新视野大学英语4 Unit1 SectionA 单词

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1、新视野大学英语4 Unit1 SectionA 单词 新视野4 Unit1 SectionA有哪些单词你知道吗?你对新视野大学英语4 Unit1 SectionA的单词熟悉吗?下面是为大家带来的新视野大学英语4 Unit1 SectionA单词,欢送阅读。 东油英语 00:00 03:02 New Words fallacy ?f?l?si n.an idea or belief that is false but that many people think is true 谬论;谬见 pact p?kt n. an agreement between two or more people

2、or organizations in which they promise to do sth. 协定;契约;盟约;条约 shrewd ?rud a. 1 able to judge people and situations very well and make good decisions (人)精明的,机敏的 2 well judged and likely to be right (决定和判断)准确的,英明的 well-off ?w?l?f a. rich, or having enough money to live well 富裕的;有钱的 dye da? vt. change

3、the color of sth. such as clothing or your hair using a particular substance 给染色 makeup ?mek?p n. 1 substances that people put on their faces, including their eyes and lips, in order to look attractive or change their appearance 品 2 the people or things that bine to form a single group or whole 组成;构

4、造;构造 elite ?lit, e?lit a. of or relating to the best or most skillful people in a group 精英的;精锐的 n. a group of people who have a lot of power and influence because they have money, knowledge, or special skills (社会)精英;上层人士 radiant ?redi?nt a. 1 full of happiness and love, in a way that shows in your f

5、ace and makes you look attractive 容光焕发的;喜悦的 2 very bright 灿烂的;明亮的 counterpart ?ka?nt?rp:rt sb. or sth. that has the same job or purpose as another person or thing, but in a different place, time, situation, or organization 职务相当的人;职能相当的物 pearl p?:rl n. 1 wise remarks - used esp. when you really think

6、 that sb.s remarks are slightly stupid 有见识的评说,智慧的结晶(尤为反话) 2 a small round jewel that is typically white and shiny and that grows inside the shell of an oyster 珍珠 banner ?b?n? a. excellent, extremely suessful 极好的;非常成功的 n. a wide piece of cloth with a message on it, often stretched between two poles 横

7、幅;横幅标语 situated ?s?t?u?et?d a. be in a particular place; located 位于;坐落于 expressway ?k?spr?s?we n. a wide road with several lanes of traffic going in each direction, built for fast travel over long distances 高速公路 venue ?v?nju n. a place where an activity or event happens (事件的)发生地点;(活动的)场所 luminous ?l

8、um?n?s a. 1 very bright 很明亮的;灿烂的 2 shining in the dark 发光的;夜明的 stereo ?sterio? n. a machine for playing records, CDs, etc. that produces sound from two speakers 立体声响(设备) pedal ?p?dl n. a part that you push with your foot in order to operate a bicycle, vehicle, or machine (自行车、车辆或机器的)脚踏板 gum ?m n. 1

9、口香糖 2 the firm pink flesh in your mouth that your teeth are fixed into 牙龈;齿龈 staple ?step?l n. 1 a regular and important part or feature of sth. 主要内容;根本特点 2 订书钉 a. forming the greatest or most important part of sth. 主要的;最重要的 distort d?st?:rt vt. 1 change sth. such as information so that it is no lon

10、ger true or aurate 歪曲;曲解 2 change the way sth. looks, sounds, or behaves so that it bees strange or difficult to recognize 使变形;使失真;使反常 stump st?mp v. be unable to find an answer or think of a reply to a question or problem 使困惑;难倒 n. the part of a tree left above the ground after it has been cut thro

11、ugh near the base 树桩;树墩 obesity o?bis?ti n. a condition in which sb. is too fat in a way that is dangerous for their health 过度肥胖;肥胖症 explanatory ?k?spl?n?t?:ri a. intend to help you understand sth. 说明的;解释的 underway ?nd?r?we? a. already started or happening 在进展中的 inference ?nf?r?ns n. an opinion you

12、form about sth. that based on information you already have 推理;推断;断定 analytical ?n?l?t?kl a. thinking about things in a detailed and intelligent way, so that you can examine and understand them 头脑周密的;善于分析的;分析的 conversion k?n?v?:r?n n. the process of changing sth. from one form, purpose, or system to

13、another 转变;改造;转换 premature ?pri:m?t?r a. 1 done too soon or too early (做事)过早的,过快的,草率的,仓促的,不成熟的 2 happening too soon or before the usual time 过早的;提早的 3 born before it should be (婴儿)早产的 surpass s?r?p?s vt. be even better or greater than sb. or sth. else 超过;胜过 premise ?pr?m?s n. 1 a principle or statem

14、ent that you consider to be true, that you base other ideas and actions on 前提 2 the building and land that a business or organization uses (企业或组织使用的)房屋及土地,经营场所 tactic ?t?kt?k n. a particular method or plan for achieving sth. 方法;策略;手法 flatter ?fl?t? vt. praise sb. in order to get sth. you want, esp.

15、in a way that is not sincere 奉承;阿谀;向谄媚 flattery ?fl?t?ri n. praise that is not sincere but is intended to get you sth. that you want 恭维;奉承;阿谀;谄媚 discern d?s?:rn vt. 1 notice sth., esp. after thinking about it carefully or studying it (尤指仔细思考或研究之后)看出,发觉出,辨明 2 see or hear sth., esp. sth. that far away or not very clear 看到;听到;识别出 crumble ?kr?mb?l vi. st



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