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1、河北省邯郸市西呈孟中学2021-2022学年高二英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Finishing their shopping at the mall, the couple discovered that their new car _.A. had stolen B. had been stolenC. was stolen D. is stolen参考答案:B2. As modern equipment is being used widely , the factory _ most of its workerswith robots.A . represents B. repl

2、aced C. exchanged D. reduced参考答案:B3. _ that he made an obvious mistake, Jeff went on with his speech.ANot realized BNot realizingCNot to realize DNot to have realized参考答案:B4. Since there are five managers giving reports, the meeting _ for at least two hours.A. lasts B. lasted C. will last D. would l

3、ast参考答案:C5. Can you help raise some money for the new journalists amusement center?_. But give me some time.A. Thanks B. Go ahead C. Sure D. Sorry 参考答案:C6. -Do you think I can wear sports clothes for his wedding?-No, sports clothes are not_.A proper B. right C. appropriate D. match参考答案:C7. Tom has m

4、anaged to pursue his diverse interests_ his fast-moving career.A. in defence ofB. in relation toC. in parallel withD. in charge of参考答案:C【详解】考查词组。句意:汤姆在追求自己的多元化兴趣的同时,也在追求自己快速发展的事业。A. in defence of保护。为-辩护;B. in relation to关于,涉及;C. in parallel with与-同时;D. in charge of负责,主管。根据pursue his diverse interest

5、s和 his fast-moving career可知,此处指兴趣与事业同时进行。故选C。8. In order to cheat others, some unkind men often _ themselves off as PLA men.A. pass B. take C. make D. dress参考答案:A9. We have got plenty of time left to get the work finished so _. Dont go too hard at it. A. take it easy B. take time C. dont hurry D. do

6、nt worry 参考答案:A10. Lets _ the talking, Johnny said, And get back to work.A. help out B. cut down C. cut out D. test out参考答案:C11. Whatever weather it is, I always see the policeman_his place and direct the traffic.A.take upB.make upC.look forD.stand for参考答案:A12. By the time he gets home, his father _

7、 for Paris on business.A. has leftB. will have leftC. had leftD. will leave参考答案:B13. If he well for his lessons yesterday, he so many difficulties now Aprepared;wouldnt have Bhad prepared;wouldnt have had Chad prepared;wouldnt have Dprepared;wouldnt have had参考答案:C14. You can only be sure of _ you ha

8、ve at present; you cannot be sure of something _ you might get in the future.A that, what B what, / C what, which D / , that参考答案:B略15. -What made her so upset? -_her necklace.ALose BLosing CTo lose DLost 参考答案:B16. Mr. Smith couldnt open the door because his naughty boy _ it from the insideA. would l

9、ockB. was lockingC. has lockedD. had locked 参考答案:17. You can see that the young graduate is just of _ height. A. average B. ordinary C. special D. regular 参考答案:A18. The letters for the boss_on his desk but he didnt read them until three days later.A. were putB. have been putC. putD. have put参考答案:A二、

10、 新的题型19. Rich and FamousTwenty years ago the most common ambition of American children was to be a teacher, followed by working in banking and finance, and then medicine But todays situation is quite different_16_ Instead they most commonly say they want to be a sports star, a pop star, or an actor-

11、in other words,they hope to become a celebrity According to experts, young people desire these jobs largely because of the wealth and the fame_17_ Lets take athletes and singers as an example. Their careers are short-lived Many athletes best time only lasts a few years and singers can have a very li

12、mited career The field that was once the focus of their lives becomes something they have little or no involvement in As a result, theyll have a feeling of worthlessness and a lack of control_18_ The truth is quite simple: they have been so far removed from it for so longIn spite of these disadvanta

13、ges, there is greater ambition than ever among young people to achieve that status They are not satisfied just making a living-they want to be rich and famous Globally, more and more TV shows provide talent competitions where winners can achieve their goals in just a few weeks or months_19_ They unr

14、ealistically believe that this lifestyle is easily obtained and leads to great satisfactionWhile many people argue that there is nothing wrong with having such ambitions, others feel that this trend will finally lead to dissatisfaction as more and more people are unable to reach their goals_20_That means they ignore the simple fact t


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