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1、天津军粮城第二中学2020年高二英语月考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. -Im sorry. I _ at you the other day.-Forget itI was a bit out of control myself.Ashouldnt shout Bshouldnt have shouted Cmustnt shout Dmustnt have shouted参考答案:B2. I went along thinking of nothing _, only looking at things around me.A. in harmony B. in particular C. i

2、n doubt D. in brief参考答案:B3. Is this the reason _at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?A. he explained B. what he explained C. how he explained D. why he explained参考答案:A4. Try to spend your time on what you find_. A. worth doing itB. worth being doneC. worthy doingD. worthy of being done参考答

3、案:D5. Wu Juping, _ the most beautiful mother, is also popular with foreigners for her saving the baby _ off the high building.A. honored; falling B. honoring; falling C. honored; fallen D. honoring; fallen参考答案:A6. The project is designed in this way and once , nothing can be done to change it.Astart

4、sBstartingCstartedDhaving started参考答案:C7. What a pity! With just a little more luck, you _ able to win a gold medal for the first time in your life.A. would beB. could beC. would have been D. could have been参考答案:C8. Jack took up a part-time job in his spare time,which about 80 dollars a month.A.brou

5、ght inB.brought aboutC.brought backD.brought up参考答案:A提示:此处用bring in表示“带来(多少收入)”。bring about“造成,产生”;bring back“带回来”;bring up“养大,呕吐”。9. - Well, lost again!- Its not very important. We _ forget it, OK?A. cant B. may so soon C. might as well D. wont soon参考答案:C10. Its not_good idea to go to school withou

6、t _breakfast.A.a: 不填 B. the;a C.the;不填 D.a;the参考答案:A11. When asked why he prefers bikes to buses, the professor said, “Riding a bicycle takes _ half an hour, but its more convenient and environmentally friendly. ” A. ly B. accurately C. approximately D. exactly参考答案:C略12. Im afraid that the passenger

7、s will have to wait at the airport for another day _ the fog clears up. A. when B. unless C. if D. though 参考答案:B13. These kinds of shoes _ well. A. were not sold B. wont be sold C. are not sold D. dont sell 参考答案:D14. It was _ of her to forget everything she was told to do.A.normal B.typical C.common

8、 D.ordinary参考答案:B15. By the time he was twelve, Edison _ to make a living by himself. A. has begun B. began C. had begun D. had been beginning参考答案:C略二、 书面表达16. 最近,英国一个名为Gives Me Hope的网站火了,网友分享的一些小故事,给人带来了希望。假定你是李华,请你给在英国的网友Joe推荐这个网站。请根据要求给他写一封邮件,内容要点: 网站名称和内容 (www. Givesmehope. com);自己看完故事的感受; 鼓励Joe

9、到网站上分享故事。 注意: (1)词数:100字左右; (2)可根据内容要点适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; (3)书信格式及开头均已给出 (不计入总词数)。 Dear Joe,How are you going recently?_Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua参考答案:Dear Joe,How are you going recently ? Im wondering if you have known that the website “Give Me Hope” is enjoying its popularity across Britain. Its about sh

10、aring ordinary peoples optimistic stories in plain language, such as love, courage, help. Moved and excited, I read every single story, feeling life is full of hope. The website which I strongly recommend to you is update frequently. Hopefully, I can read your story on the website since you are an o

11、utgoing person good at telling stories.The website is . Looking forward to your reply.Best wishesYours,Li Hua【名师点睛】本篇范文要点完备,本文属于半开放作文,大部分要点都需要考生自己添加。文章在第二点中要点添加合理。选择的词汇及短语合理流畅,时态人称运用准确无误。全文没有中国式英语的思维,书信的过渡句以及各式使用准确。作者在文章中使用了较多的高级句式,如分词做状语:Moved and excited, I read every single story, feeling life is

12、 full of hope.定语从句The website which I strongly recommend to you is update frequently.等等。17. 假设你是李华,你的英国朋友罗伯特(Robert)准备来中国学习,因此想了解一些中国的肢体语言,请你用英语给他写一份邮件,介绍一些日常的肢体语言。注意:词数100左右。_参考答案:Dear Robert,In China, we wave our hands to say “hello” or “good-bye”. We usually greet our guests by shaking hands with

13、 them. Some people may nod and smile instead of shaking hands. When you are introduced to a Chinese group, they may greet you by clapping their hands.Like in many countries, we nod our heads to say “yes” and shake our heads to say “no”. People will hold their thumbs up to praise a person if he does something great. Sometimes, we bow to show great respect and thanks to others.I hope this information will be he


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