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1、初中英语作文范文大全5篇写作如人饮水,写的太快容易犯错,喝的太快容易呛着。下文是小编为你精心编辑整理的初中英语作文范文大全5篇,希望对你有所帮助,更多内容,请点击相关栏目查看,谢谢!初中英语作文范文大全1My father is a typical man, who is not very talkative. When other fathers say how much they love their children, my father just keep quiet. He barely says sweet words to me. But he will never miss e

2、very important moment for me, like the performance in school. He is always one of the audience and watch my performance. My father tells me to study with passion and he sets the good example for me, because he loves his work. Sometimes he shows me his design of work, and I admire him. I know my fath

3、er loves me so much. Though he doesn t talk much, he will be right by my side whenever I need him.初中英语作文范文大全2When cellphone became popular many years ago, parents and school at first banned students to take cellphone into classroom, but now, even the small child has owned a cellphone. The use of cel

4、lphone can t be banned. For students, they get used to keeping cellphone at hand, but the overuse of it can be blamed to their parents. Some parents don t set good examples for their children. When they are together, they just leave cellphones to kids and let them kill the time. If they show the bea

5、utiful scenery around and teach kids to appreciate the world. Then cellphone won t take up their time.初中英语作文范文大全3In China, students learn a lot of necessary lessons before they finish high school. They can choose the special class as they go to college. But in the western countries, the students nee

6、d to take part in many special lessons to get enough credits, since they are in middle school. Though some action has been taken to improve students level, still many schools ignore it and they focus to let students get high marks in the exams. The teenagers need to learn some practical skills, such

7、 as swimming, which can save their lives when they are stuck in the deep water. Students are always passionate about the special lesson.初中英语作文范文大全4I love to read. When I was three years old, my parents had taught me to read. They bought me some books with funny and colorful pictures. Soon I was attr

8、acted by these stories and fell in love with reading. Since I went to school, I often went to the library and it was my favorite place. Studying in the library provided me a silent environment. The most important thing was that as so many excellent students sat around me. I felt the great motivation

9、 to move on. I could find the data any time and read the books I liked. I have gained a lot of knowledge and find the great hour there.初中英语作文范文大全5Many years ago, bike was very popular among teenagers, but as the development of economy, few kids ride bike and most of them are driven to school by thei

10、r parents. Recently, as the Ofo comes into the market, which reminds of people the simple lifestyle. A lot of people ride these yellow bikes on the street. What a beautiful picture. I love riding bike so much. It is such leisure. I can do the exercise, at the same time, I can appreciate the scenery.

11、 Sometimes riding bike makes me feel like in the movie, enjoying the leisure lifestyle as the heroine. No matter how the world changes, I think bike will be part of my life.初中英语作文范文大全5篇相关文章: 2019年初中精选英语作文范文5篇 2020年初中中考英语作文范文5篇 2019年最新初中英语作文5篇例文 我的梦想初三英语作文精选5篇 2020中考英语作文范文参考5篇 初二精选英语作文5篇合集 2020中考英语满分作文精选最新5篇 暑假英语作文初中范文5篇 初二年级英语作文范文优选5篇 初中春节英语作文范文5篇山东济宁历年中考英语作文真题 中考英语满分作文一般胜在行文清晰、准确、简洁三点,这就是公认的英语满分作文“黄金 泰安市中考英语作文真题 在写作文的时候,要尽量使用有把握的词,避免不必要的失分。当然,定语从句、宾语从句 济南市中考英语作文真题 英语作文对于考生而言,呈现出两极分化,英语基础好的人觉得拿中上的分数异常容易,英 深圳中考英语作文真题 初中阶段对于写作的考查要求更高,一篇没有错误但平淡无奇的文章是拿不到高分的,保证 第 6 页 共 6 页


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