bring it up. 她吃什么都会吐。“调出,使显示在计算机屏幕上”。如:Click that button to bring up a n

3、ew menu. 点击那个按钮,调出一个新菜单。 2022年6月高校英语六级听力口语关键句They fail to account for individual differences, and the wide range of characteristics among members of any group.点睛fail此处意为“未能,未做”,属于形式上确定,但含义上否定的状况。account for此处意为“对作出说明或说明”,还含有“对负有责任”的意思。characteristic意为“特征,品质”。考点归纳其他确定形式表达否定含义的短语还有:the last+名词+to不定式/从

4、句,意为“最不”。如:Thats the last thing I would like to do. 那是我最不情愿做的事。be beyond/above意为“超出之外”。如:Why were not together is beyond me. 我无法理解我们为何不能在一起。The reading matter is above him. 这个阅读主题超出了他的理解实力。be free from意为“没有,不”。如:The cake is free from sugar. 这种蛋糕不含糖。far from意为“远非,完全不”。如:The overall result is far from

5、 perfect. 整个结果远远谈不上完备。in vain意为“徒劳,无法办到”。如:I tried to call her, but in vain. 我试图给她打电话,但联系不上。 2022年6月高校英语六级听力口语关键句Universities have a large part to play in preparing students for the 21st century labor market by promoting international educational experiences.点睛have a large part to play in意为“能极大地帮助,能

6、在中发挥很大的作用”,相当于play an important role in。prepare sb. for sth. 意为“使某人为某事做好打算”。考点归纳与名词part有关的常见短语还有:have/play a part (in sth.)意为“参加某事”。如:The managers should play their full part in negotiations. 管理人员应当充分参加谈判。play a part in还意为“对有影响,起作用”。如:Exercising plays an important part in losing weight. 熬炼在减肥中起着重要的作用。take part in意为“参与,参加”。如:Id like to take part in the discussion. 我想参加探讨。本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第3页 共3页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页第 3 页 共 3 页


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