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1、2021年山东省青岛市即墨五中学高三英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. College graduates are offered lots of available jobs, _, I believe, they can fully demonstrate their knowledge and competence. A. where B. which C. that D. what 参考答案:2. A new _ bus service to Tianjin Airport started to operate two months ago.A. commonB. usualC.

2、 regularD. ordinary参考答案:C【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:两个月前,天津机场开通了新的定期巴士服务。A. common普通的;B. usual通常的;C. regular定期的;D. ordinary普通的。根据句意和所给四个选项可知,此处用“定期的”最合题意,故选C。3. Will you lend me some pepper? Sorry, mine_ Awas used up Bran out Chas been run out Dhas given out 参考答案:D4. Its not as _ as yesterday, so there are _

3、children playing with their parents in the Peoples Square. A. warm; fewer B. warm; less C. warmer; fewer D. warmer; less 参考答案:C略5. First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get _ second chance to make the first impression.A. a B. the C. / D. another参考答案:A略6. The pronunciation of t

4、he speakers living in London is judged to be more native than _ of the speakers from Liverpool. A. it B. that C. one D. those参考答案:B【命题立意】考查代词的用法。句意:住在伦敦的讲话人发音比那些来自利物浦的说话人的发音被认定是具有本地性。that 可等于前文提到的the +名词,题干中= the population。One等于a + 名词的“同类项”;those等于the +名词复数;it等于前文的名词单数或不可数名词的本身。故选B。7. In fact, many

5、 of our guests ask for accommodations here _ they come. A. at time B. first time C. for the first time D. each time参考答案:D略8. Im burnt out as Ive been working on my essay all the time. _. Youll surely make it.A. Dont put on airs B. Give me a breakC. Dont get on my nerve D. Hang in there参考答案:D 【详解】考查情

6、景对话。句意:我一直在写论文,累坏了。坚持下去。你一定会成功的。A. Dont put on airs不要摆架子;B. Give me a break让我休息一下;C. Dont get on my nerve别惹我生气;D. Hang in there坚持下去。根据Youll surely make it.可知这里意思是坚持下去,故选D。 9. It has been proved _ eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illness in later life. A. if B. beca

7、use C. that D. when参考答案:C10. My parents, without _ help I wouldnt have become who I am, have taught me the true meaning of life. A. whomB. theirC. whoseD. them参考答案:C11. -Eric, you didnt travel by train?-I _, but then I decided to go by car instead; it was more convenient. A. was going to B. didnt C

8、had to D. wouldnt参考答案:A 12. -I can not thank you too much for the gift you sent me. -_.A. Please dont say so. B. Never mind.C. My pleasure. D. It doesnt matter. 参考答案:C13. Are you still working in that company, Mary? No, it is ten months _ I worked there Aafter Bthat Cbefore Dsince参考答案:D14. This rest

9、aurant wasnt that other restaurant we went to.A. half as good as B. as half good as C as good as half D. good as half as参考答案:A略15. rise in carbon dioxide is causing steady increase in global warming.A. The; a B.不填; a C. The;不填 D.A;the参考答案:A二、 短文改错16. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌系的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句

10、中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线(_),并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I am an only child in my family. While eating, my parents always leave myself the best dish. But I dont eat out much because I dont have some appetite all th

11、e time. One day, my friend Alice asked me come to her house for dinner. In her family, a feeling was so pleasant because there had two kids in the family. When they were eating, my friend and her sister fight for the food. They ate a lot and laughed happy. I felt so happy but ate a lot. I got to kno

12、w that the eating atmospheres could be very important. 参考答案:I am an only child in my family. While eating, my parents always leave myself the best dish. meBut I dont eat out much because I dont have some appetite all the time. One day, my friend Alice 去掉 anyasked me come to her house for dinner. In

13、her family, a feeling was so pleasant because there to thehad two kids in the family. When they were eating, my friend and her sister fight for the food. They were fought ate a lot and laughed happy. I felt so happy but ate a lot. I got to know that the eating atmospheres happily and atmospherecould be very important. 第一处:考查代词。句意:我的父母一直留给我最好的菜。这里不需要用反身代词,故要将myself改为me。第二处:考查副词。句意:但是我吃的并不多。eat out意为“在外吃饭”。该处指作者在家里吃


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