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1、山东省聊城市十五里园镇中学2021-2022学年高二英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Mo Yan, the first Chinese national to win a Nobel Prize in Literature, is _ to earn about 200 million yuan this year.A. likely B. possible C. probable D. willing参考答案:A2. The question _now at the meeting is not the question_yesterday. A. discussed; discusse

2、d B. discussing; had discussed C. being discussed; discussed D. discussing; discussing参考答案:C3. As there is no cream,we will have to_ ourselves with black coffee.Acontent Bmeet Creach Dplease参考答案:A4. Long long ago, people had no idea _ the inside of the earth might look like. A. what B. that C. how D

3、. why 参考答案:A5. A university is an educational institution which _ degrees and carries out research.A. rewards B. awards C. represents D. presents参考答案:B略6. He missed _ gold in the high jump, but will get _ second chance in the long jump.A. the; a B. 不填; a C. the; the D. a; 不填参考答案:A略7. _ sweet, the fl

4、owers in the botanic garden attract the visitor.A. Smelt B. To smell C. To be smelt D. Smelling参考答案:D8. We must pay attention the fact that the young dont look to the old nowadays,A. to; down B. on; down C. on; upon D. to; up 参考答案:D略9. I dont like living in a big city, its too noisy and Im afraid I

5、cant _it.A end up with B come up with C put up with D keep up with 参考答案:C10. Not until _to do my homework _ how much time I had wasted playing puter games. A. I began; I realized B. I began; did I realize C. did I begin; I realized D. did I begin; did I realize参考答案:B11. Japanese people _ live much l

6、onger than Europeans.A. on average B. in turn C. in some ways D. in other words参考答案:A45. The inside surface is resistant to water, so the coat can be when it rains. A. deserved B. reversed C. reserved D. preserved参考答案:B略13. At first he was not good at playing basketball but after a long time of trai

7、ning hard, he stood out. Its easy to understand, _.A. Make hay while the sun shines.B. Practice makes perfect.C. The early bird catches the wormD. Actions speak louder than words.参考答案:B14. We could hardly believe what she says because she is _ changing her mind. A. regularly B. constantly C. eventua

8、lly D. steadily参考答案:B15. _ from the top of the tower, the east foot of the mountain is a sea of rape flowers. A. Seen B. Seeing C. Having seen D. To see参考答案:A二、 短文改错16. 短文改错: 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(), 并在其下写出该加的词。删除: 把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意: 1.每处

9、错误及其修改均仅限一词;2 .只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。One year ago, I was in great trouble. I worked hard at English and devote all my spare time to practice it. But I failed to pass the mid-term examination, which made me great disappointed. So I asked my grandpa for advice when I got to home. Hearing that I told

10、 him, he said, “To some extent, examination results are sometime unexpected by your study level. You cant judge your progress by one examination.” He encouraged myself to work hard for long time to check my results. I took my grandpas advice. Now I realize that the process of learning is much more i

11、mportant and my English is more better than before. From my experience, I feel that we should listen to opinion from old people.参考答案:1. devote devoted 2. practise practicing 3. great greatly 4. 去掉to。5. that what 6. sometime sometimes 7. myself me 8. for和long 之间加a9. more much 10. opinion opinions 17.

12、 A warm - heart nurse on her first days work came to 56_a patient. She asked him she could do anything for 57_him, and he only waved his hands and said something 58_she could hardly understand. She asked him again 59_and he just kept saying the different words, but 60_in a more lower voice, before closing his eyes. She 61_felt his pulse and found him death. She rushed to 62_tell the doctor she had heard. “My 63_dear girl,” said the doctor after listen carefully to


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