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1、2021学年六年级英语上册期末复习测试卷满分:1。分时间:60分钟一、听录音,选择与所听内容相符的图片。(10分))3. A.)4. A.)5. A.二、听录音,写单词,补全句子。(10分)1. We live in a big.2. My favourite season is3. Time for4.I go to school by bike.5.This is my.三、听录音,判断下列图片与你所听到的内容是(T)否(F)相符。(10分)四、听录音,给下列句子排序。(10分)() Here s the bathroom.()I m hot again.() Here comes the

2、 school bus.()She needs some vegetables.()Can you stand on the ice?笔试部分五、按要求写单词。(10分)1. summer (对应词)2. light (复数形式)3. hot (反义词)4. they (宾格形式)5. I (宾格形式)6. west (形容词)7. bring (过去式)8. store (同义词)9. Mr.(对应词)10. fun (形容词)六、选择正确的答案。(10分)()1. Winter, spring, summer and autumn areA. seasonB. seasonsC. weat

3、her()2. I mon my scarf now.A. put B. puts C. putting()3.Danny walked to school.A. Usually B. Yesterday C. Tomorrow()4.Jenny usuallyto the bus stop.A. walksB. walk C. walked)5. Tomorrow we area snowman.make B. made C. going to makeA.七、给下列句子选择合适的答语。(10分)()1.What time is it now?()2. What would you like

4、 for breakfast?()3. How s the weather today? C. It s()4. Where are you from?A. It s cold and snowy.B.7D. Yes, I can.I m from China,clock now.I d like some bread and milk.)5. Can you put this snowball on that one?E.八、给图片选择正确的句子。(10分)D. She is cooking in thekitchen.C. They go to school by bus.E. He wa

5、tches TV in the living room.九、按要求写句子。(10分)1. 请进!(翻译)2. Time to have breakfast.(变同义句)3. Do you walk to school?(作否定回答)4. It s 25 degrees.(对画线部分提问)5. I bring a gift to you.(变一般过去时态)十、阅读短文,完成句子。(10分)Hello! I m Jenny! My favourite season is winter, because I like cold, white snow. Ona snowy day, I can we

6、ar my winter hat, mittens, boots, scarf and jacket. I often make a snowmanwith my good friend Danny. Sometimes we slide on the snow. Sometimes we make snowballs andthrow at each other. Christmas is my favourite holiday. It s in winter. On that day, we havefun together.1. Jenny s favourite season is.

7、2. 一 Why does Jenny like winter?一 Because she likes.3. On a snowy day, Jenny oftenwith Danny.4. Christmas is in themonth of the year.5. Jenny s good friend is.期末测试听力部分一、听力材料1. bedroom 2. driver 3. summer 4. ear5. English答案:1.B 2.B 3.B 4.B 5. A二、听力材料1. We live in a big house.2. My favourite season is

8、 autumn.3. Time for dinner.4.I sometimes go to school by bike.5. This is my leg.答案:1 house 2. autumn 3. dinner4 sometimes 5. leg三、听力材料1. It s hot today.2. He s cold.3.She is playing chess.4.It s Christmas Day today.5.She falls down again.答案:1.F 2. T 3. F 4.T 5. T四、听力材料1. Here comes the school bus.2.

9、 Here s the bathroom.3. I m hot again.4. Can you stand on the ice?5.She needs some vegetables.笔试部分5. me答案:2 3 15 4五、1. winter 2. lights 3. cold 4. them6. Western 7. brought 8. shop 9. Mrs.10. funny-2-八、l.B2.C3.B4. A5. C七、l.C2.E3. A4.B5. D八、l.C2. A3.D4. E5.B九、1. Come in, please!/Please come in!2. Time for breakfast.3. No, I don t.4. What s the temperature?5.I brought a gift to you.十、1. winter 2. cold, white snow3. makes a snowman4. twelfth 5.Danny



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