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1、湖南省常德市汉寿县毓德铺镇联校高三英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. For most Chinese young people in recent years, a house is within sight but _ for lack of money.A. beyond reachB. beyond recognitionC. beyond descriptionD. beyond repair参考答案:A略2. The infrastructure of a country can be defined as _ makes everything run well, and i

2、t includes things like transport, irrigation, electricity, telephones and schools. A. that B. where C. which D. what参考答案:D3. I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays.Thats_I dont agree .You should have a more active life.A.where B.how C.when D.what参考答案:A这就是我不同意的地方.agree

3、是不及物动词,所以用where. 用表语从句.4. You may keep the book a further week no one else requires itAbefore Buntil Cif Dunless参考答案:C5. Todays approach to advertising is very different from _ of 20 years ago.A. thatB. itC. someD. any参考答案:A句意:今天广告的方法不同于20年前的方式了。that那个=the approach,可代指前文提到的the +名词的同类事物。it指前文提到的事或物的本

4、身;some某一个;any任何一个。故选A。【举一反三】代词one,it,that的用法区别代词one, it that的用法在历届高考题中出现的频率较高,是高考的热点之一。1)one, it, that常常用来代替或避免重复某个名词。例如:Im looking for a flat. Id really like one with a garden.-Where did you find your watch? - I find it in our classroom.The population of China is larger than that of any other count

5、ry.2)one可指人或物,只替代单数可数名词,复数用ones. One是泛指,但有限定修饰语,如the, this, that修饰就变成了特指。如:One must do ones duty. Mary has a red pencil and Jane has a blue one.The new designs are much better than the old ones.3).that只指物,不指人,可替代可数名词或不可数名词,具有“特指”性质。指的是同类事物中的另一样东西,即同类异物。如:The library of our school is bigger than that

6、 of yours.(that代替的是另一个图书馆。)4)one 和that 在代替可数名词时,如果没有前置定语只有后置定语时, the one 和that可互换。但该名词如有前置定语,则只能用the one,而不能用that。例如:I will take the seat next to the one(=that)by the window.我就坐窗口的那个座位旁边。I prefer the large box to the small one.(one 不可用that替换 )。5)That的复数形式those代替可数名词的复数。可指人或物,一般后面跟修饰语。如:Todays cellph

7、ones are smaller than those(=the ones)used in the past.The students who do best in exam are not always those(=the ones) with the best brains.6)the one(ones)或 that ,those 指代某一名词做定语从句的先行词时,其关系代词which在that之后,which不能省略,而在the one、ones 之后,which可省略。如:Their problem today is somewhat similar to that which th

8、ey faced many years ago.7)代替不可数名词时,应该用that。如:The equipment is different from that.8)it代替上文所提到的名词时,是指同类事物中的同一样东西,即同类事物。如:I have lost my pen. Im looking for it.9)it和that可代替前面整个句子的意思,而one却不能;that可引导一个限定性定语从句,代替某个先行词(单复数名词均可),it和one则不能;it可代替不定式、动名词或从句,用作形式主语或形式宾语,也可用于强调句型中,而one和that则不能。如:-I will make be

9、d for you. It is very kind of you.Jim said he had read my novel.But that was not possible.A clock is an instrument that tells time.The students that surf the Internet will be punished by the teacher.It is nice to see you again.It is no use calling her up.I found it impossible for me to pass the test

10、.It was I who broke your window.6. Who that played a trick on the mew English teacher?A .it was B .was it C .he was D .was him 参考答案:B考查强调句的特殊疑问句形式。全句译为“到底是谁捉弄了新来的英语老师?”7. Old praise dies _ you feed it.A. when B. unless C. if D. before参考答案:B8. We gave them a lot of help in the of moneyAtype Bkind Cfo

11、rm Dway参考答案:C 9. I have advised him not to do like that, but he still insists on doing it that way. I think he has his own opinion . A. in all B. above all C. after all D. first of all参考答案:C10. Youve made great progress in the study of English, havent you?Yes,but much .A.is remained to do B.remains

12、to do C.is remained to be done D.remains to be done参考答案:D11. I cant find Mr. White .Where did you meet him yesterday? It was in the cinema we saw the movie Enders Game.A. that B. where C. which D. there参考答案:B12. Got your new books? Not yet absent from school for a month for being ill Awas Bam Chave

13、been Dhad been参考答案:C 13. The two parties have reached a _agreement to solve this dispute. A long-term solution hasnt been found.A. sensitive B. tentativeC. active D. creative参考答案:B考查形容词。A. sensitive 敏感的; B. tentative暂定的;C. active活跃的; D. creative有创造力的。句意:为了解决争吵双方当事人达成了临时协议。一个长远的解决方案还没有找到。根据句意可知答案为B。14. Jasmine wont agree with you on that,you know ?I dont care what she thinksASo what BHow come Cwhat for DHow so参考答案:A15. - Hurry up, or we will miss the last train.- _. I will stay until the work is done.A. Off do you go. B. Off went you.



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