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1、关于重阳节放纸鹤的习俗英语作文 Put ZhiYao is huizhou in the double ninth festivals main custom. In other words, the huizhou folk in the double ninth festival is put ZhiYao as the main characteristics. The acquisition, in addition to the huizhou spread in the folk narrative, guangxu emperor hui state volunteers are

2、 described. ZhiYao kite now. Kite is five generations later, before the five dynasties, used to say kite in the north, the south is called the kite, huizhou ZhiYao title clearly is retained the ancient name five generations ago, and has the flavor of the north-south mix . Beginning a kite in the spr

3、ing and autumn period, the early type are birds. Legend states lu ban) as a cut bamboo for crane, and fly, a wooden kite to peep songcheng. Here the bamboo magpie wood the kite, is the generation of a kite. However, there was no paper, can only be made from bamboo. Qing said in a note han xin army t

4、housand under siege xiang yu in the note, with cow leather a kite, the place of good whistle blown homesickness, the sorrowful but, ChuJun disciple eight thousand dispersed surprising. Here said the kite, han dynasty also is just a cow leather kite. Papermaking debut by CAI lun in eastern han dynast

5、y, the beginning of paper kite, appeared the kite and the kite title. The emergence of the name of the kite, aording to the record is in the five dynasties, the polling silage recorded ji yue: kite, kite, also known as the wind kite. At the beginning of the five dynasties his a kite in the court, le

6、ad field trips to play, after first for bamboo flute, the kite made into bamboo wind, sound, such as zheng, vulgar kite. Tang dynasty, the kite, and pronounce qingming festival, after the song has been more popular among mon people. After this, the shape of the kite is not confined to the magpie, ki

7、tes, harrier birds, insects, fish, people are of god, after the Ming and qing dynasties, has bee a kind of very consummate craft of kite making art. Huizhou folk ZhiYao, is not true colors, more for square plane, with a tail, its shape and folk door god, ghost similar, so the suspected god a simplif

8、ied shape is the kite. In huizhou folk, rubella is extremely simple, bamboo a bend, straight vertical, grabbed a square piece of paper, affix tail set line, can fly. One with no tail, the quartet form paper slightly larger, said a savory harrier, to relax smooth and stable when the name. In addition

9、, other shapes of ZhiYao oasionally. Chongyang this day, people with more high, in the streets and the desert place to fly kites, have children, as per capita, also very spectacular. Aording to our countrys traditional habits, fly kites in the tomb-sweeping day. Chongyang ZhiYao is huizhou unique fo

10、lk customs. The cause for review. But from huizhou led south climate, time seems to be quite appropriate. Before and after the tomb-sweeping day is the rainy season, spring rain continuously, then obviously is not suitable for putting ZhiYao, chongyang before and after the fall, strong breeze contin

11、uously, people aording to the traditional custom to mountain climbing, outdoor activities, put ZhiYao at this time, right place, right time and, is quite a lot to the right. 放纸鹞是惠州过重阳节的主要习俗。换句话说,惠州民间过重阳节是以放纸鹞为主要特征的。此习,除惠州流传的民谣中有叙述以外,光绪惠州府志亦有记述。 纸鹞亦现在的风筝。风筝是五代以后的称谓,五代之前,北方习惯称“纸鸢”,南方则多叫“鹞子”,惠州的“纸鹞”称谓很

12、明显的是保留了五代以前的古老名称,且有“南北混合”的味道。 风筝始见于春秋时期,初型均是鸟类。相传公输般(鲁班)“削竹为鹤,成而飞之”,“作木鸢以窥宋城”。这里的“竹鹊”“木鸢”,就是代风筝的雏型。不过,当时没有纸,只能用竹木制成。清人笔记中说“韩信率军十万围攻项羽于垓下,以牛皮制风筝一具,下置善笛之人吹思乡之曲,其声悲怨,楚军弟子八千人尽皆散去”。这里所说的汉代风筝,也只不过是牛皮制的风筝。东汉蔡伦造纸术面世后,始有纸制风筝,出现了“纸鸢”和“鹞子”的称谓。“风筝”之名的出现,据记是出现在五代,询刍录记曰:“风筝,即纸鸢,又名风鸢。初,五代李邺于宫中作纸鸢,引线采风为戏,后于鸢首以竹为笛,使

13、风入竹,声如筝鸣,俗呼风筝。”唐以后,风筝盛行,并定清明节为风筝节,宋已后更是在老百姓中间普及了。从这以后,风筝的形状已不局限于鹊、鸢、鹞等鸟类,虫、鱼、人神均有之,明清以后,风筝制作已成为一种十分精湛的手工艺术。 惠州民间的纸鹞,已非本来面目,多为四方平面,带一尾巴,其形状与民间所贴门神、神位相似,故疑为神状风筝的一种简化。在惠州民间,风疹制作极为简单,采竹一枝弯曲,一支直竖,撑住一张四方纸,贴上尾巴调好线,即可放飞。有一种不带尾巴,四方状纸稍大,称“阿婆鹞”,以放飞时平稳、安定而得名。除此外,其他形状的纸鹞也偶而有之。重阳这天,人们多伴以登高,于街道和旷野处放飞风筝,孩童、成人均有之,亦甚壮观。 按我国的传统习惯,放飞风筝多在清明。重阳放纸鹞可说是惠州民间特有习俗。其来由无从考究。但从惠州的领南气候观之,时间上似乎颇为恰当。清明前后为雨季,春雨不断,这时显然是不适合于放纸鹞的,而重阳前后秋高气爽,劲风不断,人们按传统习俗要登山登高,进行户外活动,此时放纸鹞,天时地利人和,是颇多为适合的。



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