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1、Unit 5Youns Thomas EdisonPart I Listening and Speaking1 .根据句意和首字母完成单词L They played c games late last night.2 .The little girl was n cold nor hunsrv.?.hafs w二 with you?4.1 was so sthis morning that I fc!l asleep.5.1 p that I wont tell her about it.6.The poor little girl d in the street on a coldnight

2、.:! .英汉互译:打扫房子二包清朋友?三看电影 1 4入花、,三黄馆里*工 created b sbI 一 - x bom-::he age of ten drawing白 be published三项填空一. 一3 Ivou fbr a long time.in Beijing.Tvc just come back, llifi seen .amB. havent seen .shall be-2n*i see. will beD. haveat seen .wasMownin Beijing since ?993.?rx3. works二:“dD.has workedthe rain b

3、efore vesterdav mominc?-i. MoppedB. Have . slopped:二、:。?D. Did, stopped.*when I reached there.,一 ?eginB.had begun- ; xgunD.began二:pri was selling matches a coJcA.onB.inC./D.at;6.12007 威海)Will you please speak ? Imafraid I cant follow vou. A. loudlyB. pleasantlyC.slwlvD. easily97 .(2007 Hi! r?) Ads s

4、ometimes help people leam more i about new products.but at other limes ads tell lies.:A.mKB.canC.needD. should8 . (2008福加 一When did【he Ohmpi! Torch Relay start in Fujian? Mav llthJOOS.(A. InB. Ati.C.OnD.From八.后所给电词的适当形式填空i1 .h snowed(hard Iasi night.2 .T!I never(do) that again.3 .The p.xv girl sat i

5、n the comer of the street and fell (sleep).In ;he(bright) die girl saw her grandmother.5.Hae ou(get; a headache?6.3y u?n oclock in the Homing the mayor of the city answer,: ail the questions that the pe印服 asked.7. Belbx we ect X、the cinema, the filmI Ibedn?. S Belbre last summer aca;ion some of my c

6、lassmates /decide) to go to the beach.句鳄换IJ.1 .The chair is hard.The children cant sit on it.(用 so. . ihaiS-7)2 .The man ran fasu The child couldnt catch him.(用3 .The boy is old.The boy can go to school.(用 enough to 改写)B4 .1 dont know the story before he tells me.(用 nor until 改写)I .一 :I一.一1iI5.He no

7、 more smokes.(改为同义句)- - IVI .阅读理解When the Americans were getting ready to send Iheir | firs; ii)en to the moon, an old Irishman (爱尔兰人)was watching them on TV in the bar of a hotel. There was an | Englishman in the bar, too, and he said to the Irishman, | “The Americans are very clever, arenl they? T

8、hey are going to send more men to the moon .Ifs a long way from our world/“Oh,thaT$ nothing,“ the Irishman answered quickly. “The Irish are going to send some men to the sun in a few 8.He has a very sharp(头脑).n .英汉互译1. in the 20th century2 .be bcm in3 . takeout of.4 .teach him reading5.in order to6

9、.赚钱7 .在之后不久8 .看见正在做9 .跳下10 .在“岁时111 .单项填空I.He had to sell newspapers seven.A.al an age ofB.at the ages ofC.al the age ofD.at age of2. It was said to be one of the greatest _ in the 20th century.B. inventionmonths time.Thafs much farther away than the moon,you I A.inventknow. But how can you get ther

10、e? Ifs too hot!” the Englishman asked.The Irishman laughed and answered,“Well, the Irish arenl foolish, you know. Wc wont go to the sun during the day,of course. Well go there during the nighl.” 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。()1. An old Irishman was watching (he Americanssending their first men to the moon.()2.

11、The Americans arent very clever.()3.Its farther to get to the moon than lo gel to thesun.()4.The sun isnt cool enough for us to go to.()5.The Americans arc cleverer than the Irish.Part H Reading and Writing.根据汉语提示完成单词1 . He is a man of great(能力).2 . It was built in the 19th(世纪).3 .My grandfather oft

12、en reads (报纸)after supper.4 .The firm(出版)a lot of musical and sportsbooks.5 .Please wait for the train at the train(车站).6,(知识)is power.7. His father is a(站长).C. inventionsD. inventing3 .He has madein his work.A . rapid developmentB. rapidly developmentC.rapid developD.rapidly develop4 . -Whenyour br

13、otherback?About half an hour ago.A. did,comeB. had, comeC.do,comeD. have, come5 . Dont be things you are not supposed to know.Acurious toB.curious aboutC.curiously toD.curiously about6 .He dreams a pilot.A.lo becomeB.becomeC.becameD. becoming7 .(2007安徽)Carl feltbecause he won thefint prize in the sc

14、hool singing competition.A. interestedB. proudC.angryD. worriedI 8.Tn very you for your kindness.A gratefulB.gratefullyC grateful loD.gratefully to 9. Why is Mr. Wu so angry Rose?A. atB.withC.toD.forIV .句型转换1 . It is a cute toy bear,(用 how 改为感叹句)2 .How interesting the book is!(改为以 what 开头的感 叹句)interesting book it is!3 .He was called a wizard of invention by people.(改为主 动语态)4 .He ran quickly and we couldnt catch up with him.(用 so. .that连接成一个句子)5 .John is feeling tired.(对画线部分提问)V .完成句子1 .这个小男孩去年在火车上卖报纸CThe little boyon a train last year.2 .为了赚钱,他努力工作|mak



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