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1、湖南省长沙市维汉中学高三英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题6. If Joes wife wont go to the party,_.Ahe will either Bneither will he Che neither will Deither he will 参考答案:B略2. -Have you received any phone calls from your sister?-Not yet, but we _ to get in touch with her ever since she left us.A. have tried B. tried C. are trying D.

2、 have been trying 参考答案:D3. . Why not take my car to the museum instead of walking? No, thanks. _.A. Ive got to B. Im able to C. Im about to D. Im used to 参考答案:D略4. It is saidthe picture shows a Chinese girl standing by the river under a tree, seemingly listening to a bird singing.A.whichB.asC.whatD.

3、that参考答案:D考查主语从句句意:据说,这幅画表现的是一个中国女孩站在河边的树下,似乎在聆听一只鸟儿歌唱。It是形式主语,真正的主语是空处引导的主语从句,从句意义和成分完整,故用that。5. Having got up late this morning, Mike ran as fast as he could _ to catch the bus.A. hope B. to hope C. hoped D. hoping参考答案:D6. Weifang you see today is quite different city from what it was 10 years ag

4、oAThe;a B;a CThe; DA;a参考答案:A略7. The movie Gravity won seven awards at the Oscar night,_was beyond the directors wildest dream.A.which B.that C.where D.what参考答案:A8. Whatever you say now will _ a more violent quarrel and fight. They have already lost control.A. set off B. give off C. put off D. get of

5、f 参考答案:A9. Is this research centre _ is full of modern equipment you always mention. A. where B. that C. the one that D. the one where参考答案:C10. _ students have come to know it is important for them to learn English well. A. Plenty of B. The number of C. A good many of D. A large amount of参考答案:A11. W

6、hat a tight volleyball game! We lost it we all tried our bestAbecause Bthough Cuntil Dunless参考答案:B 12. _ you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge.A. However a serious problemB. What a serious problem C. However serious a problemD. What serious a problem参考答案:C考查感叹句。how+形容词+主

7、语+谓语!what+aan+形容词+主语+谓语!AD明显错误。逗号前面的部分用作状语, however可以引导的让步状语从句。句意:不论遇到多严重的问题,你都要鼓足勇气面对挑战。13. _ over everything whenever we want to make a decision, many people believe, and we will have less chance of making mistakes AThink BTo think CThinking DThought参考答案:A14. The old lady _ the shopkeeper of charg

8、ing her too much for the goods she had bought.A. accused B. charged C. blamed D. criticized参考答案:A15. Though it is 30 years we last met, I still remember the scene we got separated on a rainy day.A. before; when B. since; when C. before; where D. since; where参考答案:D二、 短文改错16. Everyone can do something

9、 for our environment.For me, I should try to save electricity in my daily life. For an example, if I am the last person leave the classroom in the evening, I will always remember to turn on the lights. In order to protect our forests, I will use paper wise. I should try to use all sides of paper whe

10、never it is possible. I will not use things like paper cup and disposable chopsticks because they are made up of wood. I believe that doing all these small things will improve our environment but help making our world a better place to live in. 76._77._78._79._80._81._82. _83. _84._85. _参考答案:76. 正确7

11、7.去掉an 78. leave 前加to 79. on 改为off 80. wise 改为wisely81. all改为both 82. cup改为cups 83. 去掉up 84. but改为and 85. making改为make17. The main purpose of newspapers are to provide 76._ news. If you examine newspapers closely, you find that 77._ there are all sort of news: accidents, floods, fires, wars, 78._ sp

12、orts, books, etc. The news cover everything that happens 79._ to people and their surroundings. Sometimes there are 80._ news items which are very interested. 81._ A news report is usual short, except when82._ it is very important, but has a lot of information. It 83._ is also writing in short paragraphs. The first paragraph 84._ is in the fact a summary of the news items. It gives all 85._ the necessary information, what, when, where, how, and why. 参考答案:76. areis 77. you 和find之间加will 78. sortsorts 79. covercovers 80. 81. interestedinteresting 82. usualusually 83. but


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