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1、关于足球的精选英语作文 Today I went to school. Didnt think the coach call students line up? ! I stood beside the team. The coach took us up, to go to an indoor basketball court. Coach let us two teams, team is black, the team is red. Behind, the coach took a ball he put the ball in the middle of the pitch, als

2、o said: only a team to kick the ball away from the say that finish, he asked: remember? Remember! We say well, to start! Say that finish, coach blowing the whistle. Intense and exciting game started. Liu Hongyi playing in the middle. He kicked the ball to me, I do not for a moment Ill catch the ball

3、, two people ran to the next to me! I run, run. The ball fell into their hands I ran desperately. The two men so damn! As they pass, as he ran, I ran to them. There is only one way: only literally knocked down a man, they couldnt pass, but they too fast, I cant help it! All of a sudden we stood in f

4、ront of the team leader, never expected, Liu Hongyi behind, they may want to: when I got the ball, Liu Hongyi to hook the ball. Pass the ball to them! They are never imagined the captain took the ball. Finally, we won! 参考翻译: 今天我一放学就去了球馆。没想到教练叫同学们排队?!我站在队旁。后面教练带我们上去,去室内篮球场。 教练让我们分两队,一队是黑的,一队是红的。后面,教练

5、拿了一个球他把球放在球场中间,还说:“只有一名队员才能把球向外踢”说完,他又问:“记住了吗?”“记住了!”我们说“好,开始!”说完,教练吹起了哨声。激烈而刺激的球赛开始了。 刘泓毅在中间踢。他把球向我踢来,我不一会儿我就抢到了球,有两个人跑到我旁边!我跑呀,跑呀。球落到了他们的手上我拼命的跑着。那两个人好可恶!他们一边传球,一边跑,我跑到他们中间.只只有一个办法了:随便撞倒一个人,他们就无法传球了,可他们速度太快了,我也无能为力!突然我们队队长在前面守着,万万没想到,刘泓毅在后面,他们可能想:等我抢到了球,刘泓毅来个勾球。把球传给他们!他们万万没想到是队长抢走了球。最后,我们赢了! 打乒乓球好

6、玩,踢足球更好玩! Today I in my aunts house, I also met here theres a football field seven or eight people can match with them. Ill call them, and my brother I am a striker, I am the strongest here. Start my foot ball game, left hide right shine, finally not line, immediately to my brother, my brother immed

7、iately rushed forward to shot into the zone but didnt in, or will we serve, and again I attack but I kicked by others, we the referee penalty kick, I add a run-up shot into the into the into the into the too good. Our team call lightning, and the other is called flash so 1-0 is lightning flash. 50 m

8、inutes from the end of the game and Im so tired, I have started to concentrate on the game, serve each other, Im ing a shovel ball Ive got the ball, I am a corner kick into the long shots hit the death, 45 Zhong Guo lightning flash team 2-0, can rest for a while. We rest a while: 15 minutes, start a

9、gain, I take the ball and I had a short walk to brother, brother to 4, 4 to 9, 9 ball is the other side of the 25 take 25 I have shot into the flash game 1:2 lightning. Im glad to win, I am very sad to let others into a ball. 参考翻译: 今天我在大舅妈家,那儿有个足球场我也在这里认识了七八个人可以和他们比赛。我马上去喊他们,我弟我是前锋,我可是这里最强的。开始比赛了我脚拿

10、球冲,左躲右闪,最后,马上传给我弟,弟弟马上向前冲到进区里打门可是没进,还是我们发球,我又一次攻击可是我被别人踢倒,我们的裁判示意点球,我一个助跑加射门进了进了进了进了太好了。我们队叫闪电,对方叫闪光所以是闪电1:0闪光。 离比赛结束还有50分钟我已经很累了,我有开始专心的比赛,对方发球,我马上来一个铲球我拿到了球,我一个远射打到了死角球进了,闪电2:0闪光队45钟过去了,可以歇一会了。 我们歇息一会:15分钟,又开始比赛,我拿球,我走了一会儿马上给弟弟,弟弟传给4号4号给9号,9号的球被对方的25号抢走25号把我都过了打门进了闪光1:2闪电比赛结束。 我很高兴赢了,我很悲伤让别人进了一球。



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