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1、浙江省温州市泰顺县第二中学高三英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. Many Chinese universities provide scholarships for students _the school feeAin favour of Bin honour of Cin face of Din need of参考答案:D2. In our daily life, everyone fails every now and then. It is how you react that makes a _. A. development B. difference C. progress D

2、. point参考答案:B 3. Shirley _ a book about China last year but I dont know whether she has finished it.A. was writingB. wroteC. is writingD. has written参考答案:A【详解】考查时态。句意:雪莉去年在写一本关于中国的书,但我不知道她是否写完了。根据last year可知,此处是过去的时间,故可排除C, D。再根据句意可知,“不知道她是否写完了”,意味着“我看到雪莉时她正在写”,故此处用过去进行时,故选A。4. When Kerry and Sam me

3、t again two years later, each was pleased to see _. A. the otherB. othersC. anotherD. other 参考答案:A5. You till the lights turned green before crossing the street, or you wouldnt have been hurt by the lorry Ashould wait Bmust have waited Cshould have waited Dmust wait参考答案:C6. For many cities in the wo

4、rld, there is no room to spread our further, _ New York is an example. A. for which B. in which C. of which D. from which参考答案:C解析:of which引导的间隔性非限制性定语从句, 对cities起补充、说明的作用。介词of的选择取决于和前面名词的搭配 of the cities。7. Due to the fact _ the people of the town were of the town were given no warning of the coming

5、 storm , many people were seriously injured . A. what B. that C. when D. why 参考答案:B 8. The survey _ in our school last month shows that about three percent of the students are addicted to the Internet games. A. conducted B. was conducted C. conducting D. to be conducted参考答案:A9. The new secretary is

6、a quick, _ worker, and the boss is quite satisfied with her.A. efficient B. frequent C. messy D. effective参考答案:A10. Recent pressure at work may _ his abnormal behavior .A.push for B.exchange for C.account for D.head for参考答案:C11. The publishers are confident that the books _ next month will sell well

7、A. published Bto be publishedChaving published Dare published参考答案:B12. 20ll tour was success for the two Irish players.A. The; a B. A; a C. The;不填 D.不填;the参考答案:A略13. How can you keep fit you smoke so much?AasBwhile Cwhen Dfor参考答案:C26. Every time she was in trouble, she went to him for help, as he sa

8、id he _ do anything for her. A. should B. must C. would D. might 参考答案:C略15. - Im terribly sorry that I missed your birthday I just completely forgot. - Oh, _. A. Take it easy B. No problem C. Dont mention it D. Thats right参考答案:B No problem可以用来回答对方的感谢或道歉, 意思为 “没什么”。 Take it easy悠着点; 不紧张; 放松; Dont men

9、tion it不用谢; Thats right正确, 对了。二、 短文改错16. During the summer of 2008, I started reading booksin English, mostly stories. I would learn a lot of new 76 words from these books, but I had terribly problems 77 memorizing them. I had to look up to the same word 78 many times, for which was quite troublesom

10、e. I realized 79 I do need a way to remember all this vocabulary. It was 80 a great achievement for myself. I started writing down 81 words from books that I read. I would come back from 82 school, and then sit for an hour and two. I wrote down 83 new words and added it to my collection. By the end

11、84 of last year,my collection has grown to 3,000 words. 85 参考答案:During the summer of 2008, I started reading booksin English, mostly stories. I would learn a lot of new 76 words from these books, but I had terribly problems 77 terrible memorizing them. I had to look up to the same word 78 去掉to many

12、times, for which was quite troublesome. I realized 79 去掉for I do need a way to remember all this vocabulary. It was 80 did a great achievement for myself. I started writing down 81 me words from books that I read. I would come back from 82 the school, and then sit for an hour and two. I wrote down 8

13、3 or new words and added it to my collection. By the end 84 them of last year,my collection has grown to 3,000 words. 85 had 17. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的 增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。John, a little boy living next door to me, liked fast food very much. His parents was so busy that



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