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1、河南省安阳市第六中学2020-2021学年高三英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Imagine life as a game _ you are playing with five balls. You name them-work, family, health, friends and spirit. A. where B. that C. as D. which参考答案:A略2. The problem of over fishing is spreading. Since can fish, people do. Aanyone; many Bno one; some Csome o

2、ne; most Danyone; any参考答案:A 3. With two children middle school in the nearby town now, the parents are working hard. Ato attend Battending CattendedDhaving attended参考答案:B 4. Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the 2014 Asian Games?. Ours is much stronger than theirs.A. O

3、f course B. It dependsC. Dont mention it D. By no means参考答案:D选D。考查情景交际。句意: 你认为他们的乒乓球队会在2014年亚运会上获得冠军吗? 绝对不会。我们的球队比他们的球队要强大得多。Of course当然可以; It depends视具体情况而定; Dont mention it不用谢; By no means绝对不会。5. All the Chinese people are expecting the governments four-thousand-billion financial plan _ around the

4、 country, _ to improve the current economic situation Acarried out, intending Bbeing carried out, intended Cto be carried out, intending Dto be carried out, intended参考答案:D6. See the flags on top of the building ? That was we did this morning. Awhen Bwhich Cwhere Dwhat参考答案:解析:D本题考查名词从句作表语。根据名词从句的基本特点

5、,该句中的动词谓语did须有宾语,又表示笼统意义,故选what,表示“所的”。7. May I remind you that a Mr Wang is waiting outside ,sir?Oh ,thats right .I about it . Aforget Bhave forgotten Chad forgotten Dforgot 参考答案:D8. We should show _ concern for Mr. Smith, _ eighty-year-old man near our home because now he has nobody to depend on.

6、A. /; a B. the; a C. /; an D. the; an参考答案:C9. The people in the disaster areas are ready to accept _ help they can get.A. whichever B. howeverC. whateverD. whenever 参考答案:C10. How is the result,doctor?Well,your health is good,but you still have a few minor problems.Agradually BgenerallyCnormally Dreg

7、ularly参考答案:B11. I went to work on foot yesterday, though it _ rats and dogs.You _ by bus. It was likely to get a cold.A. is raining; must have gone B. rained; would go C. was raining; should have gone D. have rained; could have gone 参考答案:C12. (原创) You look like a million dollars in the pink dress. .

8、 A. Thank you! Im glad you like it B. It cost me an arm and a legC. Oh, really? D. Oh, no, I dont look nice at all本题考查情景交际。参考答案:A略13. After driving for five hours, they arrived at they thought was the place they had been dreaming of.Awhat Bthat Cwhich Dwhere参考答案:A略14. The concepts in philosophy Jack

9、 read have somewhat affected how he _ his daily life.A. shrinks from B. pulls through C. compensates for D. goes about参考答案:D15. Life in the cities is very different from _ in the countryside, where things move at a quieter and slower pace.A. one B. it C. the one D. that 参考答案:D二、 短文改错16. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌

10、之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改仅限一词。 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear friends, I feel greatly honored to be spoken on behalf of all the camp members. First Id like to express our sincer

11、ely thanks to all the teachers and host families which have given us a lot of help both in life and in study. We have had a wonderful time and achieve a lot since we came here. The host parents took good care of us, which made us feeling at home. And with help of the teachers we have made great prog

12、ress in English. Meanwhile, we have got to know more about western history and culture after seeing so many places of interests. Whats more, the visit to such famous universities like Oxford University and Cambridge University that has broadened our horizons. What we have gained from this camp is no

13、t only knowledge, but also friendship. I hope their friendship will last forever.Thank you!参考答案: Dear friends, I feel greatly honored to be spoken on behalf of all the camp members. First Id like to speaking express our sincerely thanks to all the teachers and host families which have given us a lot of help sincere


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