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1、本文为Word版本,下载可任意编辑Module6Unit2教学设计 Unit2The * b1. c (4)Teacher reads the te*t , let Ss read after . then e*plain the Past Prgressive, let Ss suar the graar. (5)As Ss t answer the 12 questins f part2, teacher guides the t get the crrect answers. Students activities (1)Ss wr in pairs . When the get the

2、 answers b theselves, answer the. (2)Ss read the te*t , find the new wrds and difficult prnunciatin , wr in pairs t find the answers. (3)Ss listen carefull. Circle the wrds and sentences. (4) Ss read after teacher the tape, then read b theselves. Perfr it in grups. learn the graar . (5) Ss answer th

3、e. Write the crrect nes. 三、Practice Teachers activities (1)As the Ss t find the new wrds then let the find the eaning b theselves. (2)As Ss t d the atching and then chec the answers in class. (3)As Ss t read alud, then wr in pairs t practice the until the can tell the str theselves. Students activit

4、ies (1)Read the sentences alud, find the difficult nes ,read the flu. (2)Ss d the atching then chec the. (3)Ss read ludl. Wr in pairs. 四、Out put Teachers activities (1)As the Ss t write the str f Lewis Carrll and Alice Liddle. (2)Accrd the atching ,as Ss t find the rder f these sentences. learn t us

5、e “firstthenfinall”. (3) Design a true activit ,as Ss t tell us his dail life activit. let Ss use “firstthenfinall”. Then finish part4. 4)As Ss t shw their passages, find the better nes. Students activities 1)Read the sentences alud, find the difficult nes ,read the flu. (2)Ss find the atching rder

6、then use “firstthenfinall” t answer the. (3)Ss tell us his str , use “firstthenfinall” .Then wr in grups t finish the part4. (4)Shw the passages in class. 五、Feedbac(见达标题) 六、Suing-up 1.过去进行时:表示过去某一时刻正在发生的动作或事情。 2.结构:was (were) +ving 3.标识at eight last night , at that tie, 4.He was swiing in the river

7、at the tie. (1)否定句:He wasnt swiing in the river at the tie. (2)一般疑问句并作确定和否定回答:Was he swiing in the river at the tie? es, he was. N, he wasnt. 七、Hewr 书面表达:Intrduce the str f Alices Adventures in Wnderland. 八、教学评价与反思:语法学习原来是件非常枯燥的事情,但是把语法与故事相结合,采纳隐性的教学方式,同学在无意识的.状况下学习、掌控语法,真正做到了语法为语义表达服务。 当堂达标: 一、依据句意

8、及首字母提示,完成以下句子。 1、We were wring in the filed ,and s_ it began t rain. 2、Our English teacher is having a c_ with a freigner. 3、We g he _ a wee. 4、She was ver t_ after a lng wal. 5、What did he d w_ his watch? 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1、M teacher went t Beiing_(tw) last ear. 2、She was thining f_ (ae) a dais chain

9、. 3、Bill went t schl withut_(have) breafast. 4、The_(watch) Tv when I gt he. 5、The_(wr) in the filed since tw hurs ag. 三、依据汉语提示完成以下句子,每空一词。 1、昨天他发生什么事情了? What_ _ _ esterda? 2、一只粉红色眼睛的白兔子从她身边跑了过去。 A _ rabbit _ _ ees ran b her. 3、我看见它钻进洞里了。 I saw it _ _ a hle. 4、他从书包里拿出了一些书。 He _ se bs _ _ the schlbag. 5、这有什么新奇怪的。 There _ _ s _ in that. 答案:一、1.sudenl versatin 3.nce 4.tired 5.with 二、1.twice 2.aing 3.having 4.were watching 5.have wred 三、1.happened t hi 2.white,with pin 3.g dwn 4.t,ut f 5.was nthing, strange 第 4 页 共 4 页


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