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1、奥运会实用英语口语5篇 练习说很有用。 A: Its good to practise as much listening and reading as you can in your spare time. A: 在你的业余时间尽可能地多听多读有好处。 B: Yes, it is. But I think its more important to practise speaking. B: 是的,是这样。但是我想练习说更重要。 A: Yes, its good to practise speaking. Luckily, there are so many English-speaking

2、 people in Beijing now. A: 是的,练习说很有用。幸运的是,现在北京有这么多讲英语的人。 B: Yes, therere lots of opportunities. You can have conversations at work and lots of other places. B: 是的,有很多的时机。你可以在工作中和场合用英语会话。 A: It all helps. Theres nothing as good as really using the language with native-speakers. A: 这些都很有帮助。再没有比跟母语是英语的

3、人交流更好的。 我推荐饺子。 A:You know that restaurant you told me about? A:你记得你告诉我的那家餐馆吗? B:Which one? B:哪家? A:The one near Wangfujing Street. Im going there tomorrow. A:在王府井大街附近的那家。我明天想去那里 . B:Oh, that one! Youll enjoy it - its good. B:噢,那家!你会喜欢那里的-它很不错。 A:What should I try? Do they have any speciality? A:我应该吃

4、什么?他们有特色菜吗? B:Yes, I remend the dumplings. Theyre really tasty. B:哦,我推荐饺子。饺子非常香。 这个城市非常热闹。 A: Lets plan all the things we can do. A: 让我们方案一下我们能做些什么。 B: Good idea. Im sure youll have a busy time. B: 好主意。我肯定你将很忙碌。 A: Well, its great to be here in Beijing. The city has a real buzz. A: 哦,到北京来真好。这个城市真热闹。

5、 B: Yes, these are exciting times. Lots of change. B: 是的,这是冲动人心的时刻。有很多的变化。 A: And the Olympics ing. I think Beijing is a very cool city at the moment. A: 奥运会即将召开了。我想到时北京将是个非常漂亮的城市。 我想看看我的电子邮件。 A: Hi! Ill just be a few moments. I want to check my e-mail. A: 嗨!我只用一会。我想看看我的电子邮件。 B: No problem. I want t

6、o check mine too. B: 没问题。我也想看看我的。 A: I hate it when you get a lot of junk mails. A: 有那么多的垃圾邮件真令我讨厌。 B: Me too. Its such a waste of time. B: 我也是。这浪费了很多时间。 A: Im expecting an e-mail from my friend and I want to reply. A: 我在等我朋友的邮件,我想回复邮件。 这是一个非常受人欢送的目的地。 A: Beijings packed with tourists now. A: 北京现在到处

7、都是的人。 B: Yes, I guess its a really popular destination nowadays. B: 是的,我想现在它是一个非常受人欢送的目的地。 A: Look at this the hotel is full of tourists. A: 看这这家旅馆全是游客。 B: What language are they speaking? I cant understand what theyre speaking. B: 他们在讲什么语言?我不明白他们在说什么。 A: Im not sure. It might be French or Spanish. Im not really sure. A: 我不知道。可能是法语或者西班牙语。我不十分肯定。


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