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1、Period Two Part Language Focus课课前预习预习 梳理记忆 理解课课堂讲义讲义 感悟归纳 应用当堂达标标 综合巩固反馈.单词单词 自测测1. vt.& vi.减少 n.减少,降低2. n.志愿者; vi.& vt. 自愿做,义务义务 做 adj.志愿的;自愿的,主动动的3. vi.& vt.(吸着气)嗅,闻闻4. vt.分析5. vt.认识认识 ,辨认认出;意识识到;(正式)承认认 n.认识认识 ,认认出;承认认,认认可答案 课课前预习预习reducereductionvolunteervoluntarysniffanalyserecognizerecognition

2、6. n.谜谜,疑问问; vt.迷惑,使困惑 adj.令人困惑的 adj.感到困惑的7. vt.忽视视;对对不予理会 n.无知,不知情 adj.无知的,不了解的8. n.地极;柱子,棍,杖9. n.靴子10. vi.流汗; n.汗水答案puzzlepuzzlingpuzzledignoreignoranceignorantpolebootsweat.短语语自测测1. some cases在某些情况下,有时时候2.be related 和有联联系,和有关3.leave 省去,遗遗漏4.make the of 充分利用5.rather 而不,非6.all of a (suddenlyall at

3、once)突然7.ring (铃铃声、枪枪声等)突然响起,发发出响亮的声音8.be to与相连连,与有关返回答案intooutmostthansuddenoutlinked语语境感悟 课课堂讲义讲义n 重点单词单词1(1)(教材P9)The possibility that pleasant smells might reduce pain has recently been suggested by new research.最近新的研究表明令人愉快的气味可能会减少疼痛。(2)One traditional belief about television is that it reduces

4、 a childs ability to think and to understand the world.(2015广东东)对电视对电视 的一种传统观传统观 念是,它降低了孩子思考和理解世界的能力。reduce(3)She reduced her weight by five kilograms.她把体重减轻轻了5千克。(4)Your speed must be reduced to the city speed as soon as you cross the border.你一进进市区车车速就得减到市区的规规定速度。归纳归纳 拓展reduce vt.& vi.减少;缩缩减;降低redu

5、ce by减少了(百分比)reduce to减少到(数量)(1)The price will 20 percent.价格将减少20%。(2)The cars give off a great deal of waste gas into the streets.Yes. But Im sure something must be done to air pollution.A.reduce B.removeC.collect D.increase解析 句意为为:汽车车将大量废废气排到街道上。是啊。但是我相信,必定要采取某些措施来减少空气污污染。reduce减少,降低;remove搬动动,移除;

6、collect收集,搜集;increase增加,提高。结结合句意可知A项项正确。即时时跟踪解析答案Abe reduced by语语境感悟2(1)(教材P9).,volunteers were required not to eat or drink for eight hours before the experiment.,志愿者被要求在试验试验 开始前八个小时时不吃不喝。(2)She volunteered some information.她主动动提供了一些信息。(3)Two men volunteered to search for the missing climber.两个人自告奋

7、奋勇去寻寻找那位失踪的登山者。(4)When she retired,she did a lot of voluntary work for the Red Cross.她退休后为红为红 十字会做了大量的志愿工作。volunteer归纳归纳 拓展(1)volunteer vt.& vi.自愿做,义务义务 做;n.志愿者volunteer sth.自愿提供,自愿给给予volunteer to do sth.自愿干某事volunteer for自愿参加volunteer as/to be自愿成为为(2)voluntary adj.志愿的;自愿的,主动动的on a voluntary basis在自

8、愿的基础础上(1)用适当的介词词填空She works there a voluntary basis.Why do you want to volunteer our organization?(2)They for the old lady.他们们主动动提出为为那个老妇妇人修缮缮房子。(3)He as a teacher in Tibet.A.voted B.volunteeredC.participated D.reacted解析volunteer as自愿当,故选选B。即时时跟踪Bonforvolunteered to repair the house解析答案语语境感悟3(1)(教材P

