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2、容,提前给耳朵预热。比如完整的长选项,考生可干脆运用视听一样原则;针对动作选项,例如A.to observe the wildlife in the two national park.则要多留意动作或干脆听取to信号词; 针对by选项,例如:A. by taking pictures for passers-by则要留意听取原文中的方式等。New report 11. 答案: B) Her little brother.Q: Who did Edison raise money for?解析: 新闻首句原则,了解大致内容是Edison卖柠檬水和画画为生病须要做心脏手术(surgery)的弟弟

3、筹资。第一道题给考生来了个下马威,难度系数比较高, 须要考生自己分类信息再听取问题作答,这种题型称为模棱两可型题目,考察学生听力和反应实力。A. Her friend Erika. 依据依次原则,A选项在新闻最终才出现且与问题不符,先不作考虑。C/D选项是Edison祖母揣测Edison偷听到祖父的对话,从而得知弟弟生病,与问题无关,故解除。2. 答案: C) By selling lemonade and pictures.Q: How did Edison raise money?原文:She decided to go outside and have a lemonade stand,

4、 make some jewelries and pictures and sell them.这道题难度中等,依据选项形式都是by, 可得知问题肯定是问how,因此,可预先考虑应当紧抓文章中的 “方式”,再依据视听一样原则即可得出答案。New report 23. 答案: C) Providing clean energy to five million people.Q:What is the Francis purpose of constructing solar panels?原文: Last week, France announced the country would pay

5、621miles of road with solar panels over the next five years with the goal of providing cheap, renewable energy to five million people. (法国将在五年内公路上建立太阳能板,旨在为人们供应可生能源。)解析: 这道题难度中等, 遵照试听一样原则,同时留意答案前后一样。4. B) They can be laid right on top of existing highways.Q: What is especial about the solar panels u

6、sed in the walkway?解析: 这道题有模棱两可选项出现,即B/C。但是,C呈现的听力内容只是介绍太阳能板的厚度;而B则是问题所问的特别作用,因此,综合问题,得出答案即B。其中,highway相对应同义替换的词汇有: walkway, bypass等。New report 35. 答案:A) Endless fighting in the region. (视听一样)Q:What has made it difficult to survey lions in remote parts of Susan and Ethiopia?原文:Continuous fighting in

7、 the region has made survey difficult.解析: 这篇新闻探讨者们证明非洲的狮子正在大范围消逝,并成立小组探讨狮子的栖息地。这道题难度中等,通过视听一样即可。6. 答案:D. To find evidence of the existence of the “lost lions”.Q: What is the main purpose of the research?7. 答案: B) Lions tracks.(视听一样)Q: What did the research find in the national park?原文: A team with O

8、xford universitys wildlife conservation research union supported by a charity organization, spent two nights in Nov ,camping in the national park in North Ethiopia on the Ethiopia Sudan border. The researches set out six camera traps ,capturing images of lions and identify (7)lions tracks. (6)The sc

9、ientists concluded that lions are also likely to live in neighboring national park across the border in Sudan.Conversation 18. 答案: A) Her lucky birthday.Q:What is the woman looking forward to?9. 答案: D) Threw her a surprise party.Q: What did the parents do on her sisters lucky birthday?10.答案: B) The

10、trip her husband has planned.Q:What did the women eager to find out about?11.答案C) He is eager to learn how the couples holiday turns out.Q: What just the man said in the end of the conversation?原文:M: I am sure both of you will have a fantastic time. Happy Golden birthday!I cant wait to hear all abou

11、t it when you get back.解析:这道题选项都是He且是对话题,因此要多留意男生的说话内容。Conversation 212.答案: A) They are sensitive to the dynamics of a negotiation. (试听一样)Q:What does the man say about good negotiator?13.答案: B) They know when to stop.Q: What does the man say may be the most important thing to a successful negotiator

12、?14.答案: C) They learn quickly.Q: How is the good negotiator different from the poor one?15.答案: D) Get to know the other side.Q: What is the first stage to the negotiation according to the man?Passage 116.答案: D) How space research benefits people on Earth.Q: What do some people want to know about spa

13、ce exportation?17.答案: B) They developed objects for astronauts to use in outer space.Q: What did scientist for the space shuttle mission?18.答案: A) They are extremely accurate.Q: What does the speak say about the crystal quartz in watches?Passage 219. 答案: C) It marked the beginning of something new.1

14、8.答案: A) They believed in working for goals.20) 答案: D) Doing needlework by the fire.Passage 322.答案C) Sit down and try to calm yourself.23.答案: B) You may expose yourself to unexpected dangers.24.答案: D) Walk uphill.25.答案: A) Inform somebody of your plan.12月四六级真题答案去哪找?12月16日锁定我四六级频道,超全四级真题及答案考试结束后免费供应,想第一时间查答案的小挚友快来查看!更多四级真题答案请见2022年12月英语四级真题及答案专题本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第4页 共4页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页第 4 页 共 4 页


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