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1、旅游专业英文自荐信范文自荐信首先简要介绍求职者的自然状况如:姓名、年龄、姓别等。接着要直截了当地说明从何渠道得到有关信息以及写此信的目的。下面是yjbys我和大家共享的旅游专业英文自荐信范文,更多内容请关注()。Dear Sir/Madam:Thank you for making time to read my letter of recommendation.My name is yjbys, is the 20XX University XX class tourism and resources and Environment Institute of tourism manageme

2、nt of a professional college graduates.I was lucky enough to grow up in a time of competition and challenge, opportunity and development. For the future, I am full of longing, and hope to find the fulcrum of life, to hold up a blue sky. Ever since I entered the university campus, I have been deeply

3、aware of the fierce and brutal competition in the society. Therefore, three years, I have to learn professional knowledge, actively participate in various activities, and achieved good results, but also received several certificates. In our school held a sports meeting in the design of the three pos

4、ter design award certificate, the certificate in the calligraphy and painting competition, the knowledge contest held in our school won the first prize certificate.During these three years, I finally became a Communist Party members, although there is a certain distance from the official party membe

5、rs, but I will continue to work hard, I believe I will become a qualified party members. I have the privilege of serving as the three years in the class commissary in charge of studies, although there is no make great contribution for the class body, but let me understand a lot of truth, a person no

6、 matter what you do, be sure to pay attention to team spirit, only by a person, is can't do great things.I know that now the society needs the professional knowledge and practice is complete, moral and health of the people. In order to meet the needs of the times, three years, I dare not slack o

7、ff, grasp and cherish every opportunity to develop their own. "Heroic achievement and all things, expensive and immediately" and I have always wished that for myself. Do not give up easily, down-to-earth, step by step to set their own goals, and so came the a bumpy road to study. Looking b

8、ack on that is coming to an end of the University of time, from an ignorant little girl to the all-round development of qualified personnel in the new century, during which embodies the struggle my failure and glory, joy and sorrow. But the results are in the past, the future to be a challenge, I wi

9、ll continue my life relay race, never let up. "Must try and know its edge, horse riding will then know equine". I am convinced that as long as I find a fulcrum, you can pry up the whole earth, as long as you give me a piece of soil, I will use the young life to work, I believe you will be

10、able to see my success. This is my confidence and ability.Just face graduation, lack of work experience is my lack of, but I have full of enthusiasm and "dry line, love line" professionalism. I is a swift horse, persistent pursue a knowledge was the only heavy horses! Sincerely hope that y

11、our company can provide me a play in order to realize the value of life and the chance to play for the social development. A cooperative opportunity, for me, is a good beginning, I would like to put personal value in the work of the joint efforts of all employees to achieve. I am looking forward to

12、your good news. Believe your eyes, believe your choice!Finally, wish you prosperity on the upgrade!sincerely,yjbys中文翻译敬重的领导:感谢您在百忙之中批阅我的自荐信。我叫yjbys,是xx高校20xx级旅游与资源环境学院旅游管理专业的一名大专毕业生。我很幸运能生长在一个布满竞争和挑战、机遇与发展并存的年头。对将来,我布满向往,并渴看能找到人生的支点,来撑起一片湛蓝的天空。自从进入高校校内以来,我就深深地意识到社会竞争的激烈和残酷。因此,三年以来,我努力学习专业学问,主动参与各项活动



15、马,执着的追寻着一位识才重才的伯乐!真诚的希望贵单位能供应我一个发挥才能,实现人生价值,为社会发展效力的机会。一个合作的机会,对我来说便是一个良好的开端,我情愿将个人价值放在与贵单位全体员工共同努力的工作中去实现。我期盼着您的好消息。信任您的眼光,信任您的选择!最终,恭祝贵公司兴盛发达,蒸蒸日上!此致敬礼yjbys日期本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第7页 共7页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页


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