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1、河南省安阳市胜利路中学高三英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Mum, I am sorry, but I failed in the English exam. So you _ get the MP4 you want. I am sorry, too.A. shall not B. might not C. neednt D. shouldnt 参考答案:A2. _ I admit that all these problems are difficult, I dont agree that they cant be solved. A. Unless B. While C. Unti

2、l D. Since参考答案:B3. He could not have the murderer _ away with killing those innocent people.A. got B. to get C. get D. getting参考答案:D4. -What made Kate so excited yesterday? -_ by her boss, as far as I know.A. Being praised B. Praised C. To praise D. She was praised参考答案:【答案】【解析】5. 17I never have any

3、doubt _ you will winWait and see Awhether Bif Cthat Dwhat参考答案:C略6. 1. gatherA. methodB. mathsC. thoroughD. smooth 2. AsiaA. carriageB. stadiumC. officialD. radium3. parentA. glareB. measureC. failureD. capital 4. watchedA. filledB. recognizedC. whisperedD. practised 5. trunkA. languageB. strange C.

4、thunder D. twentieth参考答案:DCADA7. No person _ carry a mobile phone into the examination room during the national college entrance examinations. A. shall B. must C. can D. need参考答案: 8. A。考查情态动词。Shall可用于禁止、禁令中。句意是:“没有人能够在高考时将手机带入考场。”8. of the land in that district covered with trees and grass. A. Two f

5、ifth, is B. Two fifth, are C. Two fifths, is D. Two fifths, are参考答案:C略9. - Oh, Im really fed up with JimHes always causing me trouble. - I _ you to keep away from him! But you wouldnt listen. Atold Btell Chave told Dwould tell参考答案:A10. It was in August of 2009 the typhoon Morakot severely struck Tai

6、wan, causing hundreds of peo-ple dead, missing and injured.A.which B.when C.that D.what参考答案:C略11. In 1963 we moved to New York, my grandparents lived. Awhich Bwhere Cwhy Dwhat参考答案:B略12. We can observe that artificial intelligence has already made a(n) _on our lives in many ways.A. statementB. impact

7、C. impressionD. judgment参考答案:B本题考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们能够看到人工智能在许多方面已经对我们的生活产生了强烈的影响。 statement“陈述说明”; impact“强烈的影响,冲击力”; impression“印象,感想”; judgement“判断力判断”。故选B。13. What clothes should we wear to attend the ball? Dress _ you like.A. however B. what C. whatever D. how参考答案:A14. Nokia hasa family of low-cost m

8、obile phones based on Googles Android operating system.A. performedB. operated C. launchedD. instructed参考答案:C15. Jack, how can I turn on this IPod? _A. Allow me!B. So what?C. Hold on.D. Nothing much.参考答案:A二、 短文改错16. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或 修改。增加:在缺

9、词处加一个漏字符号() ),并在其下面写岀该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写岀修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Last week our class vote on what to do for our class outing: visit the Singapore Zoo and go on the night Safari(夜间动物园).Our girls wanted to go to the zoo, but since we were in the minority,

10、 we lost the boys, who all wanted the safari. We got the admission rate for students, which was greatly since I still had enough money to buy a brochure about the park as well as everything at the souvenir shop. The Safari was scary but really a fun. As we took the ride over the parks dark jungle, w

11、e could see the eyes of many creatures look out at us. Most of the animals here sleep when there is sunlight and wake up at night.参考答案:【分析】本文为记叙文。文章叙述了上周作者的班级同学去夜间野生动物园里的情况。【详解】1.考查动词的时态。句意:上周我们班投票决定我们班郊游该去哪。根据时间状语“last week”可知,本句要用一般过去时,故把vote改为voted。2.考查语境及连词。句意:上周我们班投票决定该去哪?:去the Singapore Zoo或者继

12、续the night Safari。根据上一句“上周我们班投票决定该去哪?”可知,后面是一个选择,是去新加坡动物园还是去夜间野生动物园?表示选择要用“or”,意思为“或者”。故把and改为or。3.考查代词的格。句意:我们女孩们想去动物园。分析本句可知,句中的主语是我们(we),与女孩girls是同位语关系,而非所属关系,所以把Our改为We。4.考查固定搭配。句意:但由于我们是少数,我们输给了男生。“lose to.”为固定搭配,意为“败给.,输给.”,故要在lost后添加to。5.考查形容词作表语。句意:我们买了学票,这太好了,因为我还有足够的钱买一本公园的小册子以及纪念品商店的东西。分析

13、句子可知,本句是定语从句,其中which是指前面的“我们买了学生票”,即买到了学生票很棒。所以greatly在句中作表语,而副词不能作表语,故把greatly改为great。6.考查不定代词。句意:因为我还有足够的钱去买一本关于公园的小册子和纪念品商店的东西。something“某事,某物,认为重要(或值得注意)的事物”;everything意为“每件事;所有事物”。根据常识可知,是指可以买商店里的所有东西。因此把everything改为something。7.考查不可数名词。句意:这次旅行很吓人,但真的很有趣。句中的fun是不可数名词,所以不能加不定冠词a,故去掉fun前的a。8.考查介词辨析。句意:当我们乘车穿过公园黑暗的丛林时,我们可以看到许多动物的眼睛正看着我们。根据语境可知,本句是指乘车穿过公园的丛林。“over” 在.上面穿越。而“through”“从.里面穿过”。故把over改为through。9.考查非谓语。句意:当我们骑马穿过公园的黑暗丛林时,我们可以看到许多生物的眼睛正望着我们。分析句子可知,本句中的see的宾


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