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1、江苏省徐州市沛县王集中学2020-2021学年高二英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. I was really too busy with my homework and I couldnt help _ the housework.A.doing B.do C.did D.done参考答案:B略2. My father told me that he didnt _ school this year.A. approve my leaving B. approve me to leave C. approve of my leaving D. approve of me to leave 参考

2、答案:C3. When you get into trouble, dont hesitate _ me for help.Ain asking Basking Cto ask Dto asking参考答案:C4. A new hospital is being built in _used to be a waste land. A. where B. what C. which D. that参考答案:B5. The most exciting moment came, with s and friends present screaming and cheering, _ Nicky e

3、xpressed his love for his bride.A. where B. whenC. which D. who参考答案:B试题分析:考查定语从句。本句中with s and friends present screaming and cheering,做伴随状语,可忽略,Nicky expressed his love for his bride和前句The most exciting moment came是同时发生的,所以选表时间的连词when.。当尼克向他的新娘告白的时候,最激动的时刻到来了,亲朋好友们尖叫并欢呼着。6. Frank put the medicine in

4、 a top drawer to make sure it would not be _ to the children.A. accessible B. acceptable C. incredible D. suitable参考答案:A7. -Do you know the 3G mobile phone will come into the market soon?-Really? It is said to be superior _any other model. I cant wait to buy _.A. than; oneB. to ; one C. to ; it D. t

5、han; it 参考答案:B8. necessary experience for my future career, I take an active part in social activities in college.A. To gain B. Gain C. Gaining D. Having gained参考答案:A9. If the wound_ become infected, do not hesitate to call me.A. shall B. must C. should D. would参考答案:C10. How I wish every family _ a

6、large house with a beautiful garden!A. has B. had C. will have D. have参考答案:B11. So suddenly _that the animals in the zoo looked very frightened during the total solar eclipse (日全食)A. did the sky turn dark B. the sky did turn darkC. turned the sky dark D. was the sky turned dark参考答案:A12. The elderly

7、need special care in winter, for they are to the sudden change of weather.A. sensitive B. sensible C. positive D. curious参考答案:A13. - Would you do me a favor and give me a ride?-_ANo trouble BWith pleasure CIts a pleasure DYes, thats right参考答案:B略14. The control centre soon lost _ touch with _ Flight

8、370 soon after it took off. A. the; the B. the; / C. /; the D. /; /参考答案:D15. She devoted herself science, and made great contribution the development of technology. A. in; to Bto; of Cin; in D. to; to参考答案:D 二、 短文改错16. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺

9、词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I like riding my bike. Though it is not very new, but it ismy best friend. I find very convenient to go anywhere with abike. Riding give me not only exercise but also pleasure. Iuse my b

10、ike mostly on summer when the weather is warmand dry. It can very unpleasant in winter when it is cold and therain is pouring down. It can also be very danger. Of courseI will be very careful on my bike. In facts, accidents are notthe only problem. One day I went to school and come back find the fro

11、nt wheel was missed. It was a long walk tothe repairers shop. Now I have two strong locks.参考答案:I like riding my bike. Though it is not very new, but it ismy best friend. I find ery convenient去掉 itto go anywhere with abike. Riding give me not only exercise but also pleasure. Iuse my bike mostly gives

12、on summer when the weather is warmand dry. It canvery unpleasant in winter when it is coldin be and therain is pouring down. It can also be very danger. Of courseI will be very careful on my bike. dangerous In facts, accidents are notthe only problem. One day I went to school and come back ind the f

13、act came to front wheel was missed. It was a long walk tothe repairers shop. Now I have two strong locks.missing71.but 去掉考察连词。Though和but不可同时出现在一个句子中,文意是我喜欢骑自行车,尽管它不是很新,但是确实我最好的朋友。72.find后加it考察代词。Find是动词“发现”的意思,It之后的句子是find的宾语,文意是我发现骑自行车去哪里都很方便。73.give改为gives考察动词。 Riding是主语,其后的谓语动词应用三单形式,文意是骑自行车不仅可以锻炼身体但是也给了我很多乐趣。74.on改为in介词。In summer是固定搭配,表示“在夏天”,文意是在夏天天气温暖的时候我绝打对数会使用自行车。75.can后加be考察情态动词。句中缺少谓语动词,文意是在冬天天气很冷、风很大的时候骑车子是很不舒服的。76.danger改为dangerous考察形容词。dangerous是形容词表示“危险的”,文意在冬天天气很冷、风很大的时候骑车子是很不舒服的,是骑自行车也会很危险。


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