9、9)One explanation is that womens sense of smell is better developed than that of men,and is linked to recognizing the smell of babies.一种解释释是:女人的嗅觉觉比男人的嗅觉发觉发 育得更好,且与识别婴识别婴 儿的体味有关。(2)James Brindley is recognized as one of the leading early canal engineers.(2015全国)詹姆斯布林德利被公认为认为 是领领先的早期运河工程师师之一。recogniz

10、e归纳归纳 拓展recognize vt.认识认识 ,辨认认出;意识识到;(正式)承认认recognize.as/to be.认为认为 是recognize that.should do sth.认为认为 应该应该 做某事(3)We recognized that global warming should be minimized by our joint efforts.我们认识们认识 到,全球变变暖应应当基于我们们共同的努力来缓缓解。(1)He had changed so much him.他变变化那么大,几乎没有人能认认出他来。(2)They him a great leader.他

11、们们承认认他是位伟伟大的领领袖。即时时跟踪that one could hardly recognizerecognizedas/to be答案(3)I was so familiar with him that I his voice I picked up the phone.A.recognized;the minuteB.remembered;immediatelyC.picked out;upon D.got to know;in case解析句意为为:我对对他如此熟悉,以至于我一接电话电话 ,就听出了他的声音。recognize认认出,辨认认出;know认识认识 ,了解;pick

12、out挑出,选选出,辨认认出;get to know逐渐认识渐认识 。the minute一就;immediately一就;“on/upondoing/名词词”也可表示“一就”;in case以防。由句意知选选A。答案A解析答案语语境感悟4(1)(教材P9)However,why pleasant smells do not reduce pain in men remains a puzzle for scientists.然而,为为什么令人感到惬惬意的香味不能减轻轻男士的痛苦,这对这对 科学家们们来说说依然是个谜谜。(2)He puzzled his brains to find the

13、answer.他绞绞尽脑脑汁以寻寻求答案。(3)The spelling of English is often puzzling.英语语的拼写法常常使人伤脑伤脑 筋。puzzle归纳归纳 拓展(1)puzzle n.谜谜,疑问问;vt.迷惑,使困惑be in a puzzle(about)(对对)不知如何是好(2)puzzled adj.困惑的,无法了解的(3)puzzling adj.令人困惑的(1)(使我感到困惑的是)is why his books are so popular.(2)Im (不知如何是好) as to what to do next.即时时跟踪答案What puzzl

14、es mein a puzzle(1)(教材P11)It is added that while our sense of sight is used too much,our senses of touch and smell have been ignored.他又说说我们过们过 度使用视觉视觉 ,而忽视视了我们们的触觉觉和嗅觉觉。(2)Its not a problem that can be ignored.这这不是一个可以忽略的问题问题 。(3)Do you mean you were in complete ignorance of the fact?你是说这说这 件事你完全不知情

15、吗吗?(4)She was ignorant of his presence.她不知道他在场场。ignore语语境感悟5归纳归纳 拓展(1)ignore vt.忽视视;对对不予理会(2)ignorance n.无知;愚昧in ignorance of.对对无知(3)ignorant adj.无知的;无学识识的;愚昧的be ignorant that不知道be ignorant of/about sth.不知道某事(1)I the boss could be so strict.我不知道老板会那么严厉严厉 。(2)Last week a tennis ball hit me on the hea

16、d,but I tried to the pain,believing that it would go away sooner or later.(2014浙江,7)A.share B.realizeC.ignore D.cause解析考查动词词义查动词词义 辨析。句意为为:上周一个网球打中了我的头头,但是我尽力忽视视疼痛,相信它迟迟早会消失的。share分享;realize意识识到;ignore忽视视,忽略;cause引起,造成。由后置语语境believing that it would go away sooner or later可知,我尽量不管它(头头痛),即:置之不理(ignore the pain),故选选C。C即时时跟踪解析答案was ignorant that(3)Some of the members demanded to know why they had been kept the true facts until they reached the present critical stage.A.in ignorance of B.in the light


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