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1、2020-2021学年天津第十九中学高三英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Large quantities of water , as well as some other timely help including a medical team, _ since the serious drought hit Yunnan Province. A. has offered B. had been offered C. have been offered D. is offered参考答案:C2. Were not going on holiday this year; _ we ha

2、vent got the money and then theres still a lot we need to do on the house.A. for a start B. in other words C. on the other hand D. on the contrary 参考答案:A3. Mr. Morgan appears very cheerful in public, he is actually leading a very unhappy life. A. When B. While C. As D. Since 参考答案:B4. Look at this ye

3、ars sales figures _ last years; they are so much better.A. from B. with C. between D. against参考答案:D略5. After much effort, I eventually persuaded him to take my advice that he _ immediately. A. be operated on B. was operated on C. operate on D. should operate on参考答案:A略31. In some countries packets of

4、 cigarettes come with a government health warning _ to them.A. appealed B. applied C. appointed D. attached 参考答案:D略7. The police still havent found the missing boy but theyre doing all they _. A shall B would C must D can参考答案:D8. _under the tree was a charming girl aged about seventeen or eighteen.A

5、.Sat B.Sitting C.To sit D.Sit参考答案:B9. The committee accepted his proposal that a conference be held _ to deal with the issues arising in the course.A.every the second month B.each second month C.every a few months D.every other month参考答案:D略10. The message you intend to convey through words may be th

6、e exact opposite of_ others actually understand Awhy Bthat Cwhich Dwhat参考答案:D略11. Whenever were in _ trouble, we should never lose _ heart.A. a; the B. a; a C. 不填; 不填 D. /; the 参考答案:C12. -Thank you for joining in our conversation tonight. - . A. Its my dutyB. Its my pleasureC. Its all rightD. It doe

7、snt matter参考答案:B13. _I cant fully understand what his music conveys, his performance is quite impressive.A. As B. Since C. If D. While参考答案:D14. Both teams are in good form,which should a great game Amake up Bmake out Cmake off Dmake for参考答案:D15. _ individual players, we have a great team but the pro

8、blem is that they dont play football together well at all.A. On top of B. By means ofC. In terms of D. In case of参考答案:C考查介词短语。A. On top of在之上;B. By means of用,依靠;C. In terms of按照,就而言;D. In case of万一,假设。句意:就队员个人而言,我们有一个很伟大的团队,但问题是踢足球时他们根本不能很好地配合。故选C。16. You must tell Mr, Wang about the incident _ you

9、meet himAquickly BquietlyCwhile Dimmediately参考答案:D17. Is _48 hours_ the man- made satellite _ is made in our country to orbit the planet around?A. it; that; where B. it; when; whatC. it for; that it takes; thatD. it; that it takes; which参考答案:D18. Billy kept asking his mother if he could go to the mo

10、vies and she . A. gave way to B. gave up C. gave way D. gave away 参考答案:C19. She told her story in _ expressions, so that I could have a true picture in my mind.A. available B. valuable C. similar D. vivid参考答案:D二、 翻译72. 这是他第一次一本正经地评价我的衣着。 (comment)_73. 住校能使学生有更多的时间和精力投入到学业中。 (enable)_74. 最让我担心的是这孩子除了

11、在线游戏之外,似乎对周围的一切都视而不见。(concern)_75. 正是因为没有抵制住金钱和名誉的诱惑,那位知名演员违反了法律,最终她不得不为此付出惨重的代价。(fail)_参考答案:72. This/It is the first time that he has commented on / has made comments on my clothes seriously. 73. Living in school on campus enables students to devote more time and energy to their academic work. 74.

12、What concerns me most is that the kid seems to be blind to / to turn a blind eye to everything around him but online games. 75. It was because she failed to resist the temptation of money and fame that the famous actress broke the laws and in the end had to pay a high price for it.本文为翻译题。在翻译时要注意不仅翻译要精确,还必须用所给的词来翻译。要注意句子的时态及语态的正确性。【72题详解】考查固定句式。This/It is the first time that+从句,表示“是某人第一次”,主句是is,从句一般用现在完成时。“对作出评价”可用固定搭配,可译成“make comments on”或“comment on”,故“这是他第一次一本正经地评价我的衣着。”可译为“This/It is the first time that he has commented on / has made comm


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