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1、2020-2021学年河北省承德市御道口乡中学高三英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. The boy was sitting in his chair leisurely, in the magazine he was reading.Abeing absorbed BabsorbingCto be absorbed Dabsorbed参考答案:D2. How did it _ that you failed to _ in time yesterday?A. come up; turn down B. come on; turn overC. come about; turn up D. c

2、ome over; turn off参考答案:C3. Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving license reached 200,000, a (n) _ of 40,000 per year.A average B number C amount D quantity参考答案:A考点:考察名词。解析:a number of 许多 amount of 一般加不可数名词表金额, a quantity of 既可以加可数也可以加不可数, 但没有平均每年增加的意思。4. More than 200 dead pi

3、gs in the waterways have raised urgent concern.A. foundB. being foundC. to be foundD. having found参考答案:A5. Find ways to praise your children often, youll find they will open their hearts to youAtill Bso Cand Dwhile参考答案:C6. The green-hand cook the soup by putting in too much salt accidentallyA spoile

4、dBdamaged C injured D harmed参考答案:A7. You cant imagine what difficulty we had _ home in the snowstorm.A. walked B. walk C. to walk D. walking参考答案:D略8. He is confident, _, in my opinion, is most important in modern society.A. who B. that C. which D. what参考答案:C9. -_ he cant find his way? After all, he

5、is only a boy of 12. -You are right. Id better go and have a look. A. What aboutB. What ifC. What forD. What with参考答案:B10. - How about taking _ short walk? - But Id like to have _ coffee instead.A. the; a B. a; the C. the; the D. a; a 参考答案:D11. Im writing to apologize for my absence from last weeks

6、meeting. I was unexpectedly _ at work.A. picked up B. given up C. held up D. made up参考答案:C12. 40Concert halls around Shanghai will be staging numerous performances _romance and love for White Valentines day Afeatured Bto feature Cfeaturing Dhaving featured参考答案:C略13. He is very stubborn; dont to his

7、opinion. Just stick to your own. Agive in Bgive up Cgive away Dgive out参考答案:A14. The engine of the ship was out of order and the coming typhoon -_ the helplessness of the crew at sea.A. added to B. resulted from C. turned out D. made up参考答案:A略15. The employees in the company_ the task on schedule, b

8、ut they fell behind because of the bad weather.A. can finish B. could have finished C. might finish D. shall have finished参考答案:B二、 书面表达16. 作文假 假设你是红星中学高三(1)班的学生李华,本学期你们班开展了研究性学习请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文短文向某中学生英语报投稿,介绍你俩们小组本次研究性学习的全过程。注意时态人称语法,书写不规范扣1-5分This term we carried out Enquiry Learning in our clas

9、s.参考答案:略17. 假设你是红星中学高三(1)班的学生李华。为增进师生情谊,最近学校组织了一次师生篮球赛。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,将此活动的全过程记述下来,向校报英语专栏投稿。注意:1. 文章的开头已给出。2. 词数不少于60。Recently our school held a basketball game between teachers and students to encourage the relationship between us. _参考答案:Possible version:Recently our school held a basketball game b

10、etween teachers and students to encourage the relationship between us. It turned out to be an unforgettable experience. Last Monday, the loudspeaker in the classroom announced that there was going to be a basketball game on the playground this Friday. Everybody was excited at the news. Soon two team

11、s were formed and both trained hard for the game. Then came the big day. All the players competed against each other on the court and presented their remarkable basketball skills like slam dunking and jump shooting. Each of them tried their best to win. What a wonderful game! Meanwhile, many teacher

12、s and students were cheering for the players on the sidelines. Some were holding up a sign saying “Go for it!” while others were screaming for their favorites. The atmosphere was charged with great excitement. Finally, the students won the game. Holding up the cup and standing side by side, all the

13、players took a picture together to record this precious moment. Through this activity, both teachers and students really enjoyed the game. Not only did we realize the importance of teamwork in the game but also we felt much closer to one another after that.三、 阅读理解18. Lets look at the movies we cant wait to watch in 2019!Dumbo (March 29)Dumbo is a 1941 Am


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