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1、XX版pep四年级英语下册第六单元检测试题 随着当今社会的飞速开展,掌握英语已经成为衡量新世纪人才能力的一个标准。下面是为大家搜索的xx版pep四年级英语下册第六单元检测试题,希望对大家有所帮助。 ()1.A.sizeB.smallC.so ()2.A.umbrella B.shoes C.sure ()3.A.skirt B.scarf C.sun ()4.A.pretty B.expensive C.cheap ()5.A.sweater B.skirt C.shirt ()1.A.Can I help you? B.Can I try them on? ()2.A.Whose pen i

2、s this? B.Who is that? ()3.A.How many umbrellas are there? B.How much is the umbrella? ()4.A.Its too small. B.Its too big. ()5.A.It is very pretty. B.It is very cheap. ()1.Look at that colourful dress. ()2.How much is this shirt? ()3.This shirt is pretty. ()4.I like the green shoes. ()5.How about th

3、is pair? ()1.cheapsweater ()2.pretty help ()3.colour orange ()4.expensive take ()5.niy size ()1. is it? Its brown. A.What timeB.What colour C.How much ()2.Its cool today. your jacket! A.Put onB.Put down C.look ()3.Can I wear my new shirt? A.Yes,I am. B.No,we cant. C.Yes,you can. ()4. the scarf too e

4、xpensive? A.Are B.IsC.Am ()5.Whats the like in Changchun? Its cold. A.sweater B.weather C.water ()6. that dress. A.Look B.Look at C.Look on 1.Size 5.(就画线局部提问) ? 2.Are they all right?(作肯定答复) ,they . 3.它们多少钱?(汉译英) are they? 4.Its mine.(英译汉) 5.它们三元钱。(汉译英) are yuan. ()1.你决定买下某件东西,你应该对售货员说: A.I want it.B

5、.Look! C.Ill take it. ()2.你觉得朋友的书包很漂亮,你应该说: A.Its pretty. B.Its cheap. C.Its expensive. ()3.假设你是商场的售货员,见到顾客时,你应该说: A.Look at my clothes,please. B.Can you help me? C.Can I help you? ()4.你想表达“这条裤子多少钱?”时,你应该说: A.How much are the pants? B.How many pants are there? C.How much is the pants? A.muchB.CanC.c

6、heap D.at E.expensive A:Good evening.1. I help you? B:Yes,I want a dress,please. A:Please look 2. this one.Its very pretty. B:But its too 3.Its 350 yuan. A:How about this one?Its 4. B:But I dont like the colour.Its too colourful. A:Do you like that yellow one? B:It is nice.How 5. is it? A:Its 100 yu

7、an. B:OK.Ill take it.Here is the money. A:Thank you.Anything else? B:No,thanks.Goodbye! 以“Go Shopping”为题写一篇短文。 要求:句子通顺,内容连贯,30个单词左右。 第六单元全练全测 一、1.size2.sure3.scarf4.cheap5.sweater 二、1.Can I help you? 2.Whose pen is this? 3.How much is the umbrella? 4.Its too big. 5.It is very cheap. 三、A.I like the g

8、reen shoes. B.How much is this shirt? C.Look at that colourful dress. D.How about this pair? E.This shirt is pretty. 第六单元全练全测 一、1.A2.C3.B4.C5.A 二、1.A2.A3.B4.B5.B 三、1.C2.B3.E4.A5.D 四、1.D2.D3.D4.D5.S 五、1.B2.A3.C4.B5.B6.B 六、1.What size2.Yes,are3.How much 4.它是我的。5.They,three 七、1.C2.A3.C4.A 八、1.B2.D3.E4.C5.A 九、 Go Shopping Today is Sunday.It is sunny and warm.I go shopping with my mother.I want to buy a pair of shoes and a dress.I like the pretty dress very much.Its 90 yuan.I like the red shoes.They are nice.They are 30 yuan.They are cheap.



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