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1、2021-2022学年湖南省娄底市鹅塘中学高三英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. I like people that have a good_of humor. A. sense B. feeling C. touch D.sight 参考答案:A2. Its surprising that your brother _ Russian so quicklyhe hasnt lived there very long.A. picked up B. looked up C. put up D. made up参考答案:A略3. 语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)从每小题的A、B、C、

2、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。1. tomato A. women B. observe C. modern D. wonder2. realize A. really B. weather C. reasonable D. breath3. advise A. island B. decision C. present D. increase4. sugar A. underline B. circulate C. success D. pull5. theory A. months B. worthy C. smooth D. m

3、ouths参考答案:1-5 BACDA4. The population of this city, forty percent of which _, _ 15% in the last three years.A.are Germans, has risen by B.are Germen, has fallen byC.is Germans, have increased to D.is Germans, have been reduced by参考答案:A5. Every four years athletes from all over the world _the Olympic

4、Games .A. join B. attend C. take part in D. sit for参考答案:C6. - Mary, what would you say to a camping holiday for the weekend?- I am simply tired of life here. AYouve taken the words out of my mouth. BEnjoy yourself. CI cant afford the time. DWhere should we go?参考答案:A7. _time did we have that we must

5、hurry up.A. So muchB. Too muchC. Too littleD. So little参考答案:D略30. Yesterday I visited the zoo, where I saw an interesting scene - _ and caught some fish.A. up a dolphin jumped B. did a dolphin jump upC. jumped up a dolphin D. up jumped a dolphin参考答案:30. D考查倒装句。副词up放句首, 若主语是名词时, 该句子全部倒装。略9. Kind word

6、s can be short and easy_, but their echoes are truly endless.A. to speak B. speaking C. to be spoken D. being spoken参考答案:A10. One of our rules is that every student wear school uniform while at school. A. might B. could C. shall D. will参考答案:C11. They started off late and got to the airport with minu

7、tes to . Aspare Bcatch Cleave Dmake参考答案:.A 解析:此题考查了动词的辨析。由于他们动身离开的时间已经晚了,所到达飞机场的时候,就不能够再抽出一点时间了。动词不定式在此做定语。12. The Smiths have three sons, one a baby, _ twins of thirteen.A. another B. other C. the other D. the others参考答案:D略13. - Tom wants to be another Obama after he graduates from school. - That s

8、ounds great, but how can he _ a person like him if he goes on like this?A. change B. turn C. get D. make参考答案:D14. Sometimes it was a bit boring to work there because there wasnt always _ much to do. A. such B. that C. more D. very参考答案:B15. For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread out

9、 further, New York is an example.A. for which B. in which C. of which D. from which 参考答案:C二、 书面表达16. 假定你是即将面临高考的高三学生李华,你的外国笔友Billy来信询问你的大学专业选择,请写信回复。要点如下:1.你的专业选择。2.选择的理由。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Billy,Thank you for your concern about my future major in the university. Yours,Li Hua参考答案:17

10、. 书面表达(满分35分) 假设你叫李林,正在读高三,你的好友张华最近给你来信,想了解你的近况,请你用英语给他写一封回信,告诉他进入高三以来你学习以及生活情况的变化,主要内容包括:1 学习态度与学习压力的变化;2 时间安排的变化;3 你后期的打算(两点)。注意:1. 内容包括以上要点,但不要逐句翻译; 2. 字数120左右,文章开头已提供,不计入总词数。Dear Zhang Hua,Im happy to have received your letter. Now Im writing to express my thanks for your care and tell you something about my study and life.


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