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1、老故事咂出新滋味英语励志小故事 老故事咂出新滋味英语励志小故事 铁杵磨成针tellsus:Moving as the strenuous deeds, it isactually ridicules. Instead of buying a needle, he insisted to rub an ironstick exhausted for years. It is useless to work hard once the direction andmethod was wrong. 三顾茅庐tellsus:The opportunity is get by waiting. If M

2、r.Kong applied his position spontaneously, the result might be the other one.After all, it practices only in the old age. Though ten times the wisdom than KingMing, we modern people may lose enormous opportunities. Who knows if theattention to the talents is more or less? 龟兔赛跑 tellsus:Never pete its

3、 shortes with othersmerits, nor take the shortes as advantages for a short-time fortune. If youwere a turtle, pete diving or lifespan with rabbit because these are youradvantages. 井底的之蛙 tellsus:Man is what his surrounding and vise verse.The surrounding is fit for the man. Never condemn frogs narrow

4、and foolish,for it never survive in the East Sea, it just a troublemade by itself. 武松打虎 tellsus:Hero is sometimes be made. A mon though 武松s tremendous courage, for nobody without fear totiger. Thanks to his stubborn and the fifteen 小酒, 武松 had the honor to kill the tiger. He also never knewthat he mi

5、ght e across a tiger. His mind became clear the moment he saw thetiger; it showed he is not planned to be a hero.To be or not to be; was he kill the tiger and because a hero. Just like manyincidents in life, every hero appears out of some conditions. 螳臂当车 tellsus:To change the situation, it prefers

6、to dosome useless efforts though it may die in pieces. Or maybe, when number of thesame doers increased, the 车 may sow down or stop surprised. 铁杵磨成针的故事告诉我们:白费力气的事尽管感人但却是可笑的。明明买根针就能做活,非要用根大铁棒磨它个三年两载。方向和方法错了,功夫下的再深也不行。 三顾茅庐的故事告诉我们:机遇是等来的。如果孔明先生主动上门求职,就不见得有这样的效果。不过,这话只适合古代,现代人即使比孔明的本事大十倍,坐在家里干等也不见得有机遇出

7、现。天知道重视人才的观念是进步了还是退步了。 龟兔赛跑的故事告诉我们:永远不要以己之短比别人之长,更不要因一时的侥幸成功把短当成长。如果是乌龟,可以跟兔子比潜水,也可以跟兔子比长寿,这才是乌龟的强项。 井底的之蛙故事告诉我们:什么样的环境早就什么样的人生,反过来也同样,什么样的人生适合什么样的环境。别指责青蛙的短浅愚昧,因为蛙绝不可能从井底迁到东海生存。如果蛙受了教育启发,从此志在东海,那只有徒增烦恼了。 武松打虎的故事告诉我们:英雄有时是被逼出来的。武松胆儿再大也是正常人,没有人不拍老虎的道理。要不是犟脾气加上十五碗小酒,决不回去做打虎的壮举。其实他也没想到会遇上老虎,真的遇上反而酒都被吓醒了,说明他并不是真的想当英雄。不是他死就是虎亡,他把自己逼成了英雄。现实的很多典型与此很类似,每一个英雄的出现都是有前提的。 螳臂当车的故事告诉我们:即便粉身碎骨,也要为改变现状做一些看似无效的努力。也许,当轮前的螳臂多了,车会慢下来或者停下来。



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