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1、xx考研英语阅读暑期训练题及答案 It was a big week for Alzheimers disease, and not just because PBS aired The Forgetting, a first-rate documentary about Alzheimers worth catching in reruns if you missed it the first time. There was also a flurry of scientific news that offered hope to the families already strugglin

2、g with Alzheimers, as well as to the baby-boom generation thats up next. Unless something dramatic happens, the number of Americans living with this terrifying brain disease could triple, to about 16 million, over the next 50 years. Theres still no cure in sight, but there is progress on several fro

3、nts. Among them: MEGADOSE VITAMINS Doctors knew vitamins E and C, both antioxidants, help stave off Alzheimers, at least in folks who havent already developed the disorder. What they didnt knowbut a big study involving 4,740 participants published in the Archives of Neurology showedwas that the two

4、vitamins taken together in huge daily doses (at least 400 IU of E and more than 500 mg of C) could reduce the risk of Alzheimers a remarkable 78%. BINATION THERAPY A yearlong study of more than 400 Alzheimers patients showed that two drugs that work differently on the brains chemistry act well toget

5、her to help slow down the disease. Patients who were being treated with donepezil (sold as Aricept), an older drug that preserves the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, were also given memantine (Namenda), a new drug approved by the FDA last October that blocks overproduction of a harmful brain chemica

6、l called glutamate. The two drugs worked even better in bination than they did alone, providing substantial benefit for patients with moderate to severe Alzheimers, aording to a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association. BRAIN IMAGING Finally, scientists at the University of Pittsbur

7、gh announced that they had suessfully developed a procedure that allows them to peer into the brains of Alzheimers patients with positron emission tomography (PET) scans to see telltale plaque deposits. Before now, doctors could not track the progress of these plaques until after the patient died, w

8、hen the brain could be autopsied. Using the new technique, doctors may be able to begin treatment long before the first symptoms appear. None of these advances is a magic bullet for Alzheimers disease. If you or your loved ones are concerned, the first step is careful evaluation by your doctor. Not

9、all memory lapses are Alzheimers, and there are reversible causes of forgetfulness that can be treated if caught early. Also, remember the old adage “use it or lose it.” Mental exercisereading, doing crossword puzzles, playing chess or Scrabbleis as good for preserving your mind as physical exercise

10、 is for your body. 注(1):本文选自Time; 2/2/xx, p78-78, 2/3p, 2c; 注(2):本文习题命题模仿对象第1题模仿xx年text 4第1题;第2题模仿1994年真题text 2 第3题;第3模仿xx年真题text 3 第3题,第45题模仿xx年text 3第4,5题; 1. From the first paragraph, we learn that. A the baby-boom generation will not suffer from Alzhemers disease B recent progress brings hope fo

11、r Alzheimer victims C the week was very important for Alzheimers because a documentary about it was shown on PBS D the new achievements made on several fronts show that Alzheimers disease can be cured 2. The phrase “stave off” (line 1, paragraph 2) most probably means “”。 A getting B treating C curi

12、ng D preventing 3. The report in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that . A bination therapy refers to bining two different ways of treatment B donepezil helps blocks overproduction of a harmful brain chemical called glutamate C bination therapy is of great benefit to all patient

13、s with Alzheimers D Aricept and Namenda have better effect when used together than used separately 4. Why is brain imaging considered progress in treating Alzhemers? A Because it helps doctors diagnose and treat the disease in an early phase by tracking the progress of plaques in the brain. B Becaus

14、e it helps doctors autopsy the brains of the patients after they died. C Because it helps doctors see the plaque desposits clearly so that they can operate on the brain. D Because it helps doctors develop a new procedure of tracking the progress of the disease. 5. To which of the following is the au

15、thor likely to agree? A Alzhemers disease can be cured thanks to the new advances. B Forgetfulness can be cured by doing mental exercise. C Careful evaluation is important because it can tell Alzheimers from curable memory lapses, which can be treated if found in an early phase. D Mental exercises do good only to forgetfulness caused by reversible causes.


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