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1、湖南省永州市大江口乡中学高二英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. With my money _, I went back home.A. ran out of B. ran out C. running out D. running out of参考答案:C2. The drivers carelessness many passengers their lives.A. cost B. made C. cause D. bring参考答案:A3. Only when _ be possible to sign the papers.A. does the boss come will it

2、B. the boss comes will it C. has the boss come it will D. the boss comes it will 参考答案:B略4. Little about their own safety, when they were crossing the road in the wrong way.A. do the pedestrians care B. the pedestrians did care C. the pedestrians do care D. did the pedestrians care参考答案:D5. The medica

3、l reform in that country turned out to be _ failure, but as we know, success often comes after _ failure.A. a; the B. a; /C. a; a D. /; /参考答案:B考查failure的用法。句意:医疗改革在那个国家失败了,但众所周知,成功都来自于失败。第一个空表示“一件失败的事”是可数名词,在其前加不定冠词a;第二个空表示抽象概念“失败;不成功”,是不可数名词,与“成功”相对应,其前不用冠词,故选B项。6. Although the working mother is ve

4、ry busy, she still _ a lot of time to _children. A. devotes; look after B. spends; looking after C. devotes; looking after D. provides; looking after 参考答案:C 7. When he moved to Canada, the children _ to the change very well.A. adopted B. accustomed C. suited D. adapted参考答案:D8. It is a popular practi

5、ce for some people to expand on their achievements but their shortcomings when they report what they have done in their work. A. ignore B. glare C. stare D. look参考答案:A9. -Could I have a look at the photographs you took when you were in Europe? -Sorry, I havent _yetA. had the film develop B. had the

6、film developingC. had the film to develop D. had the film developed参考答案:D10. for several weeks, the city needed food. A. As having flooded B. Being flooded C. Having been flooded D. To flood参考答案:C11. Because of the financial crisis, quite a few companies are _ now. A. in the black B. in the red C. a

7、s white as a sheet D. as dark as night 参考答案:B 12. I have had such a case _a boy whispered to his classmate now and then while I was having lessons. A. as B. that C. which D. where参考答案:D13. Besides proper diet, exercise is one of the key _of a healthy lifestyle.A. categoriesB. components C. ranges D.

8、 processes参考答案:B14. _ basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies.A. KnownB. Having known C. KnowingD. Being known参考答案:1.【答案】C本题考查非谓语动词。will help是句子的谓语部分,_ basic first-aid techniques是句子的主语部分,起逻辑主语是you,与Known构成主动关系,所以用动词-ing做主语。D是被动关系。【句意】掌握基本的急救技能将会有助于你在遇到紧急情况时迅速做出反应。【解析】

9、15. . Mary is really good at taking notes in class. She can_ almost every word her teacher says.A. put out B. put down C. put away D. put together参考答案:B略二、 短文改错16. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下面画一横线,

10、并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。It is no doubt that health is the most important thing in our life. As a Chinese proverb go, “Health is blessing”. Should we be always ill in bed, how can we enjoy life?To keep healthy, we must develop a healthy way of life. First of all,

11、we should keep on doing sports on a regularly basis, because it can strengthen both our body and mind, refresh ourselves and making us work more efficiently. Secondly, we must keep balanced diet to provide our body with various nutrition we need, but we should refuse junk food. Remember, it is throu

12、gh the mouth where diseases enter into our body. Thirdly, a good sleep is also vital to our health. Stay up too late at night often results in poor health. As middle school students, we need better sleep to do better in our lessons. 参考答案:It is no doubt that health is the most important thing in our

13、life. As a Chinese proverb go, There goes “Health is blessing”. Should we be always ill in bed, how can we enjoy life? could To keep healthy, we must develop a healthy way of life. First of all, we should keep on doing sports on a regularly basis, because it can strengthen both our body and mind, re

14、fresh ourselves regularand making us work more efficiently. Secondly, we must keep balanced diet to provide our make abody with various nutrition we need, but we should refuse junk food. Remember, it is through the andmouth where diseases enter into our body. Thirdly, a good sleep is also vital to our health. Stay up that


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