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1、2020 届高考英语一轮复习M2Unit2Wishyouwerehere 学案 1( 无答案 ) 牛津译林版1 / 6 Unit Two Wish you were here (一)【单元要点词汇】1_ n 阳光3_ adv. 永久地5_ n 日出;晨晖7novel n _ 9._ n &vt. 计划2.bury vt._ 4._adv.总合6. _ n目的地8. _vt.第一版;发布10_ n 空气;大气层11._vt. 使惧怕,惊吓 _ adj. 感觉惧怕的 _ adj. 恐惧的12._ n 保护 _vt. 保护 _adj. 保护的,防备的13 _ n 行进;早先; vi. 行进;进步 _

2、adj. 先进的;高级的14 _ vt. 宣布,声称;显示,预告_ n 宣布,宣布,通知15 _ vt. 反射 ( 声、光、热等 ) ;反应;深思,思虑 _n 反射,反应【单元要点短语】1.set off_ 2.findout_ 3.be home to _ 4.fall down_ 5. leave out_ 6. look out for _ 7.scare away_ 【单元要点句式】1.Wish you were here 2020 届高考英语一轮复习M2Unit2Wishyouwerehere 学案 1( 无答案 ) 牛津译林版2 / 6 假如你在这里就好了2You have to

3、wear a helmet and a life jacket for protection,just in case you fall into the water. 作为保护举措,你得戴上头盔,穿上救生衣,以防万一掉进水里。3Well try to get as close as possible to the animals ,even though they re dangerous ,so that we can take some really good photographs. 只管这些动物很危险,可是我们仍是要尽可能地凑近它们,以便能拍到一些真实好的照片。【要点词汇打破】1.

4、arrange v.安排;筹办plan or organize;整理;摆列;部署order 应试指导 平时活动类写作常用词汇arrange to do sth.安排做某事arrange with sb.to do sth.与某人安排好做某事arrange for sb.to do sth.安排某人做某事make arrangements/an arrangement for.为做安排put.in The headmaster arranged for me to meet Mr.Black at the airport. 校长安排我到机场去接布莱克先生。Have you arranged to

5、 meet Mark this weekend? 你安排好周末与马克见面了吗? 特别提示 不可以说 arrange sb.to do sth.,且 arrange后跟 that从句时,从句顶用虚构语气(should) do。 夯实基础 2 advance n. 进步,进展development;v. 行进,行进moveforward;发展,进步develop 应试指导 in advance (beforehand)作为高级词汇替代ahead of time 2020 届高考英语一轮复习M2Unit2Wishyouwerehere 学案 1( 无答案 ) 牛津译林版3 / 6 advance o

6、n/upon/towards朝行进in advance提早,早先in advance of在前方Thank you in advance! 提早向你表示感谢!3 supply v.供应;供应;n. 供应量;供应量;补给 多词一义 supply ,offer ,provide , accommodate supply sth.to/for sb.supply sb.with sth.向某人供应某物provide sth.for sb.provide sb.with sth.供应某物给某人in short supply供应不足a supply of supplies of大批的The school

7、 supplies books to/for children for free. 学校免费给孩子们供应书籍。Local schools supply many of the volunteers. 很多志愿者来自当地学校。4.The sun can be so brilliant that youll need to keep covered or youll get burnt.阳光特别强,你需要把自己掩盖起来不然会烧伤句型公式: get 过去分词get burnt烧伤get paid获得酬劳get married成婚get injured/hurt受伤get infected感染get

8、separated分别get damaged 毁掉 get broken坏掉get repaired维修get dressed穿上衣服get changed 换衣服get drunk喝醉She got burnt when she was cooking yesterday. 她昨天做饭时被烫伤了。He went out and got drunk.他出去喝醉了。2020 届高考英语一轮复习M2Unit2Wishyouwerehere 学案 1( 无答案 ) 牛津译林版4 / 6 特别提示 get done 构造既能够表示被动语态,也可表示系表构造。【夯实基础】(1) 依据汉语提示填空Nowe

9、verything for the conference to be held tomorrow _ 已准备就绪 ) I have _安(排 Tom 开车去接 ) the experts at the airport. Then I m to _ ( 安排接见 ) Mr.Wang. In a word ,all_我(们做出的安排 ) were completed. (2)He arranged for the meeting to be put off for a week. _改.(为复合句) (1)His ideas were _(在他的时代以前) (2)Napoleon s army _

10、(朝着行进 ) Moscow. 选词填空in short supply, supply.with., a supply of (1)There are_ foreign language books. (2)The fresh vegetables are _on the remote island. (3)Cows _us _milk. 用 get v.-ed 达成句子(1)If you happen to _(迷路 ) in the wild,youd better stay where you are and wait for help. (2) It s said John will

11、be in a job paying over $60,000 a year. Right ,he will also _(获得酬劳) by the week. (3)Can you tell the subtle difference between the words“ require” and 2020 届高考英语一轮复习M2Unit2Wishyouwerehere 学案 1( 无答案 ) 牛津译林版5 / 6 “request ”? I sometimes _( 疑惑 ) by their meanings. (4) You can have a pet dog ,but suppos

12、e you _( 厌烦 ) with it in a few days?Then what? We won t , we promise! (5)Sarah ,hurry up.I m afraid you can t ha ve time to _( 换衣服) before the party. 【拓展操练】1While waiting for the opportunity to get ,Henry did his best to perform his duty.(2020 安徽, 32) Apromote B promoted C promoting D to promote 2Th

13、ey made up their mind that they a new house once Larry changed jobs.(2020 山东, 5) Abought B would buy C have bought Dhad bought 3As the world s population continues to grow,the of food becomes more and more of a concern.(2020 浙江, 4) Aworth B supply C package Dlist 4He may win the competition , he is

14、likely to get into the national team.(2020 辽宁, 34) Ain which case B in that case Cin what case Din whose case 5 Mum, I was wondering if you could lend me a few dollars until I on Friday.(2020 辽宁, 35) Aget paid B got paid Chave paid Dhad been paid 6The lack of eco-friendly habits among the public is

15、thought to be a major of global climate change.(2020 福建, 26) Aresult B cause C warning Dreflection 7 Tom was about to close the window his attention was caught by a 2020 届高考英语一轮复习M2Unit2Wishyouwerehere 学案 1( 无答案 ) 牛津译林版6 / 6 bird.(2020 纲领全国, ) Awhen B if C and D till 8 He telephoned the travel agenc

16、y to three air tickets to London.(2020 天津, 1) Aorder B arrange C take D book 9 If we sit nearfront of the bus,well havebetter view.(2020 山东, 22) A/ ;theB/ ;aCthe ; a Dthe ;the 10 Just as the clothes a person wears ,the whomhe spends his time ,his househis food he eats and the personality.(2020 friends with 湖北, 28) Aresembles Bstrengthens Creflects Dshapes


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