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1、2020-2021学年浙江省嘉兴市三水湾中学高二英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. Its said that an American often starts a speech with a joke, _ a Japanese seldom does. A. as B. when C. while D. though 参考答案:C2. There was plenty of time. We _.A. mustnt have hurried B. couldnt have hurried C. mustnt hurry D. neednt have hurried参考答案:D3. -The

2、y are quiet,arent they?-Yes. They are accustomed _at meals.Ato talk Bto not talk Cto talking Dto not talking参考答案:D4. The old man keeps a healthy life and I strongly believe he is sure _a long life.A. of living B. to live C. living D. lives参考答案:B5. The flowers will die soon unless often _.A. watering

3、 B. to waterC. water D. watered参考答案:D6. If it _for her care, I should not be speaking to you now.A. isnt B. wont be C. hasnt been D. hadnt been参考答案:D7. _ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may produce variants (变异体) of genes in human bodies.ABeing exposed BHaving exposedCExposed DAfter bei

4、ng exposed参考答案:A8. The bank is reported in the local newspaper_ in broad daylight yesterday. A.being robbed B. to have been robbed C. having been robbed D. robbed参考答案:B9. If he _ my advice , he wouldnt have lost his job.A. follow B. should followC. had followed D. would follow.参考答案:C10. _ the heavy

5、rain last week, all the crops have started to grow after such a long drought.A. Thanks to B. In spite of C. Now that D. Even if参考答案:A11. I apologize if I _ you, but I assure you it was unintentional. A. offend B. had offended C. should have offended D. might have offended. 参考答案:B12. I send you 100 d

6、ollars today, the rest _ in a year. A. follows B. followed C. to follow D. being followed参考答案:C略13. He always brings me a pretty gift _ he comes to visit me.A. by the time B every time C. sometimes D at times参考答案:B14. The company will find a girl who comes from a(n)_ country. A. English-speaking B.

7、speak-English C. speaking-English D. English-spoken 参考答案:A15. Dont be late again, the teacher said to me.The teacher asked me_.A.not to be late againB.no to be late againC.not to be late moreD.not to be late any longer参考答案:A直接引语为否定的祈使句时,改为间接引语应变为否定的动词不定式,其他再作相应变化。二、 书面表达16. 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,请根据以下四幅图的先

8、后顺序,给校刊“英语园地”写一篇短文,介绍上周你与外国朋友Tom在颐和园的经历。注意:词数不少于60。提示词:毛笔writing brush_参考答案:Last weekend, Tom and I paid a visit to the Summer Palace, which proved to be very interesting and rewarding.We arrived at the entrance early in the morning and I introduced the history of the park to Tom briefly. The moment

9、 we entered the park, Tom was attracted by the beautiful scenery and we walked along the beautiful lake happily. Soon, we noticed an elderly man practicing calligraphy on the ground, with a bucket of water aside. Holding a big writing brush in his hand, he wrote the Chinese character for “longevity”

10、. As well as other tourists, we couldnt help but admire his skills.To our surprise, the elderly man invited Tom to have a try. With his help, Tom completed his first calligraphy task, the two Chinese characters for “China”, quite successfully. Before we left, we took a photo together to memorize thi

11、s valuable experience. In the picture, Tom held the writing brush and the elderly man smiled, with his thumb up.I was so glad that I could help my foreign friend to learn about the art of the language we have been using for several thousand years. In addition, I rediscovered the charm of Chinese cul

12、ture.试题分析:考查看图作文。本文要求一李华的身份,根据图片内容介绍上周你与外国朋友Tom 在颐和园的经历。所以使用第一人称和一般过去时的时态。要点:1.上周末和Tom一起去参观颐和园,这次旅行很有趣也很值得。我们很早就到了入口处,我向Tom介绍了颐和园的历史。2.进入颐和园以后,我们被美丽的景色吸引,这是一位在地上练字的老人吸引了我们。3.Tom感觉很有趣,老人让他试一试。4.在老人的帮助下,Tom写出了中国两个汉字。我很高兴我的朋友Tom能够学习书法。建议文章分成3-4段分别介绍四幅图的内容,各幅图之间的串联承接要自然合理,同时因为本文属于记叙文,要交代清楚记叙文各要素。【名师点睛】看图作文看图作文要求考生将画面所包含的有效信息直接运用英语思维转换成英语语言文字,再根据这些要点谋篇布局。要求考生把看到的图画用文字表达出来,除了能表达清楚图画中的信息外,考生还需要根据词数要求,适当拓展并发挥想象,从而使文章的叙述不单调。如果是记叙文类的写作素材,考生要注意故事的时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、过程、结果这六个要素;如果是说明文或议论文,考生则首先要对图画的内容进行描述,然后围绕图画的信息进行说明或议论。此时考生一定要注意把握图画的中心思想,写出图画要反映的内容。考点:考查看图作文17. 假设你是李华,请你给喜欢中国诗歌的



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