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1、出国导师推荐信英文出国导师举荐信英文 出国留学导师举荐信对于申请美国探讨生的学生来说是特别关键的,一封具有劝服力的导师举荐信对于录用结果是有很大影响作用的。下面给大家共享三篇出国导师举荐信英文范文,供大家参考。 出国导师举荐信英文(1)To whom it may Concern,I am writing this letter to attest to Paul’s skills in language and public relations. In the four years I have known him, I have been consistently impres

2、sed with his ability not only to negotiate complex ideas in other languages, but also to relate these things in a personable, conscientious fashion. His manner in these cases is both professional and personal, two qualities which I find particularly valuable in a professional setting. He has persona

3、lly helped me in professional negotiation for everything from train tickets to contract information, and I have always been able to count on him.I first met Paul in school, where he was a student at the university at which I taught. He was well-known to most of the westerners in town, who could call

4、 from different universities to ask for his help. Sometimes this help involved translation of professional documents, and sometimes it involved personal help in making phone calls. Many of these westerners continue to call him today, even though they live quite far away from him, because they have c

5、ome to trust him very much. From this foundation in public relations Paul has found positions in various professional capacities and has been highly-valued in each place. He is generally the sort of employee a company finds most valuable in its dealings with both foreign and domestic clients. He put

6、s people at their ease with his language ability and manner, both of which communicate to people that they can relax and simply communicate.I would highly recommend Paul as an employee. His experience and manner are rare and very valuable.Robert MooreMentor出国留学导师举荐信范文(2)Dear Colleagues:MS. XXX reque

7、sted a letter of reference from me to support her application for graduate studies at your university. As her research adviser when she was a graduate student in my school of science Beijing University of Chemical Technology, I am pleased to comply with her request.( UI have known Ms. Zhang since 20

8、03, when she was admitted as a Master of Science candidate into the school. As her research adviser, I directed her research and found her a promising youth radiating with intelligence and creativity. During her first year, she got a very good record in major courses and earnd good scores major and

9、general GPA 3.3. She particularly enjoyed challenging areas of studies such as Quantum Chemistry and Theory of Electrochemistry.During the following two years, Ms. Zhang worked on a computational theory study of inorganic functional materials project for his degree thesis ;Theoretical Study of Elect

10、ronic Structures of Several Representative Metal Element in the Hydrotalcite Slabs;. To make the theory model meet the actual materials, she faced down many practical problems, such as building reasonable module of inorganic materials, and calculation techniques. Working hard and independently, she

11、cracked the problems one by one, and came up with a thesis that was characterized by academic excellence. During her M.S. period, she had three papers published in international journals.Judging by her outstanding performance while she studied with me, I am convinced that Ms. Zhang has acquired the

12、knowledge and intellectual sophistication on the basis of which she can undertake world-class training. I therefore lend her my enthusiastic support and would appreciate your favorable consideration of her application.出国导师的举荐信英文(3)ear Admissions Committee:Among all the students who have received my

13、instruction in the courses of ;International Marketing; and ;Strategic Management; at ABC University, Mr. John Doe is one of the few who stood out and left with me a positive impression. Therefore, I am confident to recommend this young man to your prestigious MBA program.John is a bright and aggres

14、sive individual who possesses a strong motivation to learn and excel in his course work. Unlike most of his peers, who gained knowledge merely from school lecturing, John would spend a great amount of efforts and time in reading outside articles and textbooks and share his ideas with the class. In a

15、ddition, as an open- minded individual who never let go any learning experience, John often came to me discussing various questions and problems he encountered in his coursework.I would like hereby to draw upon an instance that I believe fully exemplifies John’s academic ability. While attendi

16、ng my class he presented an excellent report focusing on the research of the European Community (EC), in which he shared with us his careful observations on EC, and proposed a number of innovative suggestions for Taiwanese industries that wished to gain successful presence in that market. Having noticed his superior ability to conduct independent research studies and to support his arguments with logical quanti


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